Vote for the best verboticism.

'Omigod! You're cheating on me!'

DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.

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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: in-fran-chiyzd

Sentence: as she skulked out of starbucks with her ridiculously large sweet warm beveridge she was feeling incredibly infranchised

Etymology: in, franchise, disenfranchised

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mee a kup pa

Sentence: Susan had to scurry past the window of her favourite coffee bar and not look in, because today she had grabbed a cup of rooibos tea from the tea shop on the corner. When she almost ran into the barista Jill who was coming down the street, she cried, "Meacuppa,Jill,someone bought me this, I just couldn't refuse...I'll be back at my usual time tomorrow!

Etymology: mea culpa (an acknowledgment of your error or guilt;remorse;apology for error) & Cup (a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle) & cuppa (British for a cup of tea, which cures everything and solves all the world's problems, at least on Coronation Street!)


Excellent... - Mustang, 2008-08-21: 07:47:00

quite nice - Navalon, 2008-08-21: 22:32:00

I can feel litigation coming on. Good brew - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:08:00

Cheers, You make me feel Joe-vial! - Nosila, 2008-08-23: 00:01:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: purk - ooo - tray - tore

Sentence: Honey felt like a peerkotraitor. Ben bought her a gift bag of Starbucks coffee but each morning, she brewed a fresh pot of Folgers and poured it in the "Starbucks" mug. She didn't know how to tell him that she liked cheap coffee better.

Etymology: Perkolator - device used to brew coffee or a person who brews it + traitor - someone who is not loyal and betrays a cause or trust.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: mess/presso

Sentence: Aria was so humiliated that she went ahead and banned herself from Le Cafe de Cafe. Having been spotted by "Lucky Pierre" the cafe's owner as she stood in line at Starbuck's...yeah, she was a real messpresso. She no longer felt worthy of his homemade croissants or his famous watered down Joe.

Etymology: mess esspresso

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Created by: Kooldaddy

Pronunciation: con-tra-bran ding

Sentence: Jane was embarrassed when her favorite Barrista from Starbucks caught her contrabranding at Java Jones.

Etymology: brand betrayal, branding, out-branding, contrary branding, and contraband

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: KAFF-flip-flop

Sentence: After Bob's cafflipflop, all that was left for him was isolatte.

Etymology: Blend of CAFF as in Caffiene; FLIP-FLOP: change of mind, reversal, apostasy

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Created by: Syzygy

Pronunciation: Bean-a-dict-arn-awld

Sentence: The cup of Average Joe Coffee (r) in Marie's hand revealed her to be a beanadict-arnold.

Etymology: From Benedict Arnold


Creative! You should put in a sentence and recieve the rest of your points. - Scrumpy, 2007-09-20: 10:01:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: skəlˈməgərē

Sentence: In a underbranded act of skulmuggery Mindy purchased her morning cup of wake-up from the local gas station and transferred it to her Starbucks mug. She even pretended that she enjoyed it as she settled in for her day at work.

Etymology: skulduggery (underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery) + mug (a large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer, typically used for coffee)

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Created by: lakia




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Created by: wordslikevenom

Pronunciation: Brand-it'ute

Sentence: Zoe felt sure that, by swapping the lables, she could effectively mask the branditution.

Etymology: Brand - a type of product made by a particular company. Substitute - to use something instead of another thing.

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Created by: Sarahbarah

Pronunciation: Deli-cheese-ting

Sentence: My mom was a Delicheeseting because she told her friend who worked at starbucks she would drink their coffee, but really she drank Bobs coffee.

Etymology: Deli-"Delight" joy, happyness chea- "cheat", "cheating" going against are behind someones back

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: exactly like betrayed

Sentence: Mac Iato was roasted for his betradal of his brother's coffee shop. Not only was he caught sipping in the shop over the road, he announced in the press that the grind of his job resulted in long black moods which were expressoed in bursts of short tamper and lattely he'd bean bitter about his decision to join the Cappuchins.

Etymology: betray + trade(as in trademark)

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Created by: skeeterzirra

Pronunciation: mee ah gull pa

Sentence: I was caught with ICED java, my meagulpa!

Etymology: Latin mea culpa

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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: KULL-pah-CHEE-noh

Sentence: Kate was filled with culpaccino as she quietly sipped her coffee under Mike's accusing stare.

Etymology: culpable (guilty and responsible) + cappuccino (type of coffee)


Love it! Great play on words. :) - abrakadeborah, 2012-12-06: 14:41:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: cap-yew-CHEEN-oh-oh

Sentence: Glynnis was caught in a cappuccinohoh moment when her boyfriend Gilbert caught her drinking instant decaf coffee out of a Starbucks cup.

