Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., Cautionary advice provided by parents to their children, often makes no logical sense but carries enough emotional weight to affect the child's behavior. v. To warn of danger through the judicious use of exaggeration.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: bee-HAY-vee-uhr-ELSE-ohyd
Sentence: " I can tell if you're lying - just by feeling your nose." I told little Tommy. With a scream of terror he covered his face like a three foot tall Bela Lugosi and ran home crying. My use of a common BEHAVIORELSEOID works every time, flushing out little untruths wherever they might be lurking. The incident was witnessed by little Laura, who later explained that "There are more blood vessels in the nose." Although there may be some guilt associated with the use of BEHAVIORELSEOIDS in modern childrearing, experts have justified it's use as a potent counterbalance to "freezer experiments", "suspiciously quiet bedrooms" and hilariously blantant lies. By the way, why are there eleven eggs in the fridge and one in the hedges? Someone was trying to HATCH one, weren't they? Come on, let me feel your nose.....
Etymology: BEHAVIor+OR ELSE+ -OID= BEHAVIORELSEOID BEHAVIOR:the manner of conducting oneself ,anything that an organism or urchin does involving action and response to stimulation or uncertainty -alteration of Middle English behavour, from behaven.....OR ELSE: idiom meaning "Regardless of any extenuating circumstances- and I MEAN IT!".....-OID:suffix - something resembling an object or having a (specified) quality of fear inducing behavior modification.
Q: What do Fred Sanford, Augie Doggie, Chuck Connors and Fred MacMurray have in common?.........................A: - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 07:52:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skair-uh-fi-key-shuhn
Sentence: Mother hen believes in the use of scarefication to keep her chicks in line. A little lie here, an exaggeration there, all pecked into their little psyches until they are afraid to do anything wrong.
Etymology: scare (to fill, especially suddenly, with fear or terror; frighten; alarm) Scarification (scratching, etching, burning/branding, or superficially cutting designs, pictures, or words into the skin as a permanent body modification)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: līpərbəlē
Sentence: ”If you make a face, it could get stuck that way”, ”Behave because Santa is watching”, ”This is for your own good”. Many parents use lieperbole to keep their children in line.
Etymology: lie (an intentionally false statement) + hyperbole (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally)
Very nice. For the win, in my opinion. - mchristof, 2011-06-12: 23:50:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: muhth/er/fuhngk/er
Sentence: His mom was a motherfunker. Being a motherfunker is a fast, easy way to get the behaviour expected. Unfortunately, when children are brought up with a motherfunker, when they are older, they do not trust anything their mom tells them.
Etymology: MOTHERFUNKER - from MOTHER + FUNK ( to frighten; state of great fright, or terror)
And I'll bet she was a "bad motherfunker," "Shutcho mouth!" :) - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:27:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈmæləpro(ʊ)ˌskɹɪpʃən/
Sentence: Most new parents promise themselves that they'll always be open and honest with their children, but each time they are asked "Why not?", the probability of the birth of a new malaproscription increases.
Etymology: from malapropism + proscription
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: an eemal plee fye
Sentence: Henrietta Capon had a lesson for her son, Alfonso, the heir to the Capon di Tutti Capon title. She tried to animalipify that if he made a wrong decision, without his consigliere, he would suffer the consequences. Without a peep or a chirp he would find himself the victim of fowl play. With his weapon cocked, he was a poultry excuse for his roost hero, Gary Cooper. Eggsistentialism eluded him, he became a Friar, gave and tried to pullet into a chickmonaskstery...without being hendered. The cluck stops here...
Etymology: Animal (creature;a living organism characterized by voluntary movement) ^ Amplify (exaggerate or make bigger; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: ghy-duhns
Sentence: "Do as I say, not as I do" was the most important guidunce her Mum ever gave her.
Etymology: guidance + dunce
great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-28: 12:06:00
Great Word! Accurate sentence in a lot of cases! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 13:22:00
Created by: hooterbug
Pronunciation: pâr'ran-ting
Sentence: Due to my childhood and unique blend of "Paranting" from my mom and pops, I will be appearing on the Jerry Springer show one day soon.
