The create-a-word game

DEFINITION: n. A driver who ignores the rules of the road by driving very slowly (i.e. at the legal limit) in the fast lane. v. To strictly observe the "suggested" speed limits, even when using the fast lane.
Top verboticism of the day created by purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: slo-tur-ist
Sentence: I was late for work again due to a slowtorist driving the speed limit in the passing "lame".
Etymology: slow, motorist
Created by: purpleartichokes.
funny word - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-07: 12:53:00
oooo.. I hate getting stuck behind people in the passing lame. Great word. - Jamagra, 2008-04-07: 13:56:00
Good word- I considered: "Sloffeur" and "Snaileur" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-07: 20:37:00
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Recardation: /rE-car-dA-shun/ The car pool is late for the work. The driver tries to make it on time as he comes across a motorist suffering from a case of recardation, in the fast lane, and relizes they are doomed. Etymology: retard, as in slow/car Created by: toadstool57.
Meanderthal: /me-an'-der-thol / "Hey, meanderthal!!! You're doing 55 miles per hour on the freaking freeway! Find the long pedal on the right and USE IT," Sam shouted at the elderly man in the Dodge Dart. "Meanderthalled again," grumbled Sam. Etymology: meanderthal - meander (to wander aimlessly) + Neanderthal Created by: Jamagra.
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-07: 12:52:00
Excellent - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-07: 20:33:00
Mamoover: /ma-moo-ver/ Molly had to mamoover very carefully in the heavy traffic near her farm. Etymology: A play on the word maneuver Created by: abrakadeborah.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: What are you doing in the fast lane?!!
More Winning Words:
More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: Let's try this again with extra suction.
Today's definition was suggested by stache and Biscotti. Thank you stache and Biscotti. ~ James
arrrteest - 2008-04-07: 17:40:00
A friend of mine always said, "Beware of old men in hats driving Buicks." I remember driving up the NJ Turnpike at 75MPH and pushing 80 in the right lane and being flashed by motorists thinking I was going too slow!
purpleartichokes - 2008-04-07: 18:03:00
My dad always said "Beware of men smoking cigars and driving station wagons." Wouldn't ya know, my first close call was with one of them?
logarithm - 2008-11-27: 11:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by Biscotti. Thank you Biscotti. ~ James
PennonFurl - 2018-06-13: 19:02:00