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'Aah, aahh, AAAHHH! ohhnnn...'

DEFINITION: n. An incomplete sneeze; starts with a nose tickle, followed by a sharp intake of breath, but then it vanishes, leaving only a vague sense of incompletion. v. To start a sneeze, but never actually finish it.

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Created by: Ellemorpheus

Pronunciation: Guff

Sentence: She guffed and paused, eyes teary and unsatisfied.

Etymology: Onomatopoeia

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: snEE

Sentence: Weird must be

Etymology: the word sneeze unfinished

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ann-tee-cli-mack-ti-sneez

Sentence: Pearl always anticlimactisneezed whenever she thought of her ex-boyfriend Hal and his dust bunny filled apartment.

Etymology: anti + climax + sneeze

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: sneez/teez

Sentence: A sneezetease is the greatest anticlimax

Etymology: sneeze + tease

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Created by: josje

Pronunciation: snutter nose

Sentence: i canĀ“t sneeze, i am having a snutternose

Etymology: sutter as in suttering and nose as in nose.

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Created by: tbAG84

Pronunciation: teez-sneez

Sentence: She thought i was shocked but it was nothing but another of my characteristic teasesneezes.

Etymology: tease- to evoke unresolved anticipation sneeze- godblessyou.

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Created by: lauramy

Pronunciation: ah-dyoo

Sentence: Lavender's blue, but it makes me ahdieu.

Etymology: Ahchoo + Adieu When your sneeze bids you farewell.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: na-choo

Sentence: Julie felt hollow and unfulfilled when her building sneeze turned into a nahchoo.

Etymology: nah (no) + achoo (onamonapia for a sneeze)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: atch oooo ih tusss int urrr up tusss

Sentence: "Is anything as completely incomplete as a bad dose of achooitusinterruptus" thought Mick, as he lounged back stage before the gig, pen in hand, trying to compose a new song for the band. "I just can't get any satisfaction."

Etymology: coitus interruptus, achoo


And Time is not on his side...good word! - Nosila, 2009-10-29: 09:33:00


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Created by: moltentim

Pronunciation: ah-ah-all-most

Sentence: When she aahaahhalmosted, I said gesund.

Etymology: aah, aahh (as in ah-choo) + almost


Good word! Especially when you say it like you're about to sneeze. - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-12: 18:58:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-12: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41.
Thank you ziggy41! ~ James

erasmus erasmus - 2007-04-12: 04:48:00
thats a great definition.

ErWenn - 2007-04-13: 00:03:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-13: 01:52:00
Thanks and cheers again to ziggy41 for the great idea! ~ James'

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-29: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by Ziggy41. Thank you Ziggy41. ~ James