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'You mean, it's okay if I'm a totally obsessive-compulsive neat freak?'

DEFINITION: v. To suddenly discover that your most troublesome personality defect, for which you have been taking medication and/or therapy, is actually your greatest asset. n. A perceived weakness which is actually a strength.

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Created by: kirkaw

Pronunciation: traw-maze

Sentence: When Michael's obnoxious outburst at the Marsha resulted in her quiting the next day, to the delighted of the rest of the office staff, he was simply traumazed at himself.

Etymology: trauma - amazed

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: han dee kap

Sentence: at the Outside the Box employment agency they help change a handicap to a handycap, one person's OCD sufferer is another person's cleaner/office manager/proof reader.

Etymology: handicap, handy


love it - remistram, 2007-06-25: 14:37:00

Voted! - Clayton, 2007-06-25: 21:15:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: ben + ih + fit

Sentence: My epilepsy gets me a lot of work in industrial blending applications, so it's turned out to be a benifit.

Etymology: bene + fit (only I spelled it with an "i" instead of the second e, to distinguish it from the original word).

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: flawnt-it

Sentence: Cherie really started marketing herself when she realised her flawntit gave her an oddvantage over the other candidates.

Etymology: flaw + If you've got it flaunt it.

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Created by: fadedeidolon



Etymology: flair, failure

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Created by: andrewa121

Pronunciation: "that's it insane"

Sentence: After interviewing candidate after candidate for our unique position, we finally found one who was thatsitinsane. Her quirks were perfect in every way.

Etymology: from "that's it", an epiphanic phrase, and insane, denoting a tenuous relationship with the rational. cf. "bat shit insane".

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: foy-bil-la-tee

Sentence: Danny's big nose and squeaky voice was his greatest foibility in his career as a television clown. When he was little, all the kids teased him, but when he became a famous Bozo, all the kids loved him.

Etymology: foible: minor weakness or failing of character; an idiocyncracy + ability: a natural or acquired talent

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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: luk jaa

Sentence: His inability to talk made him a great grief counciler. His success rate was nearly 87%, with comment cards lauding his ability to listen.

Etymology: lockjaw + luck

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Created by: weareallbeautiful

Pronunciation: b-eh-n-kuh-m-puh-v-er-ee

Sentence: Julie made an astonishing bencompovery that her annoying compulsion of organizing everything had gotten her a high paying job as a secretary for the president of one of the most successful corporations in the country.

Etymology: benefit+compulsion+discovery

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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: fawl-TIL-i-tee

Sentence: Madeline's faultility was her incessant nose-blowing. Her husband thought of divorcing her, but she was such an amazing duck call.

Etymology: fault + utility

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 02:24:00
This is a Verbotomy Classic -- one of our favorites from the past. If you have already created a word for this definition, and want to try a new challenge try our new Verbotomy Text. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 11:55:00
Hey James, the Show All view doesn't show all. I like the Daily Stats better.

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 12:04:00
Points aren't working either. I got 8. Did a word, pronunciation, etymology, and voted.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 13:12:00
Show all is working now. I'm working on the scoring. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-25: 23:58:00
The score is now updated properly ~ James

wordmeister - 2007-06-29: 00:39:00

jrogan - 2009-07-31: 10:16:00
It was hard to write a sentence for this one...

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