Vote for the best verboticism.

'This job sucks, but I love it...'

DEFINITION: n., A person who diligently and persistently complains about their work. v., To enjoy bellyaching about your job so much that you would never consider quitting.

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: staf/low/cawf/iss

Sentence: People are constantly trying to avoid the stafflocoffice - her whining is very contageous.

Etymology: staff + staphlococcus + office

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Created by: e9b9t9




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dis-ploi-ee

Sentence: Mack is a great disployee. No matter what the company does, he can find the down side of it. The company throws a holiday party; they should have put the money into larger raises. The company pays for employee's parking; garages are ugly and unhealthy because of exhaust fumes. If his dad wasn't the owner, he'd have quit long ago.

Etymology: dis (to show disrespect for; affront) + employee (a person working for another person or a business firm for pay)

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: BICH nes per sun

Sentence: Mona Waah was the consummate bitchnessperson - she liked to take her breaks by going around and telling everyone how much work there was to do, how it would never get any better, etc. She thought of herself as getting a lot done when in reality she was slowing herself and everyone else down while she was complaining about how horrible it was there. It was like a version of that old joke - she would wake up in the morning and whine, "Do I have to go to work? There's too much to do, and everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back!" and her husband would reply, "Yes, you have to go - you're the manager."

Etymology: businessperson + bitch (complain)


I'm sure I've worked with Mona... - Nosila, 2010-02-15: 13:14:00


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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (intr. v. & n.) stěd'-fŭs

Sentence: "Quit being such a steadfuss. I'm tired of your incessant griping about work conditions at the sperm bank!" ejaculated Sam.

Etymology: stead[fast] + fuss (from "fussbudget" = "a fussy or needlessly fault-finding person")

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: grum-ploy-ee

Sentence: If he was rated on how well and long he bitched about work, Bob would be CEO of the company by now.

Etymology: grump, employee


It would be a bit long but your word would be good mixed with Riki's grumployeeofthemoanth - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-18: 13:29:00

Met heaps of them! Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:26:00


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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: in-dus-tra-gripe

Sentence: After 30 years at her government job, Alma gradually had become a professional industragripe.

Etymology: industry (work) & gripe (complain/moan/bitch)

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Created by: keokuk




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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: purr-PETCH-yoo-luh-GRY-pist

Sentence: Sure, I'm guilty. We're ALL guilty...of coming to work every day to pound out reams of meaningless drivel that nobody ever reads seriously. Sitting thru pointless meetings and concocting vapid "vision statements" which are lies to begin with and kowtowing to semi-illiterate deans and directors who make five times as much as we do and only delegate their imaginary authority while handing out bonuses to their lackeys who drone on and on about their "proactive" approach to multiculturalism and pseudotechnical astuteness. This place makes me want to puke. If the coffee wasn't so good, I'd quit tomorrow and THEN they'd see how easy it is to deal with students who don't speak a word of engrish and have the collective IQ of a bag of hammers. I'm going to the donut shoppe. Do you want me to bring you anything? What do you mean, shut up? Sick of hearing WHAT? That this place is a totalitarian matriarchy run by an illiterate vice president? What do you mean, I'm irritating? What the hell is a PERPETULAGRIPIST? Is that supposed to be an insult? I'm telling the boss that you Verbotomize when you should be working on that mission statement. It smells funny in here.

Etymology: PERPETual+petULAnt+GRIPe+ist= PERPETULAGRIPIST perpetual:continuing forever, everlasting,occurring continually ;Middle English perpetuel, from Anglo-French, from Latin perpetuus uninterrupted.....petulant:insolent or rude in speech or behavior,characterized by temporary ill humor;Latin or Middle French; Middle French, from Latin petulant-, petulans; akin to Latin petere to go to, complain with grumbling; Middle English, from Old English grīpan; akin to Old High German grīfan to grasp, Lithuanian who has elevated something to a high level or artform.


metrohumanx Apostrophe abuse is RAMPANT and irritating.I had to stop reading a book because in the last 3 chapters, the author found a barrel of COMMAS he wasn't using and inserted them with wild abandon. NOW it's unnecessary quotation marks which are getting up my nose! What's this world coming to? - metrohumanx, 2008-09-16: 03:13:00

I know what you mean...unnecessary punctuation marks are a pain in the colon! Or is it the semi-colon?????? But I do love ellipses... - Nosila, 2008-09-16: 20:37:00

metrohumanx :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-17: 01:31:00


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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: occu-PISS-shun

Sentence: Manny's occupission as PA in Hollywood was to be everyone's bitch and he complained about it constantly. But when confronted with quitting he always asserted, "And leave show business?"

