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'Why are you licking your pizza?'

DEFINITION: v. tr. To eat in a peculiar or ritualistic manner in an effort to lose weight while consuming more. n. An idiosyncratic method of eating, usually adopted for "health reasons".

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Top verboticism of the day created by artr

Pronunciation: egsentrik

Sentence: Walt has tried every diet he can find in an effort control his weight. He\'s tried the grapefruit diet, the caveman diet and the raw food diet. His latest is the eggcentric diet. It is touted as a **rebirth** experience. Any food or drink is allowed as long as it involves eggs. Steak & eggs; fine. Eggnog; sure. Coffee; not so good.

Etymology: egg (an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo) + eccentric (unconventional and slightly strange person or their behavior)

Created by: artr.


eggselent word - galwaywegian, 2010-01-14: 07:48:00

More Top Verboticisms:

(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Buffake: /buh-feyk/ It was maddening to watch her fill an entire plate with desserts and then proceed to eat only the chocolate bits of each item. If she would just eat one full dessert it would have less calories than trying to buffake her way around the meal. Etymology: combining buffet and fake Created by: sweetking.


let them eat buffake. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-14: 11:02:00

Conflume: /kon-floom/ Diana was conflicted: she wanted to eat the battered Twinkie so much, but the wedding dress wasn't going to magically alter itself. So she conflumed the Twinkie and felt much better about life. Etymology: conflict-consumed Created by: ryanpetie.

Snactkins: /sn - akt - kins/ Rosalie decided to go on the Snactkins diet. It was based on the Atkins diet but it allowed her to act like she was on a diet, while eating little snacks 10 times a day. Etymology: snack, act, Atkins Created by: mweinmann.


very clever - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-14: 09:40:00

I feel like having a snack now... - Nosila, 2010-01-14: 21:50:00


To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Why are you licking your pizza?



Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-20: 01:30:00
Today's definition was inspired by Robert J. Sawyer's Rollback. It may be science fiction, but when Rob gets rolling you can't help but laugh at the details of our daily lives -- like eating pizza. Rollback's pizza moment starts off with, "She was used to the way her husband ate pizza, but couldn't actually say she liked it", and then jumps right into the gory details. Thanks Rob! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-20: 04:41:00
This summer it's Double Verbotomy with Verbotomy Text and Verbotomy Classic. Get the details: Double Verbotomy for the Summer Season.

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