Vote for the best verboticism.

'Wow, you haven't changed since high school!'

DEFINITION: v., To seek out old acquaintances even though you never really knew them that well, or liked them very much, in the first place. n. An old and unwanted friend who has suddenly reappeared.

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Created by: hellohime

Pronunciation: pas'hole

Sentence: You got a phone call from John Smith? What did that pasthole want?

Etymology: a blend of "past" and "@55hole", someone from your past that you never really cared for but for somereason, later in life, they seek you out for either friendship or because they need something from you.


DrWebsterIII Truly humorous ! - DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-01: 17:34:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: my-face-frend

Sentence: It was a sad day when Greg Arious realised that he'd gone way too far online networking. He had 656 contacts, most of whom were myfacefriends. It was time unfriend them.

Etymology: Myspace & Facebook social networking sites where people collect "friends" and renew acquaintances with folks they haven't seen or heard for years.


How does one unfriend them?? - Nosila, 2010-01-29: 10:39:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: Treis-hell-E-ment

Sentence: Bob, googled and gazette-gawped, hoping to find Trixy, who friends said had turned, since school days, from a termagant to a "ten" But, finally, when the folketchup took place, there was nothing saucy about her. Trixy was an "aghast from the past." Bob, blunderstruck and aghasthenic, conceded that the whole episode had been a total tracehellement. He vowed that he would never allow himself to tracehellementate again.

Etymology: Blend of trace & hell & element. element:one of the facts in the enquiry. Folketchup=folkatchup. Aghasthenic: weakened by surprize and horror.


Great word and sentence OZ! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-01: 09:28:00

you always get my vote for your sentences - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-01: 12:24:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: past so she ayt

Sentence: At the high school reunion, there was something vaguely familiar to Gary about the redhead in the eighties attire. When he read her nametag, "Bobbie", he knew she must be a pastsociate, but just could not place her. It was only after she spurned his offer of a drink together that he remembered her as Robert, the bully from Music Appreciation Class. Talk about a stereo-type becoming a faux-know gaffe!

Etymology: Past (earlier than the present time; no longer current)& Associate (Acquaintance;a relationship less intimate than friendship)

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Created by: joelb

Pronunciation: frend-FREEK-kwest

Sentence: I friendfreakquested that girl who I sat behind in grade seven. She still wore her mothers old outfits and smelled like vanilla from ten feet away.

Etymology: friend request + freak

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: flay-gruh-mee-guize, verb; flay-gruh-mee-goe, noun

Sentence: "What a flagramigo," Tiffany thought, "Wasn't he always that way?" Brent had just dissed her royally as he worked his way around the old high school gym. But, she had been prepared for him earlier, when she saw him flagramigizing almost every chick in the room.At least his abuse of her had only been verbal. All night long she had seen him "accidently" bumping into and spilling drinks on those he was attracted to. She was so thankful for the book called "The Beauty of Boundaries" she had just read.

Etymology: As a verb: from flagrant, meaning consipicuously offensive + amigo, Spanish for friend; noun: flagramigo, meaning a person who is a conspicuously offensive "friend."


metrohumanx What an unusual combination. Hilarious sentence, RW! :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:02:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: re fren emee

Sentence: When Janet met Brad again at the reunion, she realized he had become a refrenemy. He not only hated her hair and her dress style, (She was sure the invitations stated retro 80's look, so as people could recognize each other) but he also was still an older but more judgmental geek. It was when she caught him making out with Sue (she of the Just Sue Me! fame) that she realized he was just "Desparately Seeking Susan" and not really into the fact that she was Madonna's personal assistant! Loser!

Etymology: Re-friend (a person with whom you are re-acquainted) & Enemy (a hostile individual, not in your support group)

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: acq - "HEY MAN" - tance

Sentence: When Raul went back to his 30yr reunion it was filled with all sorts of acqheymantances, afterwards he was even calling his wife "buddy" and his son "chief".

Etymology: Acquaintance - "Hey Man" which is a standard greeting for those you know you should know but can't remember their names (see also dude, chief, buddy, guy, boss, you!)

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Created by: ethan1

Pronunciation: NAHST-annoy

Sentence: Hey, I think that guy getting on the bus works out at our gym. Hope he's not going to be a nostannoy.

Etymology: Nostalgia + annoy

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: re/found

Sentence: Having just been dumped by Tony, Jenna searched high and low for her yearbook! "Who was that guy," she thought, "The one who would drool as I sat in front of him in homeroom?" She frantically flipped pages, cell phone in one hand, google page up and ready. This was nothing new as she was known to start most of her relationships while on the refound.

Etymology: word play with rebound...but of course... :)


metrohumanx Simple yet elegant, Lumina. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:28:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-01: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB and Karuma. Thank you OZZIEBOB and Karuma! ~ James

Nettle - 2007-10-01: 08:42:00
I've done exactly this myself. It rarely seems to lead to anything good, other than the occasional moment of smug satisfaction which comes from knowing that you're much more successful than the people who used to bully you at school (but it's not really satisfaction, because didn't you know, deep down, that they'd never amount to anything anyway?)

galwaywegian - 2008-09-01: 07:42:00
like it !

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-29: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB. ~ James