Verboticism: Therapeuttics

'It's about my husband's new prescription '

DEFINITION: n. An unintended consequence of medical or psychological therapy, especially if the therapy is supposed to make you feel "young again". v. To feel young and stupid again.

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: ther-a-pew-tix

Sentence: Jim felt young again after he started taking the pills. He had endless energy and couldn't sit still. Unfortunately, the side effect was an uncurable nervous tic, where his head twitched manically all day and night. His wife left him and everyone pointed and laughed at him in the streets. But to him the therapeuttics were worth it. They'd all be dead and he'd be living it up in Ibiza.

Etymology: therapeutic (helpful healing) + tic (persistent muscular contraction)

Points: 1046