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DEFINITION: n. Redundant and often clumsy preparations made before meeting with a "professional" -- like a hairdresser, dentist or cleaning lady. v. To prepare for a meeting with a professional by trying to hide the fact that you desperately need their services.
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Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: primp/em/tiv
Sentence: As a primpemtive strike before heading off to her hair colourist Sally dyes any telltale roots.
Etymology: primp + preemptive
No fool like an old fool ... perfiction! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-26: 10:07:00
perfect word... - mweinmann, 2009-03-26: 17:17:00
Sally knows how to get to the root of the problem. Great word! - Mustang, 2009-03-26: 22:09:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: mo dus op er an dub ull
Sentence: Carson wanted everyone to think he took excellent care of his Lambhorgini, so he washed and waxed it every week before he took it to the custom car center for it's weekly wash and wax. Carson topped off all the fluid levels, and changed the oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and air filter just before he paid a mechanic to do them all again. He felt gratified, that it was worth the double work and double cost, when they would tell him "You take better care of your Lambhorgini than any other customer takes care of their car." His need to impress was a success. Carson's wife, however, was not impressed by this senseless double work grind involving the sweat of two's brow, because Carson's modusoperandouble, was also highway jobbery on his wallet. She wasn't impressed by Carson's high way snobbery, either!
Etymology: Modusoperandouble is a pun on modus operandi and highway jobbery is a pun on highway robbery. MODUS OPERANDI - the way and method of doing anything; in this case the way of doing it yourself then paying others to do it again. DOUBLE - twice; as in double the work and double the cost.
great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-26: 12:34:00
Yep! I like this one good job! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-26: 16:22:00
Very eMOtional! - Nosila, 2009-03-26: 17:20:00
Very funny - Carson! ha! - splendiction, 2009-03-26: 21:21:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: foh-lihsh-nehs
Sentence: Fulvia's life was full of fauxlishness. Not only did she dye her roots before going to the hairdressers and blame the Care Bears for her immaculate house when the cleaning lady arrived, but she had two dentists and two spiritual confessors in two different cities.
Etymology: Using FAUX, meaning fake or artificial + a play on FOOLISHNESS, meaning a lack of good sense or judgement
heheh - galwaywegian, 2009-03-26: 08:55:00
Funny! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-26: 09:21:00
Excellent word! - splendiction, 2009-03-26: 21:17:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: fake-its
Sentence: Buffy would often rush her husband, Biffy to clean before the maid arrived, and he would snarl and call her a fakeitz, for not allowing anyone to see the real way they lived.
Etymology: Fake- It-
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: an-tis-i-purge
Sentence: Harry was horrified when he got to work and realized that the housekeeper was coming to clean his apartment today and he had forgotten to anticipurge the girly magazines from the bathroom.
Etymology: anticipate -- get ready, prepare, purge -- cleanse, purify
I like it! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-26: 09:29:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-26: 12:32:00
Created by: kateinkorea
Pronunciation: SLIC and SHAM
Sentence: Occasionally my wife uses a cleaning service when she is really busy and she needs the place especially clean for some special event she is putting on. Every time she wants the place spic and span clean, we have to go through a slicandsham process to impress the cleaners.
Etymology: play on SPIC-AND-SPAN: a household cleaner; and also meaning immaculately clean, spotless and SLICK: done or made in a way that is clever and efficient but often does not seem to be sincere SHAM: a situation, feeling, system etc. that is not as good or true as it seems
nice word - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-26: 12:36:00
Slic word! - Nosila, 2009-03-26: 17:21:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: re-MUDL
Sentence: As always, Darryl hated going to the barber since he knew he'd receive some good natured jibes about his thinning hair, so he once again set out to remuddle his hairdo in an effort to hide the balding areas.
Etymology: Based on 'muddle' (to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble) with prefix 're-' (to do again)...a play on the word 'remodel.
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: bad just ments
Sentence: Slovenlee dipped into the washroom to primp up his eyebrows with a dab of brilcreme before entering the salon; his badjustments, however, didn’t fool any of the salonspatitians. That brow was out of control!
Etymology: From bad and adjustments: adjustments made to impress gone wrong.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: prod-eye-a-trist
Sentence: Conscious of her nobbly toes, Marla, poked and massaged her feet in hope that she could make them look more normal before her appointment with the foot specialist. However, it was useless prodiatrism.
Etymology: prod (poke, press) + podiatrist (foot specialist)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mayd ser vis
Sentence: Jorge & Beth had their very own madeservice. The day that the home cleaners were due, they would scrub their house from top to bottom to show those strangers how clean they was a redumbdant effort, which also cost them a fortune!
Etymology: Maid Service (home cleaning paid to others to do) & Made (to make oneself)
Verbotomy - 2009-03-26: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by nosila. Thank you nosila. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-10-08: 00:23:00
Today's definition was suggested by nosila. Thank you nosila. ~ James
karenanne - 2010-10-08: 09:13:00
I love this definition - it's so true!
RaunakThomas - 2013-07-27: 10:56:00
Petrikreink - 2018-10-08: 12:54:00
What nice phrase
Svetikreink - 2018-10-10: 21:00:00