Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A feeling of discomfort, common while sitting on a plane or train, created by the sense that you are about to be decapitated by your fellow passengers who are tilting aggressively towards you. v. To sit in a very small space, which seems to be getting smaller.
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Created by: zebrahdh
Pronunciation: dis-en-co-zee
Sentence: I was quickly disencozied by the crackhead who felt the need to sit right beside me on the bus, when there were plenty of empty benches. I'm prone to disencoziness though, which is why I usually walk to work.
Etymology: Disenchant- To free from illusion *of* Cozy- comfortable feeling
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: kramz por TAY shun
Sentence: Packer didn't know what was a worse or more crowded way of getting to his relatives' house for the holidays, StuffWest Airlines or the JamTrak train. He considered driving the ten hours just to cut down on the physical and olfactory invasion to his personal space. Finally, his family decided on having their Thanksgiving dinner by computer conferencing. It was cheaper, and more importantly, it cut down on disputes and drama!
Etymology: cram + transportation
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: seet/trak/shun
Sentence: Whenever John flew and had to sit in the middle isle, Murphy's Law of seatraction always seemed to come into play. On either side of him twin 300 pounders always made him feel cozy and crushed for the full six hour flight.
Etymology: seat + contraction
Interesting combo! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-29: 09:12:00
I first thought of your word as seat attraction which would make sense if the seat on either side got closer - great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-29: 13:28:00
good word! twelve hours in traction after the flight to straighten out the limbs would do the trick... but not with the 300 pounders as the weights! - bananabender, 2008-01-29: 22:21:00
John - Go by sea next time ! good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-30: 16:17:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: klos tro fo bik
Sentence: Vivian always felt very closetrophobic while flying on Cram Air. Although a bit cheaper in price, the seats were so close together,when you reclined your chair, you were spooning with the passenger behind you.
Etymology: Close (near, crowded) & Claustrophobic (suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places;uncomfortably closed or hemmed in)
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: en-kroach-klass
Sentence: The plane hadn't even left the terminal when I realized that my bargain ticket placed me smack in the middle of encroach-class - where the person in front of me had already put his jacket over the back of my seat, thus rendering my tray table useless, and reclined all the way back. The fact that I was sitting in an exit row and could not recline made my encroach-class predicament all the more uncomfortable.
Etymology: encroach + coach class
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: knead-less
Sentence: The passenger in front of Tom kneedlessly reclined her seat, figuring Tom would kneedless room than she did. Had she been more considerate, she probably would have been kneedless by Tom, who made it his mission for the rest of the flight to dig his knees into the reclined seat while incessantly putting large hardback books into the seat pocket only to take them out again.
Etymology: Heedless--characterized by careless unconcern--changed to incorporate knee and then conjugated every way I could think of.
Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-20: 16:23:00
Kneedmore Kneedless words like this... - Nosila, 2008-11-20: 19:44:00
Spectacular tale of revenge! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-21: 08:31:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kan dee da
Sentence: his cannedida was not improved by being engulfed in a dandruff blizzard every time the plane hit an air pocket.
Etymology: candida, canned.
Canny Creation! I like it. - silveryaspen, 2008-01-29: 09:06:00
Created by: verboman
Sentence: " while slying to france , the lady sitting next to me created a 'shrinkingpspacediscomfort' owing to her obesity"
Etymology: shrinking + space + discomfort
Created by: jajsr
Pronunciation: sp-a-s-mow-di-come
Sentence: Unaware of her actions, Beth's tiredness make John experience some first class spacemodicum.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: seet/trak/shun
Sentence: Whenever John flew and had to sit in the middle isle, Murphy's Law of seatraction always seemed to come into play. On either side of him twin 300 pounders always made him feel cozy and crushed for the full six hour flight.
Who needs a seatbelt, eh? Good Word! - Nosila, 2008-11-20: 19:13:00
Verbotomy - 2008-01-29: 04:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by gemmgemms. Thank you gemmgemms. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-01-29: 09:30:00
Evocative cartoon ... crushed-people like sardines in a tinned-canny airplane with that overpowering fishy smell closing in on everything! Very clever!
Verbotomy - 2008-01-30: 01:10:00
Hey Silveryaspen, Thanks for the kind words. Smells like croosht shoup ~ James
metrohumanx - 2008-11-20: 02:19:00
Excellent word. Makes me wonder who that was and what they were chanting.
Verbotomy - 2010-04-19: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by gemmgemms. Thank you gemmgemms. ~ James