Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. An old media format that is no longer popular or easily accessible, such as floppy disks, VHS tapes or stone tablets. v. To try to access data stored in an old-fashioned media format, especially it requires the use archaic technology and/or protocols.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: de - fund - shun - als
Sentence: Humans have been inventing ways to store funds of knowledge from before the stone age to the present. Stone carvings, paper, books, pictures, vinyl records, tapes, disks, computer memory banks, data servers, ipods, blackberries, etc. We keep them all, though we seldom use the archaic ones. Was the first cosmic fund of knowledge written in the stars? Will the last fund of cosmic knowedge be written in the stars? Perhaps all these others in-between, are, were, and always have been, mere defundtionals.
Etymology: Fund, Defunctional. Fund: sources of things stored or saved. Defunctional: no longer used, operative, or functional.
philosophical one - bigveg, 2008-03-14: 03:04:00
So, what you are saying is that every idea ever related by mankind are somehow stored in the universe. The last words spoken by Amelia Earhart may be recorded in the sand of an isolated atoll somewhere, the waves of her voice rearranging the particles of sand that lay beneath her contorted face as she met her end. The lost works of Chaucer could be reclaimed from the atomic impressions remaining on a rotting desk from the 14th century. The library at Alexandria could be reconstructed from a million fragments of ashen scrolls with the ability to distinguish ink from charcoal, and vast arrays of computers to reassemble the fragments into complete manuscripts. Every electromagnetic conveyance of media ever produced can be reclaimed from the stars if we can overcome the speed of light in order to catch up to it, as it travels through the vast emptiness of space. The only idea that can never be successfully reclaimed is the idea that is never communicated, so long as we can use our intellect in pursuit of the technology to recover that information. The possibility of mankind is limitl...whoops, gotta go, American Idol is on! - Banky, 2008-03-14: 10:23:00
Nice word :) - Banky, 2008-03-14: 10:24:00
Maybe planned obsolescence is in our DNA? - arrrteest, 2008-03-14: 13:21:00
I think there may be a book in this one - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-14: 14:03:00
Wow! Never expected so many comments on my two QUEST-tionings! It was asked in a much lighter vein than it was received! Banky, you read so much more into those two little questions!!! But here's another question for what ever you all want to see in it. Do our subconscious minds tap into an ethereal storage bank of all knowledge in the universe, then come up with bits of knowledge and solutions our conscious minds couldn't find ... and then place that in our conscious minds? I'll leave the book writing up to Banky and Nosila. I just have questions ... for me, life is but a quest for more about all things. I'm just grateful for how much easier it is to access all information in all the various media! But at the rate it is growing ... there is no such thing as all-knowing among us mere mortals. You're right Jabberwocky ... a book ... maybe many books!!! (wink/big smile). - silveryaspen, 2008-03-14: 16:58:00
Nice word;thought provoking sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-16: 17:03:00
Created by: yelloweyes
Pronunciation: ar-key-ah-prawk-tem
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: YES-tur-serf
Sentence: Having only a discarded very ancient computer, their father's first machine, to rely on Lyndal and Terrance had no choice but to resort to yestersurf methods of finding information.
Etymology: Blend of yesterday and surf
'yestersurf - all my problems were on different turf' - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-07: 14:26:00
Oh the nostalgia ... of yestersurf and the song "yesterday" ... I'm off on another trip down memory lane! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 16:04:00
Yestersurf...all my nightmares looked like Smurf... - Nosila, 2009-01-07: 19:04:00
Goes really good with yesterturf - Mustang, 2009-01-07: 22:11:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /ruhs-teh-kor-ding/
Sentence: George totally enjoyed bringing his 8-year-old son with him to help clean out Grandpa's attic — where Grandpa had stored all of his old electronics and rusticordings. Grandpa had been an avid technophile in his day and the attic was like an obsolete technology museum. When George showed him the Betamax and VHS video tapes, and explained that they were like DVD-R's, Nathan inpected them and asked where the lasers went. Then, when they got to the cassettes and 8-track tapes, George told Nathan that they were what people kept their MP3's on, and then he showed Nathan the rust-colored tape and demonstrated how it turned. Nathan wanted to know how people selected the song they wanted to hear, and so George had to explain Fast Forward and Rewind, while his son struggled with the archaic concept. The vinyl records were next, and when George showed him the groove on the record, and explained how you had to carefully position the needle so as not to scratch the record, Nathan just winced and said, "Wow, Grandpa really had it rough!"
Etymology: Rust[ic] - iron [ferric] oxide; also, a thin layer of ferric oxide was used in most magnetic tapes, floppy disks and early hard discs (Old German, rost "red") + Recording - storage device containing information (from Old French, recorder "testimony")
Yeah, I can no longer play my rustaccordion either! - arrrteest, 2008-03-14: 12:04:00
Will use it a lot! Excellent word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-14: 18:22:00
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: tek STINCT
Sentence: Why is it that the VHS video format is considered boring and old-fashioned, while both the Beta tapes and the Beta machines required to play them, which are even older, are now considered "retro" and "cute?" I guess the closer something gets to becoming techstinct, the cooler it becomes for collectors due to its rarity.
