Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., The anger and frustration that grows out of an unsatisfying, unfulfilling or unpredictable relationship one has with an electronic device, especially a computer. v. intr., To be trapped in a passive-aggressive, codependency with a computer.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: kmartinmt
Pronunciation: el-lec-tro-psych-os-is
Sentence: Ellen was afraid she might have the electronic disease, electropsychosis.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: app aw ling goo ista
Sentence: their appallingvista was even worse that the inXPlickable relationshit she had with her previous partner (yes it was a typo, but I left it in!)
Etymology: appaling vista, Vista.
Hilarious sentence! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-30: 07:34:00
Yep, I'm laughing too! - bananabender, 2008-01-30: 07:42:00
Agreed, lol'ing at the sentence!! :D - Dougalistic, 2008-01-30: 10:16:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: y-fyte
Sentence: Nerdia had never recovered from the wifight brought on inexorably by the constant aggravations of trying to connect her laptop to wireless networks at conference venues. After forking out exorbitant per hour rates for access, she frequently found that wireless coverage in the auditorium was flaky or only in the far left corner. Despite these tribulations she could never forgo her online fix.
Etymology: wifi + fight
Hahahahaa. "Nerdia"....good one! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-21: 08:36:00
Why fight? My vote for you also! - logarithm, 2008-11-21: 08:38:00
Wifight bowled me over! Very clever creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-11-21: 13:00:00
How many of us have thought "Wifight our online fix of daily verbotomy?" - silveryaspen, 2008-11-21: 14:03:00
Did you know Nerdia was from Techsas? She married a Geek from Athens. - petaj, 2008-11-22: 05:08:00
I like it - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-23: 15:48:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: in/com/put/uh/bull
Sentence: After many months of anger and frustration and unsatisfying results from her laptop, the technical advisor at the computer store advised Jane that her and her laptop were completely incomputible and she should move onto a new machine.
Etymology: computer + incompatible
I like it! Will she go to a computer dating agency to shop around? - bananabender, 2008-01-30: 07:50:00
perfect word! - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-30: 12:16:00
From the chains of computrimony goeth Jane! great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-30: 16:21:00
hi mr.stevenson its chris the 1 who asks a lot off qu. at lunch im purpleman kk - purpleman, 2008-01-30: 20:44:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: peesed/off
Sentence: My computer never fails to get me pcdoff.
Etymology: pc + pissed off
Very clever ... roared with laughter! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-30: 19:34:00
Hilarious, left-field, clever! - bananabender, 2008-01-30: 23:30:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: əˈclik shən
Sentence: PeeCee has a serious aclikshun. As much as she hates it, she just can't separate herself from her computer. She has given up eating breakfast to play some silly little online word game every morning. She was so aclikted that she has lost the ability to talk to anybody face-to-face. She tried to sign up for a computer-aclikshun class but couldn't get her calendar program to work correctly. Last weekend, while having dinner with her kids, Doc and Giffer, she placed her order by e-mail. Thank goodness for Wi-Fi. She had trouble accepting her divorce from Mac until he sent the papers to her as a .pdf file.
Etymology: addiction (the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity) + click (in computing, an act of pressing a mouse button)+ shun (persistently avoid, ignore, or reject)
And here I sit clicking and typing. :-) - wayoffcenter, 2008-11-21: 06:46:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-21: 10:15:00
Delightful creation! I will grin and think of you everytime I use it! - silveryaspen, 2008-11-21: 12:35:00
Acliktic word! - Nosila, 2008-11-21: 23:16:00
rolls off the tongue - DaddyNewt, 2008-11-22: 00:09:00
Created by: logarithm
Pronunciation: bI-tEr-pyu-tEr
Sentence: Judy is fed-up with the constant bitterputer chaos in the office that she has decided to change for a betterputer.
Etymology: Bitter - marked by strong resentment or cynicism. Computer = puter - an electronic device used to store, sort, correlate, and make calculations on data at high speeds. Bitterputer = sour relationship with the computer. Antonym = Betterputer
Nice Mandelbroth of words. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-21: 08:39:00
Hahah... thanx metrohumanx. - logarithm, 2008-11-21: 09:04:00
Hahah... thanx metrohumanx. - logarithm, 2008-11-21: 09:37:00
good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-23: 15:45:00
I thought you'd get that one.... :) - metrohumanx, 2008-11-24: 16:02:00
Created by: ScrabbledEgg
Pronunciation: hard WEER ee nehs
Sentence: After a full day of wrestling with her laptop, blackberry, and TIVO, the familiar hardweariness set in. Yet she couldn't help herself as she surfed until the wee hours of the morning, hardwearied (hardwired + weary) to her computer.
Etymology: hardware + weary
Great last line! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-30: 19:46:00
Created by: CanadianAndyCapp
Pronunciation: TECH-NO-STRANG-U-LA-TA
Sentence: Because his computer repeatedly and stubbornly refused to dish up the information that he had just spent the last six hours inputting, Joe suffered a severe attack of technostrangulata. However, with the aid of a six pound hammer and the threat "I know it's in there, Give it too me!" he soon persuaded the demonic machine to relent.
Etymology: Techno- to be derived from an alien torture device. Strangulata- To be inclined through blind frustration to commit mayhem upon technology. See also NeoLuddite or Ludditeism
been there - bookowl, 2008-01-30: 20:12:00
Top emotive sentence and etymology. Funny! - bananabender, 2008-01-30: 23:38:00

Today's definition was suggested by Silveryaspen. Thank you Silveryaspen. ~ James
bananabender - 2008-01-30: 08:22:00
Great definition Silveryaspen. You definately pressed our buttons with this one! So many clever and funny verboticisms and sentences. Still chuckling!
Today's definition was suggested by Silveryaspen. Thank you Silveryaspen. ~ James