Verboticism: Outcallibi

'The thing I love about internet dating...'

DEFINITION: v. To arrange with a friend to phone you with a "crisis" during a blind date, in case you need to make an emergency exit; n. A fake "emergency" phone call that is used to end a blind date.

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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: owt-call-ih-bye

Sentence: Janice kept looking at her phone. Her best friend was "giving birth" and she had to be on call to help her she told her date she just met for the first time in person. The pre-arranged outcall couldn't come any sooner she thought as he kept inching closer to her in the booth of the diner.

Etymology: out, as in giving someone a way out of a situation + call, a request or command to come + alibi, being somewhere else at a particular time

Points: 1349