Etymology: tech + extinct
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pas say im pur fect
Sentence: Young Billy adored his grandfather and loved it when the old geezer told him stories about the passéimperfect. He knew his grandpa made this stuff up, but he loved to hear about the good old days anyway and in particular about the ancient tools they used. He regaled Billy with yarns about how his phone had numbers that went round and round when he stuck his finger in the holes for each set of numbers. Grandpa also told him about watching tv shows on the one channel in black & white and for some reason you needed a rabbit's ears to see the tiny picture better. (As if!) He also told him of cooking without using a microwave (yeah, right!) and buying big blocks of ice to keep everything in the fridge cold (you've got to be kidding!). That crazy Grandpa, he told Billy that a log on was something you put on a bonfire and that a link was something you put on your sleeves to keep the cuffs closed. He said a password was something you spoke into a grill on a door to get into a speak-easy (must be some kind of spellcheck for voice actioned computers?) Billy loved the really old things that Grandpa gave him. Like most boys his age, he loved dinosaurs. He was so excited today, because Grandpa was coming over and bringing him a thesaurus...he couldn't wait to play with it!
Etymology: passé (out of fashion) & past imperfect (grammar: tense imperfect refers to an action that is uncompleted or abandoned)
Rrrawr! Oh no, here comes the fierce Thesaurus Rex!... That's hilarious. - Tigger, 2008-03-14: 03:09:00
All that was makes me curious about what is to come! Great etymology ... conveys the way passages from the old ... lead to the knew ... growing, evolving, better and better ... perfecting! A Perfectly wonderful sentence and word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-14: 17:08:00
Thanks, Tigger & silveryaspen. I always thought the best name for the Toronto NBA Team was TorontoSaurus Wrecks...but no one would listen... - Nosila, 2008-03-14: 23:16:00
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: tek - no - sore
Sentence: As time marches on, we are creating new media but the list of technosaurs is increasing. I have boxes of VHS tapes and records and even though I can still play them, they are not as clear and vibrant as the CD's and DVD's that I now have.
Etymology: Technology (Mechanisms for distributing messages, including postal systems, radio and television broadcasting companies, telephone, satellite and computer networks) + Dinosaur (extinct reptiles, also used as a term to denote something old)
So appealing! How the kid in all of us loves our technosaurs! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 14:47:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: rhymes with electronics
Sentence: What's with the retronics? You need to get iPhone 17 already
Etymology: Retro + electronics
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: old-WANG-sine
Sentence: Computers, voice mail and all those other modern gizmoes were not what Bob dreamed of, he yearned for the clatter of the typewriter and the world of wordprocessors, and the days of auldwangsyne.
Etymology: The Wang Co.founded in 1954, makers of typewriters and early word processors & "auld lang syne" expression meaning "days of long ago"
bittersweet just like the song - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-14: 14:21:00
Nostalgic! A tribute to the byte-gone ways! Has such great heart! Exceptional! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-14: 18:26:00
Should ALT acquaintents be ForMat and never brought to Mines... - Nosila, 2008-03-14: 23:20:00
Very technostalgic! Does anyone remember those 8-inch floppy disks? I think some of the Wangs had those... - Tigger, 2008-03-15: 15:10:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: molden - old - ees
Sentence: All my moldenoldies are on 8-track tapes or records. My 8-track player has broken and the records have stopped going around.
Etymology: Mold ( a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter Oldies (Oldies is a generic term commonly used to describe a radio format that usually concentrates on Top 40 music from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s) Golden Oldies (popular hits of the past).
very nice - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-07: 14:21:00
Better clean em out before they start to smell! Cute create! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 14:44:00
I like it. - Mustang, 2009-01-08: 18:47:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-14: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-14: 01:22:00
stache - 2008-03-14: 01:32:00
oops-wrong box.
arrrteest - 2008-03-14: 11:20:00
A few years ago, while giving a state assessment to 5th graders, there was a passage about artifacts. Included with the clay pipes and broken pottery shards was a section on the record and the record player. I wasn't ready to accept that then, but now I'm somewhat resigned to the fact that it is so.
silveryaspen - 2008-03-14: 17:03:00
Congratulations, Yellowbird and James for the definition and cartoon, that has evoked a lot of deep thinking. Kudos to all you erudite deep-thinkers ... for your words, comments, and wonderful way of uplifting each other with these wonderful interchanges. You've expanded the horizons of my thinking!
silveryaspen - 2008-03-14: 18:43:00
Three cheers for all the fun words created, too! Three cheers for all the trips down the various memory lanes!
arrrteest - 2008-03-14: 20:24:00
Lol,, MEMORY lanes
Verbotomy - 2008-03-16: 23:50:00
Thank goodness our memory lanes are still working. I was afraid they may have become non-compatible due to the upgrade to Windows Vista. Thank you Silvery, for showing us the way. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-05-24: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
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