Etymology: blend of 'cappuccino' (n. coffee with steamed milk, sometimes served with whipped cream or sprinkled with powdered chocolate) and 'oh oh' or 'uh oh' (1.An exclamation of error, concern, awareness of a problem, or surprise)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: brand-slip-sip

Sentence: Bob was brandesultory: a new brand a day was his way. When drinking coffee it had to be a sneaky brandslipsip; for sunscreen a shifty brandslipslop. But during times of quiet reflection it was a brandslip-guilt-trip.

Etymology: "brand" & "slip" (to fall into mistake, error, to err, sin)& "sip."


and sometimes, if he was indecisive, he did a brandslipflipflop - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 15:08:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: a/mare/i/kano/jig/oh/low

Sentence: He was just buying espressos for the guys on the desk but the barista who already had his favourite americano brewing made him experience an acute attack of americanogigolo.

Etymology: americano + American Gigolo (of Richard Gere fame)


excelatte! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-19: 05:56:00

Well espressoed! Perhaps the barista just needed to get cafe au laid. - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-19: 11:31:00

too true - an extra fine grind might have bean just what the doctor ordered - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 12:05:00

Looks like he has the makings of logogigolo! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-19: 17:45:00

Caf fine! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-19: 17:50:00


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Created by: Pseudonym

Pronunciation: bran-der-e-lik-shun

Sentence: "You would not believe the brandereliction I felt when I couldn't find my usual moisturizer."

Etymology: brand + dereliction

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Created by: SethelMerman

Pronunciation: dif-SIP-ee-uh

Sentence: It gave me much difsipia, Anderson's dark roast completes me, Randle's depletes me.

Etymology: Different: another, not the same + Sip: to taste + ia:a suffix


DrWebsterIII LOVE THE ETYMOLOGY - DrWebsterIII, 2012-10-24: 11:21:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kup-ter-fyooj

Sentence: Joan ran into her favorite barista while she was shopping for groceries. He mentioned that he hadn't seen her as often as he once had. She played it off by telling him that her work schedule had changed. Her cupterfuge unraveled when she set down the cup of coffee she was sipping. As she did the cardboard heat guard slipped down exposing the logo of a different coffee shop. She was so embarrassed she ran away crying.

Etymology: cup (a container used to hold a dring like tea or coffee) + subterfuge (deception, scheme, trick)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: noōtaɪmər

Sentence: Joan’s barista thought she was a faithful customer. What he didn’t know is that she is really a newtimer, checking out whatever is advertised as ”the latest and greatest”. She has been known to buy a second cup just to cover her treason.

Etymology: new (not existing before) + two-timer (deceive or be unfaithful to)

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Created by: audrey


Sentence: A cafeconlecher is a coffee whore; he french presses a sulawesi/kenya blend with one day and a Tim Horton's big one the next

Etymology: cafe con leche and lecher

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kap/oo/cheet/oh

Sentence: The extra two blocks to Star Bucks seemed difficult today for Mary, so she visited Second Cup. After the fist sip an overwhelming feeling of cappuccheato set in and she broke down and had to dispose of her 'fling coffee' in the nearest waste bin.

Etymology: cappuccino + cheat

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: tim/hor/tons

Sentence: Any Canadian who gets coffee at any other franchise feels like a timwhoreton.

Etymology: Tim Hortons + whore


You must have caught me timwhoretoning at Star Bucks. Great word!!! - Stevenson0, 2007-09-20: 12:02:00


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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: em BAYR ist ment

Sentence: Joe couldn't escape a vague feeling of embaristment as he walked right past Czarbucks coffee shop holding a cup of convenience store coffee. After all, most of them in there knew him by name. His mocapriciousness had a reason, though, and it wasn't that he was tired of paying $80 a month for coffee; it was his newfound crush on the cute girl behind the counter at the convenience store. Years of coffealty to went out the window when it came to her; even fear of dreg-radation couldn't stand up against love.

Etymology: embarrassment + barist(a)


Latte fun! - Nosila, 2010-01-18: 23:07:00


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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: la"bel - sha*m

Sentence: Maxine tried to sneak past the mean girls outside of The Gap as she felt labelshamed with her Forever 21 bag:(

Etymology: label (an identifying brand) + shame (painful feeling having lost the respect of others

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Created by: apathy42



Etymology: Label adultery

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: em-bear-ees-ta-ment

Sentence: It was a beastly hot day in Georgia and the place was Java Sun, a combination expresso shop and tanning parlor. Sootie thought she could get away it. Instead of her usual, she had ordered a decaf frozen mocha (with whipped cream) from the new barista while Josh was on his break at the gun shop next door. She and Josh had a serious thing about three shots going. It was bad timing when Josh arrived before she had finished the delightful new concoction. She panicked when she realized she didn't have time to slip into one of the beds down the hall. Her heart began skipping more beats than usual as she saw Josh sniffing. She knew it was over as he approached her, downing the last dregs, and sidling towards the trash can. She could have died of embaristament.