Etymology: Blend of "Parent" (One who begets, gives birth to) and "ranting" (to scold vehemently)
I think I will be on the same show. :) - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:28:00
So many great words today! - Nosila, 2008-08-29: 20:11:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: skohl-DOHLT-uh-ree
Sentence: Bob's attempt to use the story of "The Three Bears" as a lesson of - thou shal not steal- quickly became another sad saga of scoldoltery for his children.
Etymology: Blend of SCOLD: chide, reprimand, reprove; DOLT: a fool, nitwit & ERY: state or condition with a hint of ADULT " parents" & ADULTERY: cheating; emotion; guilt.
Don't make me count to three! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 05:58:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-29: 11:49:00
Created by: PeeJaY
Pronunciation: PAIR-REN-FIK-SHON
Sentence: Alice was adept at providing all sorts of parenfiction to stop here eleven sons from fighting with each other.
Etymology: A conjoining of Parent and Fiction describing the untruths manufactured by desperate parents.
Created by: Rehlit
Pronunciation: kaw-sham
Sentence: Many parents use an insidious causham to frighten their naughty children. Such as "If you eat watermelon seeds, a watermelon will grow in your stomach!"
Etymology: Caution(a warning against danger or evil; anything serving as a warning) + sham (something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imitation; fraud or hoax; pretended; counterfeit; feigned:)
Created by: craftygurl9
Pronunciation: (I-S-A-A-C)
Sentence: He is such an Ieeseeaeeaeec.
Etymology: A person that asks out people one after another without thinking twice about it
LOL - craftygurl9, 2007-09-30: 22:14:00
Created by: kerryb
Pronunciation: wopur stopur
Sentence: My parents never failed to verbalize any number of whopperstoppers in order to curb my ongoing misbehavior.
Etymology: whopper: A ridiculous and ostentatiously bodacious lie or misnomer that would violate the bounds of belief beyond any child older than 5! stopper: A metaphorical line in the sand that is designed to cease unwanted action or behavior.
Created by: thebaron
Pronunciation: ma-ma-lore
Sentence: Whenever we ate oranges and swallowed the seeds, Aunt Janet would spurt out some mamalore, saying that oranges trees would grow in our stomachs.
Etymology: mama (mother) lore (length/myth)
Created by: vixphilia
Pronunciation: hum-MUM-bug
Sentence: Mum was feding me her usual humumbug: "If you keep making ugly faces,it will freeze like that!"
Etymology: Humbug: pretentious or silly talk Mum: Mother
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: PAIR-ehn-trah-mah
Sentence: Though her intentions were good the cautionary advice she gave her kiddies was always extreme and always created excessive parentrauma in their little minds and hearts.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'parent' and 'trauma' (an experience that produces psychological injury or pain)
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: nit - 'pek
Sentence: Henny Penny was always nitpecking her child repeatedly to the point of his premature hair loss!
Etymology: from nitpick (pedantic,scrupulous( but more annoying when pecked with a sharp beak or tongue)
Pullet-ically correct word! - Nosila, 2012-10-31: 01:56:00
Created by: ScrabbledEgg
Pronunciation: uhlt-eye-mayd-uhp-uhm
Sentence: Son: "Daaaad!" (rolls his eyes to the back of his head at the latest suggestion) Dad: "Don't you roll your eyes at me! I'll roll your head across the floor!!" (a recent ultimadeupum) Son: stops rolling eyes,"Is that really true, Dad?" Dad: "No, son. I just made that junk up. Now stop asking questions before your spit runs out and your tongue shrivels up."
Etymology: ultimatum + I made up, as in "it's a parental right to make sh!t up sometimes when your little farm animal needs it."
Great Word! I wondered where you were today. - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 18:32:00
Very creative. Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:05:00
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: Yolk-law
Sentence: "Cluck, cluck, cluck", mother was laying down the yolklaw yet again.
Etymology: Yolk - middle part of an egg. Law - a rule or the whole system of such rules.
Created by: kathleen
Sentence: It was growing up having heeded his Momma's wreckommendations that caused Dwight to spend every wednesday of his adult life on the couch.
