Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v., To facilitate camaraderie among your colleagues by making fun at your boss's expense, only to discover that you-know-who is standing right behind you. n., A professional faux pas made with the best intentions.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: mok-uh-rif-ik
Sentence: Janice thought it was great fun to lampoon her boss for her coworkers. It was a sure way get a laugh. Her latest performance was not so warmly received by "Mr. So this is what you do when I'm not here". Though her show proved to be mockeriffic, she was somewhat regretful as she danced out the door in her pink slippers.
Etymology: mockery (an imitation, especially of a ridiculous or unsatisfactory kind) + riff (a reduction in the number of persons employed by a business) + terrific (extremely good; wonderful)
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: him/presh/un
Sentence: Elaine was a hoot. No matter how bad the day was going, she could always uplift the mood in Purchasing. Unfortunately, having her back to the boss's office door turned her last afternoon "show" into nothing more than a horrifying himpression. Needless to say, Elaine doesn't work here anymore. :(
Etymology: Being caught by a male while doing an impression of him.
Himpressive word! - Nosila, 2008-10-22: 01:15:00
Created by: badsnudge
Pronunciation: \ˈne-byu̇-ˌtänt\
Sentence: Unaware of the two-way mirror, Debbie's nebutaunting of the produce manager, while resulting in her demotion and ultimately her dismissal, caused her popularity to boom amidst the bag-boys.
Etymology: neb (from nebbish, in this case a sissy produce manager) + debutant (one making a first appearance, in this case first appearance in showing one's ass) + taunt
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Bos-tra-sized
Sentence: Betty got bosstracised as she made a fool her of herself on Mr. Jurkhishead's desk.
Etymology: Boss + ostracize together - ostracize, ostracise ~ [ˈɒstrəˌsaɪz]- to exclude or banish (a person) from a particular group, society, etc.
good one! - Nosila, 2013-01-08: 23:22:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: jērlēdər
Sentence: With the office down in the dumps over falling sales figures, and the boss behind closed doors for meetings, Jill took on the role of jeerleader.
Etymology: jeer (make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice) + cheerleader (a person who leads cheers and applause)
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: 'jir-'si-ted
Sentence: Kimberly was on a roll. "Oh hi. I'm Zinnia and I can't distinguish brie from camembert," she mused. And although Kimberly did know a lot about cheese, she did not know that Zinnia had entered the break room behind her. "You're right" she said meekly, "but neither can most people." Kimberly was now in the hot seat, and embarrassed that the sound of laughter had left her jeersighted. Kimberly took off her beret.
Etymology: jeer (deride with mocking) + sighted (having sight) play on nearsighted
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: hi/jinxed
Sentence: I've been hijinxed several times trying to bolster dispirited colleagues.
Etymology: hijinks + jinxed
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: v.:lam-PLOY / n.:lam-PLOY-ee
Sentence: Marjorie was lambusted when her boss found her acting the lamployee during bagle-time. lambusted: to be lamploying and get caught by the boss.
Etymology: lampoon is the root for lamployee but lambast is the root for lambust.

Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang! ~ James
Mustang - 2007-11-23: 02:38:00
What a pleasant surprise to find one of my submissions on display! It's inspiring. :-)
Congratulations Mustang! I am sure your Boss is also quite thrilled. ~ James
Mustang - 2007-11-23: 08:17:00
When I retired 20+ yrs ago I WAS the boss. :-)
Well, you're the still big boss here! ~ James
Jabberwocky - 2007-11-23: 12:12:00
nice save James - I think you just got caught making fun of the boss
Are you trying to fundermine my steambuilding efforts? ~ James
The warm-up act must have been the bossanova.
galwaywegian - 2008-10-21: 08:47:00
galwaywegian - 2008-10-21: 08:47:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James