Verboticism: Idetentee

'What was your name again?'

DEFINITION: v. To be so dependent on computers and other gadgets, that you cannot communicate or even think without them. n. A person who cannot communicate, or even think, without using an electronic device.

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: Eye Dee Ten Tee

Sentence: Paula thought it rather cute (if a little Jobsian) of her friends to refer her as an iDetentee. Being a touch dyslexic, she would often joke back that she was *not* having an iDetentee crisis. Unfortunately this meant she never realised that her friends were really calling her an ID10T.

Etymology: i (eye?): An Apple (i)nspired (i)nternet fad to begin the name of anything to do with technology with an (i). Detent: to arrest, detain. Detentee (neol): One who is detained. Idiot: One who crashes car whilst txt'ing on a cell/mobile/pda, for example.

Points: 1526

Comments: Idetentee

dochanne - 2009-05-06: 01:04:00
A multilayered verbotomy of true sophistication. Kudos!!