Etymology: Occupation + Piss (as in piss and moan)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: whin/a/hol/ic

Sentence: My boss is a major whinaholic about his job. Our hours are 8:30 - 5:00, but he arrives at 7:30 and leaves at 5:30 so he can smooze and cruise with the staff, but never stops bitching about all that he has to do.

Etymology: WHINAHOLIC - noun - from WHINE (snivel, or complain in a self-pitying way) + WORKAHOLIC (One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work)

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Created by: Boomertoo


Sentence: He was the consummate gripeonista of the entire office.

Etymology: Gripe and the ending "onista" as loosley adopted from the Spanish, e.g. "fashionista."

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: whin/a/hol/ic

Sentence: My boss is a major whinaholic about his job. Our hours are 8:30 - 5:00, but he arrives at 7:30 and leaves at 5:30 so he can smooze and cruise with the staff, but never stops bitching about all that he has to do.

Etymology: WHINAHOLIC - noun - from WHINE (snivel, or complain in a self-pitying way) + WORKAHOLIC (One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work)

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈfɹɛdəˌɹɪk/

Sentence: Fredrick complained all the time, but it was just fretoric.

Etymology: from fret + rhetoric

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Created by: wordslikevenom

Pronunciation: ad-moan-is-tration

Sentence: As soon as the lights went up and the last customer left the theatre, Gerry made straight for the vacuum cleaner. "Man! This job f*cking sucks", he thought to himself in yet another moment of admoanistration. Cleaning between the isles he noticed the goo on the back of seat D4. "Good grief! I pity the poor sod who was sitting in front on HIM". Being the janitor of a porno cinema had it's benefits but this wasn't one of them.

Etymology: Administration - tasks needed to control the operation of a plan. Moan - What you do when the train is late AGAIN.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: opp errr ant ihv

Sentence: most operantives work behind reception or in similar affront of house positions.

Etymology: operative, rant


so true - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-16: 16:24:00

Amen...what is it about those jobs that turns nice people into miseries? Or makes bad ones worse? Maybe it has to do with dealing with idiots all day long. - Nosila, 2008-09-16: 20:42:00


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Created by: gwshark




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: nok u pay shun

Sentence: Teddy had found his true Knockupation in life. He was a restaurant critic and described his gourmet adventures in the local rag. He took his title "Critic" to heart and never had anything good to say about anywhere he dined. Not only did the food and service not please him, he bad-mouthed his job to anyone who would listen. He complained about the food, the deadlines he had to file his reviews, the pending slander lawsuits from restaurants he reviewed and the fact that he was the only one in town with any sense of taste, style or epicurean knowledge. The fact that all this horrible food had added many inches to his girth was another source of complaint. If the food was really that bad, why did he clean his plate everytime and even ask for more? The reality was that this position knockupied all his waking hours and he could not imagine doing anything else!

Etymology: Knock (negative criticism) & Occupation (the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; any activity that occupies a person's attention )


metrohumanx As usual, an excellent little parable. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-16: 02:12:00

A winner for sure! And I will admit, if I was dining near him I might have to fight the urge to sockupy him. :) But that's just me. *giggle* - lumina, 2008-09-16: 22:50:00

If you're an actor, is it a mockupation? Is a jet pilot a machupation? Does Bon Jovi have a rockupation? Is being a longshoreman a dockupation? Is an electrician a shockupation? Is Teaching a chalkupation? Is being a cop a glockupation? Do the people at Lego have blockupations? Does a hairstylist or a security guard have a lockupation? Is being a lecturer a talkupation? Is a shepherd a flockupation? Is a symphony conductor a Bachupation? Is being an athlete a jockupation? Is a Chinese Restaurant owner a wokupation? Somebody stop me...please! - Nosila, 2008-09-17: 00:34:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: drone-nut

Sentence: Even though there were free donuts laid on for morning tea, Gerry and the other dronenuts huddled in the corner working hard at denigrating the company that kept them employed despite their low productivity.

Etymology: drone (1. an idler or drudge; 2. dull monotonous tone) + nut (fanatic) + donut (round like hamsters wheel)


So true, so true! Good down-to-earth word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:22:00


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Created by: pendraghon

Pronunciation: ə-ˈsō-shē-o-ˈkras

Sentence: The Associacrass of the month award goes to Jason Hill, the bearer of the water cooler, and the HR latrine lawyer of ABC, Inc.

