Verboticism: Abhorable

'So what do you think of my snake?'

DEFINITION: v. To pretend that you adore someone's pet even though it is annoyingly stupid, bizarrely threatening, or just plain stinky. n. A alarming pet or companion, which nevertheless requires fawning.

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Created by: picabomama

Pronunciation: abhor/able

Sentence: David was so cute and so charming and so rich that Tiffany found herself cuddling up with his menagerie of abhorable animals, despite her fear of venomous attack.

Etymology: A play on the word adorable, replacing ador with abhor, meaning to to detest.

Points: 292

Comments: Abhorable

diyan627 - 2008-03-07: 14:29:00
perfect word! my sister's dog is abhorable with the way she lunges and flies at my face and barks in a high pitched, glass breaking squeal of a bark, but I have to pretend I love sister worships her

silveryaspen - 2008-03-07: 22:04:00
Sometimes we read more into a word as the day goes on ... abhorrible ... homonym to abhorable! So good I'll be using it! Great originality!

Mustang - 2008-03-08: 06:31:00
Excellent verboticism.

dctotx - 2013-02-01: 07:33:00
The concept of this game is to create new words, not submit commonly used words. (It was on urban dictionary years b4 you submitted it.)