Etymology: wreck + recommendation
Great word! Add a pronunciation and get another point. - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 17:29:00
Very clever! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:06:00
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: vale-uh-syde
Sentence: My dad was really good at veilacide when we were kids. He had us believing all sorts of things that we now know are utter piffle. For example, he told us that if we didn't brush our teeth they would fall out and fly away to find an old person that needed them! For a while I actually believed that eating my crusts would give me curly hair, so I didn't eat them because I wanted straight hair!
Etymology: An anagram of lie-advice. Veil, ( to cover or conceal, a pretense)+ cide, (latin - killer or the act of killing, in this case 'the truth'!)+ the left over 'a' in the middle = veilacide.
funny story - DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-03: 04:55:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: DOM-in-pray-shuns
Sentence: Mother Hen, like most parental units, was given to dominprations whenever she got the chance, so worried was she that Little Clucky wouldn't make it to 12 weeks, his age of personal acountability. But, what did L.C. know--he was an adolescent and a major risk taker.
Etymology: From dominate, Latin domis, to exert supreme control + prate, idle chatter
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Mom - uh - trom - uh
Sentence: Daphne ducked whenever her mother would begin ranting about normal risks in every day life, fearing the devastating emotional damage from mamatrauma much more than she feared daily living.
Etymology: Blend of 'mama' (mother parent) and 'trauma' (an experience that produces psychological injury or pain)
Keep making that face, and it will STAY that way forever! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 06:03:00
"Eat one more piece of that candy and the dentist will have to pull all your teeth out!" - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:30:00
No BB gun, you'll put somebody's eye out. - Mustang, 2008-08-30: 04:44:00
No BB gun, you'll put somebody's eye out. - Mustang, 2008-08-30: 06:39:00
Okaaaaaaaaaaaay...go ahead if you want..........all I will say is, "Santa is wathinggggggggggggg." - lumina, 2008-08-31: 21:03:00
Created by: AlohaJo
Pronunciation: E-mo-ch-I-de
Sentence: The boy, after disobeying his father's warning, had to sit through a lengthy emochide.
Etymology: emotional+ chide
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: im/par/a/bul
Sentence: A typical imparable would be the story of the bogeyman
Etymology: impair (damage) + parable (short story used to teach a lesson)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: aw/dish/un
Sentence: Parents awedition their children because it is a fast, easy way to get the behaviour they expect. Unfortunately, when children are put through too many aweditions and are older, they do not trust anything their parents tell them.
Etymology: awe (apprehension, dread, fear, fright, horror, shock, stupefaction, terror) + condition
awedsome! - Nosila, 2010-01-20: 19:21:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: ex-aj-er-rare-e
Sentence: Red was such an exaggerary clucker when it came to dealing with his baby chicks.
Etymology: Exagger- Taken in part from the word >Exaggeration-The act of exaggerating or overstating. Ary- A suffix occurring originally in loanwords. Also taken in part for the word cautionary.
Created by: simoneshin
Pronunciation: ad - lise
Sentence: true story. while in kindergarten my teacher gave and my best some adlies; stop talking or your tongue will wear off. I stopped speaking for 2 weeks en now 20 years later I can still talk. So it probably was some good adlies.
Etymology: advice + lies
Created by: frenchprof
Sentence: Hegglestion noted, the philosopher cracked up.
Etymology: comes from Hegel a famous philosopher.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: high-perb-mo--ni-tion
Sentence: Mom could come up with a great hyperbmonition when needed, especially where boys were concerned. As a result of her wise counsel, I haven't worn patent leather shoes since the fourth grade.
Etymology: hyperbole: figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect + monition: cautionary advice or counsel; admonition
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: mith-er-hood
Sentence: Little Timmy believed the mytherhoods that his parents told him. He was completely suprised when he grew up and wasn't blind.
Etymology: myth + motherhood/fatherhood
Hehe!! Great word too! - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-28: 13:12:00
Great word! :) - vixphilia, 2007-09-28: 16:53:00
Funny sentence, excellent word. Your "suburban legend" comment- also hysterical. - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-28: 18:02:00
Great word: bonza of a blend! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:03:00
Created by: dwight
Pronunciation: dad-vice
Sentence: "The dadvice was smokin' yesterday when he found out I had unprotected sex with my English teacher."
Etymology: Dad and advice
Oooh, catchy! Very good! - vixphilia, 2007-09-28: 16:56:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: lor/war/ning
Sentence: Lorewarning is the practice of raising children by indoctrinating them with urban legends.