Etymology: associate- 1: one associated with another: as a: partner, colleague b: companion, comrade 2 a: an entry-level member (as of a learned society, professional organization, or profession) b: employee, worker3often capitalized : a degree conferred especially

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Created by: brimuth

Pronunciation: job - a - hollik

Sentence: Despite Jeff's denials, everyone knew he was a secret jobaholic, smiling at his work when he thought no-one was looking.


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Uh-fishy-ah-not-so

Sentence: His complaints about the office, his work schedule and work conditions garnered him the label 'officianotso'.

Etymology: Office + not + so

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Created by: chippy


Sentence: Mary makes a great criveleehood as a teacher. Her students are horrible.

Etymology: cry livelyhood

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Created by: verbony

Pronunciation: wine-too-five-er

Sentence: Would you just listen to that whinetofiver

Etymology: whinny+nine-to-fiver

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sisəfəs

Sentence: John loves to sisyfuss about how he is overworked. He likes to complain about his co-workers. He enjoys kvetching so much that he started a number of Facebook groups; My boss is an idiot, work sucks, and Bitchers Anonymous. It*s one of the few things that get him out from under his rock. It gives him a sense of power he doesn*t get at work. He was practically giddy the day he ignored his boss*s friend request.

Etymology: Sisyphus (in Greek mythology - the son of Aeolus, punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned to the eternal task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill, from which it always rolled down again) fuss (a protest or dispute of a specified degree or kind)


mrskellyscl You are terrific! - mrskellyscl, 2010-02-15: 06:09:00

karenanne It works on so many levels - the fuss + the reference to Sisyphus, but also it has "sissy" in it. - karenanne, 2010-02-15: 17:20:00

karenanne It works on so many levels - the word "fuss" + the reference to Sisyphus, but also it has "sissy" in it. - karenanne, 2010-02-15: 17:20:00


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Created by: FayeWord

Pronunciation: rut-o-lay-zha

Sentence: Don has seen many colleagues come and go from this dead end job while he is stuck in his joyful rutolazya.

Etymology: rut; lazy (to do anything about the rut).

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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: the pronunciation of this word is the words " hate " the letter b and ' love '

Sentence: I hateblove this job .


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Created by: maryamwebster

Pronunciation: employ-men-NAG-a-dictomist

Sentence: "Hazel is such an employmenagaddictomist, but she'll never leave Consolidated - she likes her office chair too much."

Etymology: Employment, gainful work, Nag meaning to kvetch and complain, addict, one who is addicted to the preceding, -omist ending indicating a set prediliction

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: BEHL-lee-yay

Sentence: Alex plan was this: why aspire to supervising manager when he could bellyyay all he wanted as managerial supervisor?

Etymology: bellyache + yay

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Created by: NeuroGlyph




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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: JIB-dohl

Sentence: With a yearning to occuplague rather than be occupied, and to jibdole rather than job-do, Bob's beefs were legendary. And he certainly wasn't a workhorse, more a worknag. It seemed the thrill for him each day at work was that he was the office occuprick.

Etymology: Blend of JIB: One who sidesteps, hangs back, shirks the issue; JOB: work, employment & DOLE: Payment to the unemployment; 2. lament, lamentation, woe, grey-in-mood, gloom.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: ock-u-prick-kick

Sentence: With a yearning to occuplague rather than be occupied, Bob's beefs were legendary. And he certainly wasn't a workhorse, more a worknag. The thrill for him each day at the office was the occuprickick.

Etymology: Blend of the "occup" of occupation; prick: to nettle, sting, annoy, be a nuisance and "kick" to get enjoyment or a thrill from something.


Hahaha! Actually, I like "Occuprick" better! I may need to incorporate that into my vocabulary. :D - Lolagrrl, 2007-10-18: 10:38:00

another great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-18: 13:16:00


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Created by: verygoodmood


Sentence: As a former alien, I know that in the beginning most of people coming to our country for good have “Alienistic Mentality”, "Alienistic Feelings", they take advantage of the country’s benefits, grabbing what they can grab avoiding giving back. Later however, it often changes, but not always unfortunately.

Etymology: Alien + istic

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Created by: deaninc

Pronunciation: d-pest-ic

Sentence: being depestic is physically draining

Etymology: the combincation of depression and pessimism

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Created by: eileen22

Pronunciation: slitch

Sentence: That girl's such a slitch.

