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'I think he's pretending that no one is home.'

DEFINITION: v., To avoid unwanted interruptions (visits, calls, or emails) by pretending to be unavailable, unreachable or unconscious. n., A person who pretends they are not home in order to avoid talking to someone.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: koh-ma-void

Sentence: Randy is quite skilled at dodging interactions with his co-workers. He can comavoid just about any effort to elicit a response. The only known method to break this trance-like concentration is to drop a box of Krispy Kreme donuts on his desk.

Etymology: coma (a state of prolonged unconsciousness, including a lack of response to stimuli) + avoid (to keep away from; keep clear of; shun)

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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) mē' - gŏn; (intr. v): mě'- gŏn - āte

Sentence: Al in the IT department, a noted megon, greets his coworkers with a vacuous stare whenever they approach him for help with the server.

Etymology: MEGO = acronym for "my eyes glaze over" + suffix -[a]n = relating to

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sir kum ven shun

Sentence: Wally hated people bugging him at home. It did not matter whether it was on the phone, e-mail or at the door, he had the act of circumvenshun down to a fine art. People thought he was eccentric or occupied with some big hush-hush project. The reality was that Wally hated missing a moment of his daytime dramas. Yes, he watched every soap opera on the tube, every day. One could say that Wally was Young & Restless, he was living the Days of Our Lives to the fullest, his tv friends were like All My Children. He was not Bold & Beautiful, but if he had One Life to Live, As the World Turns, he was going to end up in General Hospital if he did not get some exercise!

Etymology: Circumvention (the act of evading) & Shun (avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of)

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Created by: Stackd

Pronunciation: Ah-vay-can-t

Sentence: His avacant expression succeeded in avoiding all questions.

Etymology: Avoid and vacant

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: kon-FRUNT-eh-vert

Sentence: When faced with unwanted visits, remarks, invitations etc, Larimer has several confrontavert techniques he employs wherein he pretends not to notice though everyone else realizes he is faking

Etymology: Blend of 'confront' (to meet face-to-fac) and 'avert' (v. to ward off; prevent)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ess-SHOO-en-count-er

Sentence: Morton had developed a broad array of eschewencounter techniques and had even been known to go to the extreme of feigning deafness to avoid having to engage an unexpected visitor.

Etymology: Blend of 'eschew' (to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid) and 'encounter' (a meeting with a person or thing)


metrohumanx Great combo, Mussy! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-17: 11:28:00


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Created by: bebaibo


Sentence: Why does Bob always have that blank stare at our meetings? I think he's hermitating, so the boss won't ask him any questions.

Etymology: From hermit (a person living in solitude as a religous discipline...OED)

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Created by: NeuroGlyph




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Created by: usareddy

Pronunciation: Avoid-ist



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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: hid-den-TA-shun

Sentence: Kyle was hiddentating in the third floor conference room. He was answering emails and doing his work but his hiddentat here prevented others from coming to see him in his office and interrupting his "flow".

Etymology: hidden + habitat


MrDave2176 I used to have a supervisor who used to do this very thing. He'd only respond to email while he was hiddentating on a conference room on an unused floor so that he would not be interrupted doing his work. - MrDave2176, 2007-10-19: 09:54:00

Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-20: 18:14:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James

Osmosis - 2007-10-21: 23:15:00
Perhaps "denysolation" would be better for this definition and sentence.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-16: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James