Verboticism: Splenditto

'Hey, you're copying me!'

DEFINITION: v. To copy and share an idea, thing, or person because you think that it's so wonderful that everyone should have one. n. An open source clone.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /splen-DIT-oh/

Sentence: Whenever Ryan stumbled onto something he thought was new and hip, he'd try to get his friends and people around him to splenditto him. He liked to think of himself as a trendsetter, but usually those people would ignore his suggestions, or pretend to be interested just to humor him.

Etymology: Splendid - excellent, fine, or very good (from L. splendidus "magnificent, brilliant") & Ditto - to duplicate or repeat an action or statement (from Italian, detto, pp. of dire "to say")

Points: 1358

Comments: Splenditto

metrohumanx - 2008-07-07: 08:41:00
I like SPLENDITTO, Tigger! It's a lot of fun to pronounce. It implies adulation with just a smattering of sarcasm.

Jabberwocky - 2008-07-07: 11:33:00

Mustang - 2008-07-07: 18:59:00
Great! A word I can use myself....mega-splendittoes.....oops, I did it, didn't I?

OZZIEBOB - 2008-07-07: 19:25:00
Splenditto, faditto, elfadoraditto, ditto-ditto - I like it; great word.