Verboticism: Realityache

'Help! Get this thing off of me! '

DEFINITION: v. To return to the gym in order to get back in shape, only to over-do-it and injure yourself. n. An injury which is the result of an overly ambitious exercise program.

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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: ree-al-ittee-ayk

Sentence: Realityache. Newsome knew it all too well. Who was he kidding? What did he think was going to happen when he finally decided to get off his butt and start working out? Moderation? Nah. With full tilt workouts from the start and after a life of increasing sedentary circumstances, Newsome knew what realityache meant with each excrutiating movement of muscle in his body.

Etymology: reality + ache

Points: 926