Verboticism: Communidrunkation

DEFINITION: v., To write an email while under the influence of an intoxicating substance. n., An email or blog post where the author has chosen to ignore standard literary and social conventions -- thanks to a liberal consumption of alcohol.
Created by: wayoffcenter
Pronunciation: kəmyoōnədrəngkāshən
Sentence: It wasn't his fault. His English professor told the class to research a word by experiencing its definition. Chris chose "intoxicated". His communidrunkation to the entire online world let everybody know he was: inebriated, impaired, drunken, tipsy, under the influence, plastered, smashed, bombed, sloshed, sozzled, sauced, lubricated, well-oiled, wrecked, juiced, blasted, stinko, blitzed, half-cut, fried, wasted, hopped up, gassed, polluted, pissed, tanked (up), soaked, out of his head/skull, loaded, trashed, hammered, soused, buzzed, befuddled, besotted, pickled, pixilated, canned, cockeyed, blotto, blind drunk, roaring drunk, dead drunk, punch-drunk, ripped, stewed, tight, merry, the worse for wear, far gone, pie-eyed, in one's cups, three sheets to the wind, bladdered, lashed, crapulous. And that was just what he found in the Thesauaus before the room went spinning into darkness.
Etymology: communication: the imparting or exchanging of information or news + drunk: intoxicated to excess
Points: 1199
Comments: Communidrunkation
metrohumanx - 2008-11-26: 14:39:00
Man oh MAN! ....Say NO MORE!