Etymology: lore (myths, folklore) + forewarning
Alligators in the sewers? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 06:06:00
Witches eat little kids who don't go to bed on time? - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:33:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pol tree guyst
Sentence: Chickenita Bantama had a hard time persuading her youngest chick,Henny Youngman, to eat his feed. She finally had to resort to scare tactics and told him the tale of the poultrygeist. It was a scary ghost chicken that came after little chicks that did not eat up their supper. It worked for her, even if some thought it was fowl play...Happy Halloween!
Etymology: Poultry (a domesticated gallinaceous bird) & Poltergeist (a ghost that announces its presence with rapping and the creation of disorder)
LOVING YOUR STORIES - DrWebsterIII, 2012-10-31: 11:24:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ex - aj - ur - isk
Sentence: Shelly tended to exaggerisk when she talked to her boys about the dangers lurking in the neighborhood. She was a bit paranoid after seeing the movie about vampires infiltrating rural towns where they might go unnoticed.
Etymology: exaggerate, risk
Mom is just making sure her kids are exaggeready. - artr, 2010-01-20: 12:31:00
There's a New Moon at Twilight! - Nosila, 2010-01-20: 19:23:00
Created by: staggolee
Pronunciation: BULL-Fear
Sentence: Grandma's bullfear haunted the child's imaginings for the rest of his life.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: emboŏlshitishmənt
Sentence: Billy grew in a world of embullshitishment. His parents would tell him **Step on a crack and you*ll break your mother*s back**. **Eat your vegetables or the dog will eat your foot**. The world can only wait to see how he will encourage his own children.
Etymology: embellishment (a decorative detail or feature added to something to make it more attractive) + bullshit (stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense)
tee-hee! - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-20: 06:26:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: mom-bomz
Sentence: She had tried chiding. She had tried guilt. Finally Mom went to the scarsenal and started lobbing mombombs. Scientists aren't sure how deep the psychological scars go but, like a black hole, the light of logic rarely escapes from this abyss.
Etymology: Mom (noun: informal, one's mother) + bomb (noun: incendiary material or other destructive substance)
Fire in the hole! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 06:05:00
We usually hid for cover up in the Dadic. - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:38:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /mith-kon-dukt/
Sentence: Donna stared wistfully at her friends splashing in the pool, and glanced up at the clock again — it'd been only 53 minutes since she'd eaten that banana — seven more minutes before she could go back in the pool. Her mother had warned her many times that going into the water less than an hour after eating would inevitably cause cramps, which were somehow always fatal. 'Would she die from drowning or from the cramps themselves?' she wondered. What if she just dangled her legs in the water? No, it was just too risky. She couldn't overcome the mythconduct her mother had instilled into her. Six minutes and forty five seconds to go...
Etymology: Myth - any invented story, idea, or concept (from Greek, mythos "speech, story") + Conduct - personal behavior; way of acting (from Latin, conductus "to lead or bring together")
I always doubted this prohibition. I even sent it in to "Mythbusters" no avail. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 06:00:00
Well, Mythbusters did prove that you shouldn't spin around in a makeshift wirlpool too soon after eating pizza. Funny episode. But I'm convinced that the 1-hour 'no swimming' rule is nonsense. But I knew kids whose mothers wouldn't even let them stand in the wading pool because of that rule. - Tigger, 2008-08-29: 10:12:00
Good word - TJayzz, 2008-08-29: 13:43:00
Welcome back, Tigger, we mythed you! - Nosila, 2008-08-29: 20:09:00
This one is my favorite, well done! - Rehlit, 2008-09-01: 00:50:00
Good word there Tigger, it has a nice ring to it! I like the way you think :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-14: 19:07:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: lor/war/ning
Sentence: Lorewarning is the practice of raising children by indoctrinating them with urban legends
Etymology: lore (myths) + forewarning
Or suburban legends. Excellent! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 07:50:00
I fought the lore and the lore won! splendid word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:16:00
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: mad/vice
Sentence: Yeah he was at it again. Dad, flappin' his chops about how he "had to walk a mile to school in the snow," "shine shoes for lunch money" and "wear grandpa's suit jacket to his 8th grade graduation." Patrick learned to tune both Dad AND Mom out the day he realized they were offering nothing but useless madvice once they started digging into their, "WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE" files.
