Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A clever remark, especially a "comeback line" to an insult, which does not come to mind until it is too late to be delivered; often leads to the gnashing of teeth. v. To think of something clever after it's too late.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: arlouxo
Pronunciation: diss/lay/te
Sentence: "UGH! I disslated again Sophie!" "That is the best disslate I ever thought of!"
Etymology: Diss ("comeback line" to insult back someone) & Late
Created by: Bulletchewer
Pronunciation: diss-aff-ter
Sentence: Dolly had already left the room before Molly had thought of the perfect dissafter; that she was like so whatever...
Etymology: From "diss" meaning "disrespect", "after" and "disaster".
nice word - petaj, 2007-04-03: 03:48:00
Created by: caroline73
Etymology: combines retro - after the event - and retort.
Good word. I bet if you put in the time to include a sample sentence, you might get a few more votes. - ErWenn, 2007-04-04: 01:15:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: bad-in-ar-gro
Sentence: Bob's OCD had led to him writing down all his badinaggros, creating a perpetual reminder of his inadequacy at repartee. Even worse were the badinagesaggro - remarks that he thought up at least a month after the insult.
Etymology: badinage (playful banter) + ago (in time past) + aggro (colloq. aggravation)
Created by: Jaxies
Pronunciation: /duh-luh-vurb-of-eree/
Sentence: "It was only five hours later that Chris thought of the perfect comeback to Andy's snide remark that 'you couldn't shag a sheep if you tried'. A perfect case of delaverbovery."
Etymology: Delay + verb + recovery
Created by: pauliewog
Pronunciation: cuh-mune-i-clay-shun
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: REH-tro-zyng-ir
Sentence: Several minutes after being Zapped with a major insult by Miriam, Leonard thought of a great comeback and wished he could go back and whack her with a retrozinger, convinced he would then be a 'winner'.
Etymology: Blend of 'retro' (prefix meaning 'backward : back') and 'zinger' (n. something causing or meant to cause interest, surprise, or shock)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ree-tord
Sentence: My clever retord about his ass being listed as a major source of global warming did not come to me until long after it could be effectively delivered.
Etymology: retort, retard
I reckon this one is better than "retortoise" because the tortoise kicked the hair's major source of a problem the American government denies exists. - Bulletchewer, 2007-04-03: 17:35:00
*hare Duh! - Bulletchewer, 2007-04-03: 17:35:00
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: lag-quip
Sentence: Bill could usually be counted on to come up with a lagquip - meaning that it was always a little too late to use it.
Etymology: lag + quip
Verbotomy - 2007-04-03: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by mplsbohemian.
Thank you mplsbohemian! ~ James
mplsbohemian - 2007-04-03: 11:13:00
Thanks for using the definition! I specifically chose it because the French expression for this is notoriously difficult to succinctly translate into English. Perhaps you guys can help! Peace Clint
Verbotomy - 2007-04-03: 11:45:00
Ah oui, "l'ésprit de l'escalier"... Merci pour la suggestion, mplsbohemian ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-10-20: 03:48:00
Today's definition was suggested by mplsbohemian. Thank you mplsbohemian. ~ James