Verboticism: Happication

'Look I found a pretty flower.'

DEFINITION: v. To see joy and beauty where others only see complications, trouble and weeds. n. A moment of delight which dissipates as soon as it is shared.

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Created by: Biscotti

Pronunciation: hah-pih-kay-shun

Sentence: Andrea was so excited to give her mother the beautiful flower she picked from the grass. When presented with it, mom only said, "What a hideous weed! Thank you for killing it sweetie!" Distraught that she had killed something, Andrea quickly ran back to the spot at which she had picked it, dug a small hole, and buried it there. She felt such a feeling of happication that she felt she had to have a funeral service for the flower as well.

Etymology: Happy (joyful, excited) + complication (something that gets in the way)

Points: 1256