Etymology: A play on embarrassment, using barista, one who works behind a bar and serves

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: dunk-in-cov-er

Sentence: Jenna used the dunkincover method of putting a wrapper around her coffee label so her friends wouldn't be able to tell she had switched to the less expensive brand. Unfortunately, they noticed and gave her funny looks all day. Now she she was forced to decide whether to give in to peer group pressure and drink the trendy stuff or continue saving money for her kidney transplant.

Etymology: Duck and Cover: a method of self-preservation during an attack or when everything comes down on you. Dunkin' Donuts: known for their coffee and the slogan "America runs on Dunkin" + Cover: to place something over to protect or conceal


dunkeroo word! - Nosila, 2010-01-18: 23:08:00


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Created by: phonematode

Pronunciation: broo-mohrs

Sentence: He felt a twinge of brewmorse as he left the Starbuck's drive thru, as it had once been a local coffee shop.

Etymology: brew, remorse

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Created by: legalalien

Pronunciation: dis-LAY-bel-ty

Sentence: Jacob, who had an avowed policy of eschewing even benign local franchises with any more than two locations was quite embarassed to be espied by his friends sipping a Big Gulp (TM) and munching on Chicken McNuggets (TM).

Etymology: disloyalty + label

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: lah - tey - sha - grin

Sentence: Alexandra felt a wave of lattechagrin wash over her when her boyfriend Chablis found her drinking decaffeinated instant coffee from a Starbucks cup.

Etymology: Blend of 'latte' (strong espresso coffee with a topping of frothed steamed milk) and 'chagrin' (disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure)


Great word - TJayzz, 2008-08-21: 05:45:00

Good word...this definition has a latte good answers! - Nosila, 2008-08-21: 22:12:00

Well blended. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:09:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Mok-a-shaym

Sentence: Sarah had been a member of the Barista club for the past eight years, so when she was caught by a fellow member drinking a cheap mocha coffee with extra chocolate she felt such mochashame she knew she would never be able to look him in the eye again without feeling guilty.

Etymology: Mocha(coffee, usually with added chocolate) ORIGIN named after a port on the Red Sea from where coffee was first shipped. + Shame(a feeling of awareness of wrong or foolish behaviour) = Mochashame


Good'un...close relative of lattechagrin. - Mustang, 2008-08-21: 07:46:00

Another very good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:07:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: gap/fa

Sentence: Shopping at Old Navy is a huge GAPffe

Etymology: gaffe + GAP

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Created by: noztril

Pronunciation: fool-ger-ing

Sentence: Starbucks manager Mac, found his supply of "Joya del Dia Blend"™ quite low, so he decided on a little foolgering to make the daily sales quota.

Etymology: fooling with folgers

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: deh sow layt sh unn

Sentence: Her desolatteshun upon being thrown out of the Professional Young Mothers for Progressive Shopping coffee mornings, when she was spotted with a generic jar of instant, was the most acute case of logonorrhea she had ever suffered.

Etymology: desolation, latte, shun.


love it - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-21: 16:18:00


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Created by: FreeToys

Pronunciation: Jen - er' - uh - tick

Sentence: That ungrateful Generetic began drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee right in front of me!

Etymology: generic / heretic

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Created by: ScrabbledEgg

Pronunciation: guhl-puh-bil-i-tee

Sentence: She was caught red-branded, scarfing down a Hershey's bar, instead of their beloved Toblerone. Unable to deny her gulpability, she insisted it was just a "one night brand" and begged his forgiveness for the brandgression (brand + transgression).

Etymology: gulp + culpability


chockingly good! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-19: 05:58:00

MrDave2176 Oh my! I didn't see this until after I had posted my entry. Great minds and all... - MrDave2176, 2007-09-19: 09:28:00

Chockful of such sweet trooth! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-19: 17:48:00

A word that's easy to swallow! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-19: 17:48:00


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Created by: idavecook

Pronunciation: Star-Fahq-Er-D

Sentence: You bitch! I can't believe you would walk into the office holding that shitty ass bean water! I'm so starfuckered, I'll never be able to enjoy foam with you, EVER again!

