Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To see joy and beauty where others only see complications, trouble and weeds. n. A moment of delight which dissipates as soon as it is shared.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Jamagra
Pronunciation: dan/dee/li/on/ize
Sentence: Depending on which of her friends you talked to, Leslie's tendency to dandelionize every situation made her either naive or optomistic.
Etymology: dandelion - plant commonly perceived as a weed, but good in salads and wine lionize -to treat as a celebrity
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: nah-eevyoo-tey
Sentence: Marissa was a typically cruel sister. Whenever Jennie stopped by to show her something that fascinated her, Marissa was quick to throw the kabosh on her enthusiasm. Yet, Jennie's naiviewte was unstoppable. She never ceased to find the world around her amazing.
Etymology: naïveté, from French(of being simple) + view (looking at)
way to go Jennie - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-31: 12:51:00
Sounds good to me! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-01: 00:16:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: bliss-closure
Sentence: Carlotta gave up talking at the age of 5 when her mother's sour responses to her childish delight in the world led only to blissclosure. Oh that's a sad story.
Etymology: bliss + disclosure (sharing a secret)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flop tim izm
Sentence: Her excitement soon turned to floptimism when Ashley gave her sister Erika a dandelion from the yard, which she had inadvertantly killed.
Etymology: Flop (disappointment;failure) & Optimisim (a general disposition to expect the best in all things;the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: flopp ta misssst
Sentence: When life gives you lemons...make a scrunched up face, she added floptimistically
Etymology: optimistic flop
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: trān'zē-ən-chānt'mənt
Sentence: Marvin suddenly knew his crush on the willowy blond/e he had met at the bar earlier that evening was mere transienchantment when, as they were making out in the darkened booth in the back, his hand felt the stiffening bulge beneath the front of "her" miniskirt.
Etymology: Trans, from transgender, politically correct term for the range of proclivities from cross-dressers to full-blown top and bottom transsexuals; iench, unit of measurement in the deep southern U.S.; antment, that which befalls one's honey sandwich when dropped on the ground.
Ahh, his own personal Crying Game! - Nosila, 2008-03-31: 20:41:00
Yep, I understand, the willowy blonde was an undercover cop and the "bulge" was his gun! Very funny; good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-01: 00:02:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: krap-tih-miss-tik
Sentence: Each spring, I get all craptimistic and weedgleed waiting for lamb's quarters and purslane to make their annual garden invasion. My motto - if ya can't beat 'em, eat 'em! (BTW, purslane contains more Omega 3 fatty acids than any other edible plant).
Etymology: crap, optimistic
you really believe this winter will ever end - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-31: 12:49:00
Yep! My daffodils are up about 4 inches - garlic about 6. However, I am so NOT ready for the 50 strawberry plants being delivered today... what the hell was I thinking? - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-31: 14:05:00
I too live in a Garden of Weedin'...Cheers, purple! - Nosila, 2008-03-31: 20:48:00
The payoff for craptimism usually comes on large denominations of crapola. I hope I'm not being overly craptimistic about my herb and veggie gardens. - Mustang, 2008-03-31: 23:10:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: Positive and attitude
Sentence: Dude, cut the positude.
Etymology: Positive + attitude
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: boo-fawr-ee-uh
Sentence: Her parents spent a lifetime building her self-esteem, praising her every utterance, every action. It all came crashing down as she opened her mouth on the stage of American Idol. All she wanted was to share her "wonderful" talent. Now she is in a state of boophoria. Big frigging thanks Mom & Dad!
Etymology: boo (an exclamation of contempt or disapproval) + euphoria (a state of intense happiness and self-confidence)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: BLIS-uh-peyt
Sentence: As rainclouds fade away to distant horizons, only the waterless desert blissipates at its sandy dunes.
Etymology: BLISS :Middle English blisse, from Old English bliss, from blīths, from blīthe, joyful; -_SIPATE:from L. sipatus, pp. of (dis)sipare "disperse, squander, disintegrate, cause to vanish" + supare "to throw, scatter about."
very poetic - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-31: 12:53:00
Great word Oz! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-31: 14:05:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-30: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by an anonymous donor. Thank you! ~ James
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