Verboticism: Clangle
DEFINITION: v. To send out confused or conflicting signals when driving or dating. n. A person who signals their intentions to do one thing, then does something else completely different.
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: kl-ay-n-gul
Sentence: Eric was in such a state of clangle after being told by the same person that the nearest gas station was 2 miles west, 3 miles north, and 9 miles east of the exact same location. To add to the clangle, he was pointing in the wrong direction all three times!
Etymology: clash (noticable difference) + tangle (mess, confusion)
Points: 1835
Comments: Clangle
silveryaspen - 2009-04-24: 01:48:00
You put such great angles into your sentence and verbotomy. Luv to say cclangle ... it's such a fun word ... can't say it without smiling, too!