Etymology: Starbucks, and those little bastard/bitches who you know.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: venn err ay shun gap

Sentence: When Britney arrived at the pre-party cocktail thing wearing a Swatch with her valentino dress, she was quickly demoted to ex-soulmate.

Etymology: generation gap, veneration.

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Created by: marglark

Pronunciation: lowka-moka-shun

Sentence: she went through locamochashun when the was cought red branded(other word choice).

Etymology: loca(crazy in spanish) + mocha + shun + locomotion(moving on)

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Created by: knightbird




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Created by: Navalon

Pronunciation: Sip-o-crit

Sentence: "James, you sipocrite!" yelled Megan moments before she stormed out of the coffee shop that had not too recently fired her for un-barista like behavior.

Etymology: Beverage related hypocrisy.


neat - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-21: 16:17:00

SIP-erb word! - Nosila, 2008-08-21: 22:15:00

terrific; clever,too. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:05:00


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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: brand-gres-shun

Sentence: Wally was a BK man: he ate BK breakfasts and BK lunches. His brandgression was exposed when the BK drive-through cashier saw the Chik-Fil-A napkin on his dashboard.

Etymology: Brand + (Trans)Gression


Great minds indeed! - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-19: 11:43:00

1 vote for a great word with no coffee reference! - Jenna, 2007-09-19: 13:42:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: stahr buk el

Sentence: She always proudly walked the extra five hundred metres to the indiecoffeeplace, but it was raining, her feet hurt and she starbuckled

Etymology: starbuck buckle

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bad ver tyze

Sentence: Latte Kafeen swung by the local coffee bar on the way to work each morning for her usual double double decaf mocha machato frothy made with brown cane sugar and skim milk. It was tasty, but took about ten minutes to create by the time all the steaming and foaming and brewing was complete and cost eight bucks. One morning when running late and a bit broke, she opted for a plain small coffee ($1) at the local convenience store. Of course, that was when she ran smack into Christa the Barista from her usual java purveyor out on the street. Latte's feeble fumbling was a poor atttempt to hide the brand name on her cup and instead served to badvertise her guilt. She never returned to the fancy coffee bar after that, lest revenge was put upon her defection in the form of a foreign and icky substance in her cup.

Etymology: Bad (not good;keenly sorry or regretful;nonstandard) & Advertise (make publicity for;call attention to)

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: joh-loh-goh-shmoh

Sentence: She had succumbed to joelogoschmoe behaviour so much so that she crept out the emergency exit which led her to the back alley where it smelled like rotting garbage, of course fell over a piece of rusty scrap metal and skinned her knee as she struggled to save her coffee and ended up in the hospital that evening to receive a tetanus shot.

Etymology: joe (slang for coffee)+ logo + schmoe (yiddish for stupid fool)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kulpa lay bel itee

Sentence: Saundra was jeanetically challenged. She loved her old Levi's, but of late found them more expensive, the right fits harder to find and the brand carried less design variety for a fashionista like her. She had guiltily bought a marvy pair of new jeans with rhinestones and embroidery adorning them at a discount store. So what if they would only last through a few washes before they shredded. With a fearsome culpalabelity, she wore them to work one day. Her eagle-eyed manager spotted the new jeans right away. He shouted, "Saundra you can only come waltzing into this Levi's store if it is by Stauss!"

Etymology: Culpability (a state of guilt) & Label (brand;trade name;an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: a/mare/i/kano/jig/oh/low

Sentence: He was just buying espressos for the guys on the desk but the barista who already had his favourite americano brewing made him experience an acute attack of americanogigolo.

Etymology: americano + American Gigolo (of Richard Gere fame)


More memories of Beverley Hills - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:18:00


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Created by: LadyFox




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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kap/oo/cheet/oh

Sentence: The extra two blocks to Starbucks for her morning fix seemed a bit too difficult today for Jenny, so she visited Second Cup. After the fist sip an overwhelming feeling of cappuccheato set in and she broke down and had to dispose of her 'lazy fling coffee' in the nearest waste bin.

Etymology: CAPPUCCHEATO - noun - from CAPPUCCINO + CHEAT


I JUST CAME BACK TO POST THAT ONE! You verbhogomist you! ha...Ok, thinking cap must go back on... - lumina, 2008-08-21: 01:28:00

Good one. - Mustang, 2008-08-21: 07:50:00

Never trust coffee-drinker. nice word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-22: 05:07:00


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Created by: Scrumpy

Pronunciation: kon-vahl-dez

Sentence: Betsy was filled regret and convaldez when Juan caught her with Hunky Donut's Kona Blend instead of her usual Moondollar Columbian.

