Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To feel stressed and anxious and when your mobile phone runs out of battery power, drops its network connection, or in the worst case, gets misplaced and lost. n. A panic attack caused by an interruption in your mobile phone service.
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Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: lo-co-neck-shun
Sentence: Debbie was having a peaceful morning until she realized that she forgot to charge her cell phone. She went into a fit of pure loconnection as she panicked over not being able to send texts or make calls for the 2 hours while it charged.
Etymology: loco - spanish for crazy + connection also it is pronounced as "low connection" which could also set off a wave of panic in the cellular dependent
Created by: sjacksonnnn4
Pronunciation: Igg-Mobile-Fobia
Sentence: igmobilephobia has gotten the best of me, i need to get out of these mountains!
Etymology: ig- without, mobile, phobia- fear
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: eye-panic
Sentence: Demetri began to iPanic as the power bled dry from his iPhone in the middle of an Angry Birds battle.
Etymology: i - apple prefix for everything; panic - to panic
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: Rohm-ah-fobe
Sentence: Bruce, with his pink Razr phone and its several Hello Kitty charms attached, would openly weep in roamophobic terror when the bus would enter the Lincoln Tunnel. How was he supposed to watch reruns of Project Runway with no bars?
Etymology: roam - use of a cell phone outside of one's calling area, phobe - person who has a particular phobia
very funny sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-03: 10:58:00
Created by: lauram22
Pronunciation: dis-tell-eh-fo-b-ia
Sentence: Jenny was overcome with distelephobia when she couldn't find her cell phone
Etymology: dis- lost tele- phone phobia- fear of
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: In-com-man-ick-ar-doh
Sentence: Jane's heart raced as the bars dropped and she began to lose signal. She texted faster but just made more mistakes and had a sinking feeling she wouldn't know the answer before she lost network access again. "OMG u warin blu?" got through but then the ominous NO SIGNAL came up and she felt her eyes tearing up in frustration before she let out a wimpering shriek - "How am I supposed to know what to wear to the party?!" she screamed. "Aaaargh!" And as she looked at her shaking hands and tried not panic for the third time today, she had a vague recollection of her friend calling her "incommanicado", but the significance escaped her. How was she supposed to manage her life if her phone kept dropping out? Ridiculous.
Etymology: Incommunicado - colloquially used to mean unable to be contacted, usually due to distance, location and lack of communication equipment. Manic - colloquially used to mean frantic, such as running around unsure what to do, blubbering, agitated and stressing out.
very cerebral - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-22: 13:09:00
Created by: torontorc
Pronunciation: sell-a-break
Sentence: I was talking to my mom when all of a sudden for no flippin' reason, I had a cellabreak and she was gone.
Created by: diyan627
Pronunciation: no-fn-obia the accent is on OBIA. fn is barely pronounced
Sentence: Despite Lana's nophonobia, ironically, she's always one to lose her phone or accidentally destroy it in odd ways like when she dropped it in her water at Pei Wei as she passed it to Zack.
Etymology: no + phone + phobia (an intense, abnormal, or illogical fear of a specified thing)
Great word! - Mustang, 2008-04-03: 18:59:00
Created by: Mclovin
Pronunciation: an.iht.
Sentence: i have anite. :)
Etymology: an-without ite-one connection too.
Created by: Haydon
Pronunciation: A, Dem O, Phopia
Sentence: The fear of losing conention of others.
Etymology: A- without demo- people phobia- fear
stache - 2008-04-03: 01:35:00
stache - 2008-04-03: 01:37:00
to whom is credit for the definition owed, james?
Verbotomy - 2008-04-03: 07:55:00
Ah... Actually I made it up! Cheers ~ James
stache - 2008-04-03: 18:47:00
way to go.
youmustvotenato - 2011-10-27: 15:30:00
holy smokes, half the universe gave a verboticism