Verboticism: Antegoist

DEFINITION: v. To focus on your weaknesses, rather than your strengths. n. A person who is obsessed with their perceived deficiencies, and works hard to ensure that everyone else understands and appreciates their failings.
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: ant'ē'gō-ĭst
Sentence: Marlene was an accomplished dancer and visual artist, and her mechanical skills were amazing. She could dance her way through a brake job or a tuneup, and her pin-striping designs were renowned. But she was such an antegoist that when Herschel asked her to help him at the hot-rod show she declined because, she said, "I'm just not a 'people person.'"
Etymology: ant, any of numerous black, red, brown, or yellow social insects of the family Formicidae [Middle English amte, from Old English ǣmete]; eg, var. of egg, as in to have egg on one's face, or to lay an egg; oist, practitioner of zero.
Points: 1253