Etymology: con + Juan Valdez


I bet she got an ass whipping - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 15:11:00


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Created by: graypenguin

Pronunciation: cap-uh-chee-ter

Sentence: The cappucheater was never let into his favorite local coffee shop again when he was caught drinking Starbucks.

Etymology: cappuccino + cheater

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: Strey-truhn

Sentence: Captain Felipe was having the best day of his life, booming his stereo while speeding up and down main street in his new Honda. Unfortunately it was right in front of his Mercury Sable dealer Stephan, he felt like such a straytron.

Etymology: Stray - Patron, sounds like patron

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: dis-roy-el-tee

Sentence: It was a elite club with just two members--Amber and her co-worker Karen--who knew where to still find Tab and were willing to walk over to the convenience store in the lobby three buildings down to get it. But when Amber discovered that Diet Coke with Lime was an acceptable--and more readily available--substitute, her disroyalty so offended Karen that she couldn't even look Amber in the eye as she charged past her cube with her pink can of Tab in hand.

Etymology: It's a play on disloyalty, but also incorporates the idea of "dissing" the royalty that branded products get.


metrohumanx Great word. Super usage, too. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-28: 03:33:00


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Created by: Jenna

Pronunciation: pref-er-ehn-slip

Sentence: Mary felt a wave of PREFERENSLIP when she was seen wearing Old Navy in The Gap.

Etymology: preference + slip

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: beeen TRAY uhl

Sentence: "It's not mine," she insisted. But it was too late. He was staring at the matching lipstick on the cup -- evidence of her beantrayal.

Etymology: bean (coffee bean) + betrayal (having been disloyal to)


DrWebsterIII 2 in a row WERQUE!! - DrWebsterIII, 2012-10-24: 00:20:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: lata gilt

Sentence: When she walked into her favorite coffee place, Edna new that trouble was percolating. Her barista, Raoul, had spotted her yesterday with a Starbuck's cup as she walked to work. He espressoed his disdain for her and she felt a latteguilt. "Java an idea how hard it is for me to urn a living when my patrons sip around?", he asked. "I feel like a mug", she responded. "I'm just a human bean, afterall..."

Etymology: Latte (strong espresso coffee with a topping of frothed steamed milk) & Guilt(remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offence)


What a Story!! - SethelMerman, 2012-10-22: 12:13:00

A real brew-haha - Nosila, 2012-10-22: 18:28:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: jen - hayr - eh - tik

Sentence: Lila felt like a genheretic as she sipped on her Sam's Club coffee disguised by one of the Starbuck's Cups that she had saved for just this occasion.

Etymology: generic, heretic (characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards)

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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: dis-coff-err-ree

Sentence: Despite her vain attempt to conceal the starbucks cup in her hand, Muriel couldn't deny her discoffery when Kevin asked her why he hadn't seen her at his coffee shop. She had been discoffered.

Etymology: dis - (negative/reverse) + coffee + a play on 'discovery' = discoffery.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: gilt-sip

Sentence: Sue was a caffiend on a major guiltsip when she was confronted by her friend after seen drinking what he referred to as crappuccino.

Etymology: guilt trip, sip

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Created by: hellohime

Pronunciation: Brandwhoring - brand'hoo'ring

Sentence: After drinking at Starbucks for a while, Jill branched out and started Brandwhoring at Tim Hortons.

Etymology: A person who switches from their regular brand to another while maintaining allegience to the first brand.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kap/oo/cheet/oh

Sentence: The extra two blocks to Star Bucks seemed difficult today for Mary, so she visited Second Cup. After the fist sip an overwhelming feeling of cappuccheato set in and she broke down and had to dispose of her 'fling coffee' in the nearest waste bin.

Etymology: cappuccino + cheat


and the moral of this is 'never have your first cup at second cup' - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-19: 15:09:00

If Mary not careful, someone might call in the coppacheatoes! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-19: 17:43:00


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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: kaf-fling

Sentence: "Oh, this is SO NOT happening!" Barista Bob gasped to his co-worker while swirling a delicate heart out of foam on his carefully crafted Tall Skinny Half-calf Sugarfree Mocha Java with a hint of cinnamon and 2 double shots. "Look across the street!...Suzy is apparently too good for us here at Java Hut..She looks to be having a caffling with Starbucks...Oh she'll be back!...Won't she????!!!

Etymology: Blend of "caffeine" + "fling"

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-09-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-18: 00:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

DrWebsterIII DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-22: 19:39:00
love the etymology

DrWebsterIII DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-22: 19:40:00