Verboticism: Babylabeler

DEFINITION: v. To be unable to remember the name of a person you are speaking to, even though you've had a long-standing, and perhaps even an intimate relationship. n. An inability to remember a person's name.
Created by: picabomama
Pronunciation: baby/label/er
Sentence: Aaron sounded fatherly and protective, but his wife knew that all the "honey", "sweetheart" & "baby" talk was really just a cover for his profound inability to remember a woman's name. He was a compulsive babylabeler.
Etymology: Baby- the most common name replacer + label
Points: 674
Comments: Babylabeler
ErWenn - 2008-03-04: 09:57:00
I tried to come up with something along these lines, but buddyize, honeyify, and palform just don't roll off the tongue as well as babylabel.
silveryaspen - 2008-03-04: 10:15:00
Wow! Sentence captures how annoying and offensive babylabelers are! Your word captures that feeling of being talked down to! Very apt creation! Simple but packs a wallop! Great create!
OZZIEBOB - 2008-03-04: 19:38:00
Very true. Terms like mate, cobber, digger are often godsends for me! Unfortunately, Women's Lib has stamped out the use of luv, darl, etc.