Verboticism: Adversapropism

'The pants are blowing in the wind'

DEFINITION: n. A misheard or misunderstood lyric, which gives the song a completely different meaning than originally intended. v. To misinterpret a song because you "hear" different words than the ones actually being sung.

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: Add verse à propism

Sentence: Wayne was of those amateur guitarists who seemed to know only half the words of the songs in his repertoire. When he gave his son an impromptu rendition of what he *thought* was "Sonny Be Good", his wife gave him the nickname "Dog Berry"

Etymology: Verse: component of a song that isn't a chorus. Malapropism: misuse of words, often humorously. Adverse: That doesn't sound quite right does it?

Points: 1511

Comments: Adversapropism

Jabberwocky - 2009-05-05: 11:13:00
clever combo