Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To eat your favorite food, not because you are hungry, but because you are feeling sad or lonely. n. Food which is eaten to satisfy emotional cravings.
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Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: reee lay shun tchippp
Sentence: women may come and women may go but you can rely on a good relationchip
Etymology: relationship chip (as in french fry)
It's the only way to ketchup with your love life! - Nosila, 2009-09-29: 11:23:00
ha! - splendiction, 2009-09-29: 23:06:00
I agree! - mweinmann, 2009-09-30: 08:13:00
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: com for munch
Sentence: Terry had a bad case of conformunch. He'd eaten 7 boxes of biscuits since breakfast just to calm his nerves after being dumped.
Etymology: from comfort and munching.
Created by: EffingCharms
Pronunciation: sad-meal-ing
Sentence: After sadmealing, he forgot that he was upset at his former girlfriend.
Etymology: sad- [the feeling of unhappiness, being unhappy] -mealing [eating, process of eating, eating a meal.]
Created by: chercherlalun
Pronunciation: calorie-crutch
Sentence: to get me through a tough spell I used Ben and Jerry's ice cream as a caloriecrutch
Etymology: from the latin word calorie meaning to stuff one's face.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sad stayn
Sentence: When Eric's girlfriend dumped him he ate bowls of cereal to sadstain him. He would become Cap'n Crunch, count his Lucky Charms and begin to feel more Special, K. This was how he got his Kix and said his Cheerios to old flames.
Etymology: Sad (unhappy, sorrowful) & Sustain (to provide nourishment)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: ee-mote-eh-food
Sentence: Whenever Karl and his girlfriend had a fight he'd engage in emotifood for days.
Etymology: emoti (emotion) + food
Created by: tealismyname
Pronunciation: Gor-gul-flop
Sentence: I found a seagull and named it GORGLEFLOP!
Etymology: Random cool word my sister, PIper made up!!!!
Best word ever! - tealismyname, 2007-03-12: 18:24:00
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: chump-chomp
Sentence: Charlie chumpchomped several helpings of chips after Charlotte dumped him for his best friend Churchill.
Etymology: Chump + chomp. Chump: loser. Chomp: eat; suggests excessive chewing/biting action.
Created by: swallowedbyafish
Sentence: I felt much better after panoshing on some bagels and lox.
Etymology: panache + nosh
Osomatic - 2007-03-12: 13:34:00
Oooh! I was trying to think of something for Prozac, and nothing came to mind. Well done!