Verboticism: Shampassardon

'Please excuse me while I eructate.'

DEFINITION: v. To apologize for a belch, or the passing of gas, even though it is obvious that the action was done intentionally and with force. n. A person who apologizes insincerely for their burping or belching.

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Created by: catgrin

Pronunciation: sham-pasahr-dn

Sentence: Though well out of school, Jim just couldn't break his fraternity-life ways. At his first holiday dinner with his girlfriend's family, he kept guzzling beers and shampassardoning the mighty belches that followed. His poor behavior might have been excused if he hadn't chosen to end the meal with, "Buuuurp! Excuse me! BuuUUUUUuuuurp excuse - I mean marry - yes, marry me!"

Etymology: from sham + pass (as in "to pass gas") + pardon, this is a variation of "passardon" which is a genuine request to be excused for passing wind in public

Points: 890