Verboticism: Rubbishension

'You can't put paper towels in the paper recycling!!'

DEFINITION: n. Anxiety created by an inability to understand or follow the regulations for recycling, composting and garbage collection. v. To feel confused and conflicted because you produce too much garbage and don't know how to get rid of it.

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Created by: doseydotes

Pronunciation: rə-bish-en(t)-shən

Sentence: Standing before the recycling bins in the Wal*Mart parking lot, Midge felt herself break out in a sweat. Did the aluminum vegetable cans belong with the soda cans, or did they simply go in with the regular garbage? "Good grief, lady, hurry up!" the man behind Midge spat between clenched teeth. Midge, her vision blurring, gave up and walked away with her bags of refuse. "I'm going to have to visit Dr. Johnson and see if I can't get something for this rubbishension pretty soon," she thought, as she stuffed the bags into her car, which was already filled with other recyclables.

Etymology: From Greek, rub, meaning "to cause slight friction"; from Phoenician, bish, meaning "fish with big lips"; and from English (American South dialect), ension, meaning "to creep along slowly and stealthily."

Points: 1073