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DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.
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Created by: SethelMerman
Pronunciation: dif-SIP-ee-uh
Sentence: It gave me much difsipia, Anderson's dark roast completes me, Randle's depletes me.
Etymology: Different: another, not the same + Sip: to taste + ia:a suffix
LOVE THE ETYMOLOGY - DrWebsterIII, 2012-10-24: 11:21:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: bad ver tyze
Sentence: Latte Kafeen swung by the local coffee bar on the way to work each morning for her usual double double decaf mocha machato frothy made with brown cane sugar and skim milk. It was tasty, but took about ten minutes to create by the time all the steaming and foaming and brewing was complete and cost eight bucks. One morning when running late and a bit broke, she opted for a plain small coffee ($1) at the local convenience store. Of course, that was when she ran smack into Christa the Barista from her usual java purveyor out on the street. Latte's feeble fumbling was a poor atttempt to hide the brand name on her cup and instead served to badvertise her guilt. She never returned to the fancy coffee bar after that, lest revenge was put upon her defection in the form of a foreign and icky substance in her cup.
Etymology: Bad (not good;keenly sorry or regretful;nonstandard) & Advertise (make publicity for;call attention to)
Created by: Sarahbarah
Pronunciation: Deli-cheese-ting
Sentence: My mom was a Delicheeseting because she told her friend who worked at starbucks she would drink their coffee, but really she drank Bobs coffee.
Etymology: Deli-"Delight" joy, happyness chea- "cheat", "cheating" going against are behind someones back
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skəlˈməgərē
Sentence: In a underbranded act of skulmuggery Mindy purchased her morning cup of wake-up from the local gas station and transferred it to her Starbucks mug. She even pretended that she enjoyed it as she settled in for her day at work.
Etymology: skulduggery (underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery) + mug (a large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer, typically used for coffee)
Created by: graypenguin
Pronunciation: cap-uh-chee-ter
Sentence: The cappucheater was never let into his favorite local coffee shop again when he was caught drinking Starbucks.
Etymology: cappuccino + cheater
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: kon-vahl-dez
Sentence: Betsy was filled regret and convaldez when Juan caught her with Hunky Donut's Kona Blend instead of her usual Moondollar Columbian.
Etymology: con + Juan Valdez
I bet she got an ass whipping - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 15:11:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kulpa lay bel itee
Sentence: Saundra was jeanetically challenged. She loved her old Levi's, but of late found them more expensive, the right fits harder to find and the brand carried less design variety for a fashionista like her. She had guiltily bought a marvy pair of new jeans with rhinestones and embroidery adorning them at a discount store. So what if they would only last through a few washes before they shredded. With a fearsome culpalabelity, she wore them to work one day. Her eagle-eyed manager spotted the new jeans right away. He shouted, "Saundra you can only come waltzing into this Levi's store if it is by Stauss!"
Etymology: Culpability (a state of guilt) & Label (brand;trade name;an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: a/mare/i/kano/jig/oh/low
Sentence: He was just buying espressos for the guys on the desk but the barista who already had his favourite americano brewing made him experience an acute attack of americanogigolo.
Etymology: americano + American Gigolo (of Richard Gere fame)
excelatte! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-19: 05:56:00
Well espressoed! Perhaps the barista just needed to get cafe au laid. - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-19: 11:31:00
too true - an extra fine grind might have bean just what the doctor ordered - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 12:05:00
Looks like he has the makings of logogigolo! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-19: 17:45:00
Caf fine! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-19: 17:50:00
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Strey-truhn
Sentence: Captain Felipe was having the best day of his life, booming his stereo while speeding up and down main street in his new Honda. Unfortunately it was right in front of his Mercury Sable dealer Stephan, he felt like such a straytron.
Etymology: Stray - Patron, sounds like patron
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: Star-Fahq-Er-D
Sentence: You bitch! I can't believe you would walk into the office holding that shitty ass bean water! I'm so starfuckered, I'll never be able to enjoy foam with you, EVER again!
Etymology: Starbucks, and those little bastard/bitches who you know.

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
love the etymology