Etymology: mad + advice. Parents short fuse when it comes to their "spoiled brats" whining...
Amen...but of course we do the same things to our own kids...When I was in school, talk about computers was pure science fiction...why they had barely invented tv's or phones that weren't party lines! Cheers,lumina - Nosila, 2008-08-29: 20:08:00
Created by: scola
Loved it! - vixphilia, 2007-09-28: 16:55:00
I love it,too! Potential to fill a whole library section. For starters. what about "The Wisdumb of Pol Pot" or "The Wisdumb Of Jim Jones" & the plethora of political leaders, preachers and philosophers! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:14:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: bad-mo-ni-shun
Sentence: Know for her dark predictions, Grandma offered another of her badmonitions when she told us that eating too much candy would stunt our growth.
Etymology: bad + admonition
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: im-prov-erbz
Sentence: my parents kept us in line with a never ending stream of improverbs
Etymology: improv, proverbs
Evcellent! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 07:42:00
Fantastic words- Just what those mischievous imps need! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:02:00
Created by: mchristof
Pronunciation: muh-ter-bol-ee
Sentence: Saying I'll turn into a boneless chicken is such a materbole.
Etymology: Hyperbole - an exaggeration Maternal - having to do with the mother
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: prop-uh-GEY-shuhn-gan-da
Sentence: Despite all of my mother's propagationganda my eyes never did "stick that way".
Etymology: Propagation:to breed + (propa)ganda : to disseminate information (or rumors)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: rug-rant
Sentence: To be an effective scarent, one must concoct enough plausible rugrants to guide the child safely to adolescence, such as the once popular "if you don't eat your crusts, you won't grow hair on your chest."
Etymology: rug rat, rant
Fortunately I ate my crusts. Great word! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 07:46:00
scarent's a good word too - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-28: 15:16:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:04:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Mom-sen-s
Sentence: Linda was full so of momsense when it came to bringing up little Donald, she was forever telling him to eat his crusts to make his hair curly and that carrots would make him see in the dark. Being only four years old he thought his mum knew everything, he would constantly gaze into the mirror waiting for his curls to appear, and lie awake in the early hours desperate to have night vision.
Etymology: Mom(North American term for Mum) Sense(purpose,reason)(see Nonsense) = Momsense
And Donald grew so tall from stepping in cow dung. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 06:04:00
If he was like me and my bro, he wondered why mom never brought home the kind of spinach with the rip open can like Popeye. - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:32:00
Love your word,TJayzz... - Nosila, 2008-08-29: 20:10:00
Created by: jimtastic
Pronunciation: Yarn (as in barn)...stay (as in may)
Sentence: The yarnstay of going blind from playing with one's own thingamabob or puffinstuff has been passed on from older generations to younger generations for centuries.
Etymology: yarn: a word only used by grandmothers relating a tale, esp. a long story of adventure or incredible happenings / stay: to suspend or delay (actions, proceedings, etc.).
Great blend of Old English words. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-30: 18:07:00
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: Just eat it kid.
Sentence: My mom's limabeanery had become so overwhelming that I had to move out of the ouse because I ran with the flippin' scissors.
Etymology: Lima Beans + Your Mom + My irrational fear
Created by: ericsimmons39
Pronunciation: Pam-bee-a
Sentence: Mom and Dad keep telling me to eat my vegetables or I'll turn into a license plate. I'm so sick of all their pambea!
Etymology: Parental+ Advice+ Meaningless+ But+ Emotionally+ Affecting
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: kid-DEE-wink
Sentence: When young Bob started studying Latin, he thought that the expression,"in loco parentis "described well his parents' mum - bojumbo and poppalaver. Nevertheless, he was still a bit concerned about their warning to him that if he didn't eat his veggies he wouldn't go to heaven." His Latin teacher, Mr Polly Glott, on hearing about this told him he was being kiddiwinked, and that he should seek to understand the Indonesian proverb," seperti ayam patok anaknya." - - Translating: "as the hen pecks her children." (mock severity of doting parents.)
