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DEFINITION: n. An incomplete sneeze; starts with a nose tickle, followed by a sharp intake of breath, but then it vanishes, leaving only a vague sense of incompletion. v. To start a sneeze, but never actually finish it.
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Created by: ekath
Pronunciation: tees
Sentence: Ironically, the atheist never sneezed- she often coincidentally teezed but nonetheless avoided being "god-bless"ed.
Etymology: from sneeze + tease (because incomplete sneezes are uber irritating)
Created by: tbAG84
Pronunciation: teez-sneez
Sentence: She thought i was shocked but it was nothing but another of my characteristic teasesneezes.
Etymology: tease- to evoke unresolved anticipation sneeze- godblessyou.
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: guh-stunned-height
Sentence: Kirsty's aborted sneeze called forth a chorus of gestunnedheits from her friends, who had all felt the same frustrating nose tickling.
Etymology: gesundheit (wishing good health to one who has just sneezed) + (to be made senseless, groggy or dizzy)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Snush
Sentence: Mary Jane was once again frustrated by a snush, a silent sneeze that had a big and promising build up and then just fizzled.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'sneeze' and 'hush' be quiet.
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: snutter nose
Sentence: i canĀ“t sneeze, i am having a snutternose
Etymology: sutter as in suttering and nose as in nose.
Created by: WhiteRhino
Pronunciation: Fall-sneeze-er
Sentence: Oh, excuse me...I was caught up in a falsneezer.
Etymology: False, sneeze
Created by: pinwheel
Pronunciation: atch/ah/poor/ate
Sentence: Aaah, aaah, aaah... nope, it's gone. Must have been an atchaporate.
Etymology: atchoo (bless you!) + evaporate
Created by: Sed8ed
Etymology: snee, from the word sneeze + ble from the word feeble = a feeble sneeze, or "sneeble"
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: geh-zund-halt
Sentence: Sue abruptly stopped her performance and stood perfectly still, staring straight ahead with a contorted look on her face. Her breathing became labored and everyone in the audience thought she may be having a seizure. After several anxious seconds she regained her composure and said, "Excuse me, I must have had a sneeze freeze." Someone in the crowd yelled, "Gesundhalt!" and the whole place erupted with laughter.
Etymology: gesundheit: an expression to wish someone good health who has just sneezed arising from an ancient belief that your heart stopped while you sneezed and at that moment the devil could come and take over your soul + halt: stop or interrupt progress
Very nice! - artr, 2009-10-29: 08:15:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: sna-choo
Sentence: I got a tickle in my nose, surely a sneeze was coming, then nothing. Damn, just another snatchoo.
Etymology: snatch, achoo
I like this one purple - Jabberwocky, 2007-04-13: 11:49:00

Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41.
Thank you ziggy41! ~ James
thats a great definition.
ErWenn - 2007-04-13: 00:03:00
Thanks and cheers again to ziggy41 for the great idea! ~ James'
Today's definition was suggested by Ziggy41. Thank you Ziggy41. ~ James