Verboticism: Crapitulate

'What do mean you're canceling our date'

DEFINITION: n. Something, or someone, that/who always seems to break or fall apart, just when you need it/them the most. v. To fall apart just when you need to get it together.

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: crap IT you late

Sentence: It was the last straw. Jenny did not care if it was Dennis or his phone that was crapitulating this time, but she was going to emancimate him. He was a Broke Down Engine, and ain't got no drivin' wheel!

Etymology: Crap: somewhat vulgar universal noun used to refer to something that's substandard (this crap phone has crapped out again!). Capitulate: To give up or in, usually at an inopportune moment. Emancimate: see Monday's verbotomy.

Points: 2351

Comments: Crapitulate

dochanne - 2009-05-07: 03:44:00
You crap it late if on short notice too!

hyperborean - 2009-05-07: 23:30:00
Many of the words today are creative, but very few stick to the definition. Yours does, and it also works with the cartoon AND the Dylan theme! You've got my vote!