Verboticism: Bratvery

'You've done such a good job emptying your beer bottles.'

DEFINITION: v., To imply that person is usually unhelpful when asking for their assistance. n., An unwilling, unproductive and uninhibitedly useless helper.

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /brætvəri/

Sentence: * vb. (To bratver) That afternoon, Diana bratvered to her boyfriend:- "Now that you've done such a good job filling up your stomach, you should consider going to the supermarket and filling up the fridge!!" * n. (Bratvery) When she saw him pleasantly resting on the couch, she couldn't help thinking he was a complete spoiled bratvery...

Etymology: BRATVERY. Vb. n. From Brat (a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one) + Bravery (the condition or quality of being brave; courage)

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