Verboticism: Physicruel

'Please keep your tongue to the left!'

DEFINITION: n. The feelings of apprehension which occur when undergoing a medical examination. v. To feel discomfort while a medical professional pokes and prods at the weak points of your body.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: fizz ick! crew ull

Sentence: "Let me check you over" Dr. Max M. Rough said. He measured and pressured, prodded and poked, nudged and budged, thrust and dug, then jabbed and stabbed, finally shooting my body with concotions of innoculations and vaccinations ... all those hurtful 'tions' ... I wished I could shun! During the mammogram, I wish I could slam a gram, or two, of his most tender flesh between those smashing, mashing plates! When he was done, I asked him "Why does a good going over have to feel so bad? Why is a physical so physicruel?"

Etymology: PHYSICAL, CRUEL. Physical - medical examination. Cruel - painful, harsh, hard, nasty and unpleasant.

Points: 1919

Comments: Physicruel

Nosila - 2009-04-16: 21:07:00
Good one...too bad they don't have manograms for guys like hium!