Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To propose and win approval for cost-saving reforms, which when implemented result in the immediate elimination of your job. n. An ambitious budget-slasher who accidentally cuts themselves out of a job.
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Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: eeeee lemm ing nayshun
Sentence: He wanted so much to please Cliff, he designed his own elemmingnation. wjhy, oh why did he have to be so head over heels over cliff?
Etymology: elimination lemming
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ek on oh no mix
Sentence: When Mr Bill did up his new budget, he had suggested cutting 20 jobs. The numbers sang to his boss, Mr.Sluggo, and so he included Mr. Bill's job in the redundancies. Mr. Bill learned the hard way about econohnomics! Oh Nooooooooo!
Etymology: Economics (financial managment) & Oh No (exclamation of alarm or concern and signature phrase of Mr. Bill, cartoon figure on SNL)
Created by: TimTheEnchanter
Pronunciation: SPIT-Fye-rd
Sentence: "If you want to hit these new cost-cutting targets," Vivian explained, "you need to get some really motivated, hard-working people on your staff. I've got this programmer, Jenny... I absolutely adore her. She is such a little spitfired, this application she's writing will save me almost as much as I'll save when I cut her salary from my budget."
Etymology: Spitfire: an energetic, enthusiastic person + Fired: terminated
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: ik-SPEND-thrift
Sentence: Sayonara Bob, best wishes for the future, now you know the human cost of being an expendthrift.
Etymology: EXPEND, do away with, To "pay" out, rid 2. Squander THRIFT:Frugality,economy
very clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-27: 10:21:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: jäbisīd
Sentence: James wrote a program that automates the tasks that used to take him hours to do. The result is that it his work can now be handled by a part-time intern. The other result is that his job is now done by a part-time intern, a clear case of jobicide.
Etymology: job (a paid position of regular employment) + suicide (the action of killing oneself intentionally)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: been-count-a-pre-duk-tiv
Sentence: Solly's brilliant plan to save costs in administration was a selffulfoiling prophecy. His plan to replace half the accountants with a super duper finance software application resulted in him getting a redundancy package and the beancounterproductive medal at the CPA annual awards night.
Etymology: bean counter (accountant) + counter productive (acting against usefulness)
Excellent word and the way you worked in that 'selffulfoiling' was very clever too. - Mustang, 2008-05-27: 07:52:00
terrific word and your little movie is fantastic - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-27: 10:17:00
Great movie - is there a sequel? - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-27: 20:33:00
Thank you. Releasing sequels too rapidly is a sign of $$$$ winning out over quality in the movie world. I'm not ruling out a sequel, but you might have to wait awhile. But how about some other verbotomists have a go. - petaj, 2008-05-28: 02:50:00
Created by: robcrow
Pronunciation: Slash-sid-dint
Sentence: As he spoke to the Board of Directors about his new cost cutting proposal James realised he may have had a slashcident. It was confirmed that he slashcidised himself when a board member commented, "Well, everyone in that division is now redundant".
Etymology: slash (representing cost slashing) + cident (representing accident).
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kəri(ə)isīd
Sentence: Rob’s ”Fall on your sword” project had the expected results. Now, going from job interview to job interview, he wonders why he committed this act of careericide. Worse than loosing his job he finds that he has been de-friended by most of his old coworkers on Facebook.
Etymology: career (an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life) + suicide (the action of killing oneself intentionally)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: prob lehm ing sahl vur
Sentence: the problemmingsolver went that one staep further than everyone else. one giant step for dunbkind
Etymology: problem solver lemming
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: SELF+AX+actUATE
Sentence: I had a sneeking feeling I might be cutting my own throat, and when the pat on the back turned into a handshake goodbye, I knew I had selfaxuated.
Etymology: SELF+AX+actUATE
Verbotomy - 2008-05-27: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James
Jabberwocky - 2008-05-27: 10:27:00
so many good words today
Verbotomy - 2009-07-08: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James