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DEFINITION: v., To yawn or sigh repeatedly in an effort to subtly communicate one's lack of interest in the current conversation. n., A series of long, exasperated, and often escalating sighs indicating extreme boredom.
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Created by: MadTripper
Pronunciation: fuh-sahy
Sentence: Although the 4 girls appeared interested in the story about my spiritless dog, I could tell they were truly attempting to fascigh and were ready for me to end my ramblings.
Etymology: Facade Sigh
You are our inspiration. YAWN. - fourgirls, 2007-10-15: 11:18:00
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: MAH nuh log
Sentence: As Gabby, Jade*s officemate, continued to monopolize the conversation with every picayune detail of her recent trip to Florida, Jade increased the frequency and volume of her yawning and kept up a not-so-subtle moanologue. After about fifteen minutes of this, Gabby asked, "Are you OK? Sounds as though you are feeling bored and tired lately. I tell you, a trip to Florida might be just the thing for you. Let me tell you some more of the very interesting things I saw and did there!"
Etymology: moan + monologue
Created by: brimuth
Pronunciation: kwit-at-me
Sentence: You have been talking for so long and I wish you would perform a quitatme.
Love it! - KenM2, 2007-10-15: 16:08:00
Created by: deepbluenpurple
Pronunciation: eekzhas/fayi
Sentence: Collective exaspighs during lectures did little to dissuade the Professor's misplaced enthusiasm.
Etymology: exasperated + sigh
Created by: Kat43
Pronunciation: get-out-of-my-face-ism
Sentence: As my friend was going on and on about their history homework, I suddenly realized that I caught a bad case of getoutofmyfaceism
Created by: vmalcolm
Pronunciation: /ɒsɪtɪkjəleɪt/
Sentence: When she noticed he was not paying attention at all, she yelled at him: Stop osciticulating now! This is serious!!!!
Etymology: OSCITICULATE. From Oscitate (the act of being inattentive) + Articulate (to utter a speech sound)
Oscitastic. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-10: 07:05:00
Created by: ajnemajrje
Pronunciation: Pass-AG-yahner
Sentence: John is such a passagyawner; whenever I speak he starts yawning to let me know hes bored of the conversation.
Etymology: Contraction of PASS(ive) + AGG(ressive) + YAWNER
Created by: milorush
Pronunciation: (n.)kə-mōn'-nĭ-kā'-shən; (tr. v.) kə-mōn'-nĭ-kāt'
Sentence: "Ezra, try telling people how you feel by using your words rather than wasting our time with your puerile comoanication!"
Etymology: com[mun]ication + moan
Created by: ericsimmons39
Pronunciation: Stra- tej- awn
Sentence: The conversation on the objectification of women was growing ever so tasteless and boring. I knew it was time to use the strategawn.
Etymology: Strategy- Yawn

Today's definition was suggested by remistram and Pseudonym. Were you two talking to each other when this idea popped into your heads? Thank you remistram and Pseudonym! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by Pseudonym. Thank you Pseudonym. ~ James