Verboticism: Narrowbinded

'I feel sorry for these poor sardines.'

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of discomfort, common while sitting on a plane or train, created by the sense that you are about to be decapitated by your fellow passengers who are tilting aggressively towards you. v. To sit in a very small space, which seems to be getting smaller.

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: nhar-oh-byn-ded

Sentence: Zinnia liked to think of herself as open-minded but her commute to work, via public transport, had slowed changed her mind. Indeed, she was now so anxious of being narrowbinded that she would go to great lengths to assure a seat by herself. The fake dog stool she found at a gag shop was a good deterrent, but she left it on too many buses and was arousing suspicion among the drivers. She finally discovered that the best way to protect her person space from breech was to softly sing while eating canned tuna.

Etymology: narrow (small space) + binded (sic. secure by tying) play on "narrow minded"

Points: 1001

Comments: Narrowbinded

splendiction - 2010-04-19: 21:47:00