Verboticism: Retchipe

DEFINITION: v. To prepare or process food in a manner that renders it unpalatable, indigestible and completely inedible. n., Food which has been prepared in such a way that it is unfit for human, or even non-human, consumption.
Created by: bananabender
Pronunciation: RECH - i - pee
Sentence: After Marla mixed and drank her healthy earth worm shake, Ron inquired which retchipe book she got her inspiration from.
Etymology: retch - to make an effort to vomit + recipe - list of ingredients and instructions for preparing a concoction of food or drink
Points: 767
Comments: Retchipe
Mustang - 2008-01-14: 07:00:00
I like it!!
silveryaspen - 2008-01-14: 11:20:00
Retchipes for the wretched wreck of a cook gone bad! Great Creation!
Jabberwocky - 2008-01-14: 15:29:00
very appropriate
OZZIEBOB - 2008-01-14: 19:13:00
Some recipes are so bad, they sound almost ready to retch for! Nice word!
Tigger - 2008-01-15: 00:04:00
Its a retchtipe for disaster. Great word!