Etymology: Kid: 1. child, young one, but also teenagers 2.Wink: to humbug, fool, blarney. . Wink (as in hoodwink)to cover the eyes, to blind mentally, to humbug. Kiddiwink: a young child (Australian Slang ???): Although, I never heard it used!
The Kiddiwinkle and Rocky Show. Great word OZ! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 07:56:00
where's the great sentence today?? - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-28: 12:05:00
My granddaughter needed to go to hospital pronto. And things were at sixes and sevens for a while. She may need surgery today: appendicitis ??? - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-28: 18:22:00
Hope things are okay with your granddaughter. Great cereberal expanding sentence once again! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-28: 18:41:00
you can write her a little story to make her feel better - hope everything's okay - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-28: 19:30:00
Ozpziebob...didn't realize the Oz part meant you were in Australia????...I just arrived in the Godzone (New Zealand) to see my children and grandson...your wee one will be in my thoughts and prayers. - readerwriter, 2008-08-29: 15:25:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rad MOM ish in
Sentence: Growing up in an Irish household,the 6 siblings were all raised on a solid diet of good old radmomition. This included an assorted mix of superstitions (spilling salt requires you to throw some over your left shoulder), Aesop's fables(remember that grasshopper and the ant?), lessons from the Bible(Thou shalt not lie about who ate the baking out of the freezer) and old wives' tales(if you tell a lie, your nose will grow), guaranteed to scare even the toughest know-it-all kid into submission. It was never really understood how putting a hat on the bed or opening an umbrella indoors would bring about bad luck; how stepping on a crack could break your mother's back or how licking a frosty metal fence would make your tongue stick to it. (Okay, that on was really true, as one brother found out the hard way)! Yet all these tools were used by their mother to great effectiveness. People marvelled at how well-behaved 6 kids could be out in public. But one look from their Mom's omnipresent eye could nail them to a couch for hours on end, quietly, without a hint of physical persuasion. Santa's elves were watching you just before Christmas time (I mean really, weren't they too busy making toys?); God would be mad to learn you did not put your coins on the offering plate in Church (like does he count it all?)If there was no known adage to affect a situation, she simply would make one up. It was not until they were into their teens that they discovered the Ice Cream Man going around the neighbourhood played his twinkly songs when he still had goodies left to sell. They had always been told that the music was a sign he was sold out. The irony was that all these siblings went through higher education, got responsible jobs and used exactly the same radmomition tactics on their own children and grandchildren...May you be half an hour in Heaven before the Devil knows you're dead!
Etymology: Radical (a person who has out there ideas or opinions;used of opinions and actions far beyond the norm) & Admonition (cautionary advice about something imminent;counsel in terms of someone's behavior;warn strongly; put on guard) & Mom (female parent)& Superstition (an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear;folklore;omens of good and bad luck)
Oh MAN!!!!...You mean the ice cream man WASN'T sold out? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 05:56:00
"Mom's omnipresent eye"....great turn of a phrase, Nosette. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-08-29: 08:11:00
Actual advice from an Alaskan native: Do NOT try to lick the glaciers. - Tigger, 2008-08-29: 10:34:00
Great "sentence!" :) - lumina, 2008-08-29: 15:46:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hi per pol tree
Sentence: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" is what young Eggbert had heard since he was hatched. This was an example of the hyperpoultry his parents used on him to control his natural curiousity. If he did not die from fowl play, he hoped instead to become a fryer in a monastery, if he could pullet it off!
Etymology: Hyperbole (extravagant exaggeration) & Poultry (fowl,a domesticated gallinaceous bird)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: mum-steer
Sentence: I gave up listening to my mother after one to many mumsteers.
Etymology: bum steer + mum
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: chik - shtik
Sentence: Samancluck warned her little one to not peep too loud or her eyes would bug out.... It was just more of her chickshtick, designed to get her little one to behave.
Etymology: Chick (baby chicken) + Schtick (gimmick)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: aw/dish/un
Sentence: Parents awedition their children because it is a fast, easy way to get the behaviour they expect. Unfortunately, when children are put through too many aweditions and are older, they do not trust anything their parents tell them.
Etymology: awe (fear)+ condition
sounds like something a teacher might do - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-28: 11:59:00
Verbotomy - 2007-09-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-20: 00:25:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James