Verboticism: Bonerrata

'I just asked the boss if she'd date me...'

DEFINITION: v. To make a mistake where the benefits exceed the costs of the screw-up. n. An excellent mistake, which despite its stupidity, produces a positive outcome.

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: bahn-ehr-atta / bōn-err-atta

Sentence: "She fired me!" Kevin cried out in laughter. "Really? What for?" Devon asked surprisingly. "I asked her out." Kevin replied with a twinkle in his eye. "Huh?" Devon grunted. "Yeah, I asked her out after I accidently deleted all of the files of the Johnson report." "Really?" asked Devon. "Yeah, she said no and she doesn't want me to work here anymore, but she needs me to fix the situation -- from home! So I will now be telecommuting Dude!"

Etymology: bon, good + boner, blunder + errata, corrections of mistakes, from err, to make a mistake

Points: 1256

Comments: Bonerrata

OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-04: 06:50:00
Nice word.