Etymology: sl - slacker, itch - bitch. someone who slacks and bitches.

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Created by: nswgrove


Sentence: Bob is our most vocal empludgeon, he happily complains about everything.

Etymology: Employee+curmudgeon

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: kol/leev

Sentence: It was bad enough that my desk was moved away from window with the gorgeous city view. I now had to endure working side by side with Ken, the company's colleave. Everyday it was the same. Ranting, whining, threatening and the packing and unpacking of his personal belongings, only to then have to "smile and wave" at the end of the day as he said "Another day another dollar. See you tomorrow."

Etymology: colleague + leave

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Created by: hiladizzle

Pronunciation: ass-i-whine

Sentence: I wish Fred would quit. He's such an assiwhine.

Etymology: n., derived from assignment (something assigned, as a particular task or duty; job) and whine (to snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: dis-grun-ti-fied

Sentence: Manny was a disgruntified worker who hated his job, his supervisor and his coworkers. He complained abut them constantly, especially down at Lucy's Cafe, until the day he retired. Everyone thought that he would finally be happy, but he still went to Lucy's everyday and complained because he had nothing to do. Besides, he missed the hogs.

Etymology: grunt: unskilled laborer + disgruntled: feeling or expressing discontentment or anger + gratified: satisfaction; receive what is desired

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: ogre-achiever (crap...."i" before "e")

Sentence: Kevin has nothing better to do than complain all day. What an ogreachiever.

Etymology: ogre: an unpleasant beast. achiever

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: em-ploi-vent

Sentence: His endless employvent forced his co-workers to wear their Ipods whilst at work which eventually led to their termination not his.

Etymology: employment + vent (as in to express out loud)

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Created by: crmow

Pronunciation: un-ful-fil-burt

Sentence: Jack was such an unfulfillbert, all he did was complain about how unsatisfied he was with his job.

Etymology: unfulfilled + dilbert

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bredwīnər

Sentence: As the chief breadwhiner for his family, Thomas feels trapped in a job he hates. He can moan, gripe, snivel and grumble with the best of them. Perhaps working in the complaint department isn’t the best match for him.

Etymology: breadwinner (a person who earns money to support a family) + whiner (a feeble or petulant complainer)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: grype fit ter

Sentence: Charlie had gone to trade school to get his ticket, so that he would always be able to find work. After a few years of being a pipefitter, he got bored and became a gripefitter. He complained about everything to everybody, but did not want to give up his status and benefits, plus the money was great. Apparently complaining about his job ran in his family as one of his brothers was a whine merchant, another a beef industry executive and the third a journeymoan electrician.

Etymology: Gripe (to complain) & Pipefitter (A pipefitter (also called steamfitter), not to be mistaken for a plumber, is a tradesman who lays out, assembles, fabricates, maintains and repairs mechanical piping systems)

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Created by: kabloozie

Pronunciation: EN-truh-peev

Sentence: Bob's usual ennui has really become a persistant entropeeve - I wish he'd just shut up or quit.

Etymology: Entropy:The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity + peeve: cause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful


Nice simple blend. Love the sentence too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:24:00


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Created by: Roosje

Pronunciation: lay - boh - mas - ooh - gism

Sentence: Don't be so labomasochistic.

Etymology: labo = labour masochism = pleasure from pain

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Jobs-mart-er

Sentence: Henry was such a jobsmartyr, he would endessly moan about the amount of of work he was left to do, his long suffering workmates were however not impressed, as they knew that secretly he was dreading the fact that he was rapidly approaching retiring age.

Etymology: Job(a paid position of regular employment) + Martyr(a person who exaggerates their difficulties in order to gain sympathy or admiration) = Jobsmartyr

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: job/stin/grate

Sentence: Hal's favourite part of the day was spent jobstingrating. On weekends he felt sad and underdepreciated.

Etymology: job + obstinate + grate

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: whyne stew ard

Sentence: It was enough to make one blush. Sam Gria was a consumant whinesteward. Although he loved his job serving the best wines to the richest people, he never failed to find a riesling to complain. Although he mulled over his circumstances all the time, he never failed to pinot his hopes on changing his bubbly career. For the sake of his varietal sanity, he thought of moving to Cork or the Rhine or Burgundy, but he lost his bottle. It was claret he'd always finish where he was, if he would only mature. He married Rosé,settled in Bordeaux, was always in hock and watched Magnum PI re-runs on TV most nights.

Etymology: Whine (moan, complain) & Steward (attendant) plus Wordplay on Wine Steward (someone who suggests and serves wine)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mone drone

Sentence: Sherry was a moandrone. She endlessly complained about everything at work. Her peers called her Moana Lot behind her back and many had told her she should quit if she hated it so much. But truth is, despite it all, she had found the perfect job at the distillery. She was now officially called a whine taster...

Etymology: Moan (complain,indicate displeasure/discomfort) & Drone (an unchanging intonation;someone who takes more time than necessary, lags behind)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: whin/a/hol/ic

Sentence: My boss is a major whinaholic about his job. Our hours are 8:30 - 5:00, but he arrives at 7:30 and leaves at 5:30 so he can smooze and cruise with the staff, but never stops bitching about what he has to do.

Etymology: whine + workaholic


Tried to create my word on 'holic'- you came up with a goodun! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:28:00


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Created by: pungineer

Pronunciation: Moan/it/tor

Sentence: Joan was a classic moanitor, the whole office knew she always volunteered to organise the staff day out just so she would have even more material for her non stop complaining

Etymology: Moan: the sound a complainant makes Monitor: a person with special duties such as giving out milk

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ock-yew-pule-AY-shun

Sentence: Reginald griped and complained so often and so long at work that most folks realized that whining had become his ocupulation, a fact that had many of them wishing he'd take his skills elsewhere.

Etymology: Blend of 'occupation' (a person's usual or principal work or business) and 'pule' (whine)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sisəfəs (just like the real word)

Sentence: George was such a Sisyfuss. He complained about getting to work. He complained about being at work. He complained about the work he did. He complained about the trip home. While at work he complained about his home life. He not only rolled that big rock up the hill, he pushed it down again trying to take out as many others as possible as it went down. Some say he is able to keep his youthful appearance because he never uses the muscles in his face that are required for smiling.

Etymology: Sisyphus (the son of Aeolus, punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned to the eternal task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill, from which it always rolled down again) + fuss (show unnecessary or excessive concern about something)


hillarious! - galwaywegian, 2008-09-16: 06:30:00

hooterbug Great job! - hooterbug, 2008-09-16: 07:26:00


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Created by: Stackd

Pronunciation: mas-ok-yu-pa-kiz-uhm

Sentence: Her masoccupachism was starting to annoy her coworkers, constant complaining of her work was driving them crazy.

Etymology: combination of masochism (gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc.) and occupation.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: mone-er-LEE-sah

Sentence: Lisa's workmates had dubbed her with the nickname 'moanerlisa' not only for her penchant for whining thru the day about her job but also for the wry smile she constantly wore while griping.

Etymology: Blend of words 'moaner' (one who complains or expresses pain) and Lisa, a woman's name. Play on the name of the painting, Mona Lisa

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: bur/oh/crab

Sentence: To be a successful bureaucrab you must have a love/hate relationship with your job and everybody else's jobs. Making life difficult and and frustrating must be a top priority.

Etymology: bureaucrat + crabby


Lovely! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-18: 13:57:00

Great! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:20:00


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Created by: Lolagrrl

Pronunciation: piss-n-moan-eh-vay-tor

Sentence: Terry has been with the company for 13 years now. Nobody's really sure what her job is other than pissinmoanivating everyone about her boss.

Etymology: "Piss and Moan" + "Motivate"

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: em-ploy-ee-ov-the-mohnth

Sentence: she was well-known throughout the office for being an employeeofthemoanth

Etymology: moan, employee-of-the-month


funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-18: 13:14:00


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Created by: kimbo123

Pronunciation: whine-o-worker

Sentence: He goes to work everyday, but is such a whinoworker to his fellow employees.


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Created by: usareddy




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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-18: 00:48:00
Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth! ~ James

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-09-16: 03:37:00
"occupulation" is a great word, and easy to pronounce, too.

galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00

galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00
oops that was meant for sisyfuss

lumina - 2008-09-18: 02:22:00
Nosila! Your "pation" fit was GREAT! NOBODY stop him! HA! Is owning a pawn shop a hockupation? Shouldn't the kid on the corner in his yellow traffic get up get paid for that blockupation? Ok, somebody slap us both... :) Congrats on the win Nose!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-15: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth. ~ James

wordslikevenom - 2011-06-30: 19:40:00
Vintage ;)