Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A fashion accessory or style of dress which purports to improve one's appearance and attitude, but actually does the opposite. v. To follow a fashion dictum in an effort to improve your social standing even when it causes physical discomfort.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: it-sux-or-ree
Sentence: A slave to fashion, I opted for the ultra conrol top panty hose which turned out to be the ultimate itsuckssory. The control top was so controlling that I ended up hiking it from my tender waist onto my ribs, which was comfortable for a while, but at the end of the night I ended up with a deep long-lasting bruise on my ribs. I mean I've heard of control top, but really! The communist party wasn't even this controlling!! (true story)
Etymology: it sucks + accessory
Hysterical. Very creative. - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-27: 17:10:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: garb-gaffe (rhyme with giraffe)
Sentence: Rico, not realizing the garbgaffe of wearing skinny jeans, was unable to walk nor get enough circulation to his thighs. He would later have them surgically remove aforementioned skinny jeans.
Etymology: From the words garb (clothing) and gaffe (unrealized mistake)
Created by: shoeshineboy
Pronunciation: gar-MENT-i-ROH-soh
Sentence: The high-waisted capri pant is a pure garmentiroso; it purports to make you look young, but instead it makes you look like you outgrew your Mom jeans.
Etymology: garment + mentiroso (liar)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: oss-cur-deep-lah-men-tah
Sentence: Her underwire bra was making a gashion statement in her ribs, her high heels only slightly surpassed the size of her bunyans, and she walked around in oscardeeplamenta, yet she continued to be a slave to the latest fasion trends.
Etymology: Oscar de la Renta, deep lament
excellent, gashion is a good one too! - toadstool57, 2008-04-08: 08:11:00
I like gashion too! Nice job, purple! - Jamagra, 2008-04-08: 09:46:00
Unfortunately, gashion was already found by verboogle... it's gay fashion. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 12:04:00
Very good!! - Mustang, 2008-04-08: 16:59:00
Don't you just hate it when you are in the 19th hour of your 18 hour bra? Good one, purple! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:29:00
Created by: dennisrussis
Pronunciation: lup-si
Sentence: Being a real loopsy her dress gronded other bobbysockers at the party.
Etymology: loop + fancy
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: hurt-koo-TOOr
Sentence: Chicophant and hurtcouture, were but two words to describe Bob and Roxie's strange and often grotesque grooming.
Etymology: Blend of HURT: to feel or suffer bodily or mental pain or distress & COUTURE: very fashionable, having the style, quality of fashion. CHICOPHANT:(SHEEK-uh-fuh-nt) from (chic & cophant of sycophant): fashionable, self-seeking, servile flatterer.
Love it Oz! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 19:04:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Azz-ces-or-tized
Sentence: Lilly was squeezed tight...while Leo's rear was azzcesortized in his latex corset.
Etymology: Azz-(Figured that one out...) cesortized - to be traumatised by your accessories and clothing.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: oat cut yers
Sentence: Vinny was all for dressing to kill in his teddy and heels, but his hautecutyours were so tight he got an atomic wedgie and strap tracts in his shoulders.
Etymology: Haute Coutures (trend-setting fashions) & Cut yours (slice)
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: moo moo boo boo
Sentence: The striped overalls, red socks, v-neck sweater and clogs seemed like a cool choice for the power lunch, but as he entered the restaurant Bill realized it had been a big mumubooboo.
Etymology: mumu-hawaiian smock; boo-boo-error
Created by: queenjane75
Pronunciation: say-dough-fah-shun-is-tick
Sentence: Sara prefers to wear thongs, which the men at work secretly refer to as clam hammocks, but the hammock comparison is far, far from the truth. Thongs are rather sadofashionistic, and, believe me, the un-hammock-like perma-wedgie is not worth that kind of attention from men.
Etymology: sadistic+fashion
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gagrag
Sentence: Though he hated the choking feeling they induced and the ridiculous expense Tom knew that to get ahead as a manager he had to conform and wear a gagrag. His only solace is that someday when he owned his own company he would outlaw the stranglestrap.
Etymology: gag (choke or retch) + rag (a piece of old cloth)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: fo-SHEEK
Sentence: While Miriam believed she was very stylish and stunning, the styles she chose were invariably fauxchic, either outdated, recommended by people with trashy fashion sense, or just chosen because of her utterly poor taste.
Etymology: Blend of 'faux' (false) and 'chic' (stylish)
Fee Fye Faux Fum! - Nosila, 2009-05-27: 09:22:00
Fuax No Miriam!!! Fun word. - mweinmann, 2009-05-27: 09:53:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: sheek/grin
Sentence: It was with mixed emotions and an attitude of chicgrin that she wore the latest all wool full body designer suit to the red carpet movie premiere.
Etymology: chic (fashionable) + grin and bear it + chagrin (annoyance, discomfiture)
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-08: 21:39:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ak-ces-sor-ee
Sentence: Matt realized that the peacock blue sequin jacket was an accessorry that didn't help him achieve his goal of becoming police chief, especially when the city council members stared at him in disbelief. "Perhaps it's a bit over the top," he thought. "Next time I'll go with the periwinkle scarf."
Etymology: accessory: something nonessential that contributes to an effect + sorry: feeling regret or shame
Making a fashion statement....clever. - mweinmann, 2009-05-27: 09:51:00
Created by: scarletzinc
Etymology: Fashion-discomfort[fort]
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fash un ay shun
Sentence: Yes, Eddie & Martha were a poor couple whose sense of style was a source of fashunation for all who knew them. Eddie always wore a Nehru jacket, bell bottoms, a shark tooth necklace, a beret and Cuban heel boots long before the Swinging Sixties and sadly, long after! Martha wore white go-go boots, tie-dye tee-shirt,a knitted cloche hat, plastic jewellery and a poodle skirt, and that was just to work, this week. Heaven knows they both tried, but apparently the Vogue magazines they read were way out of date, being second-hand. At any rate, they certainly were unique in their clothing choices, largely due to their impercunious financial status. Their friends sent in tons of nominations for them to appear on "What Not To Wear", to no use. Then one day, the lottery gods availed themselves and Eddie & Martha became staggeringly wealthy, squillionaires in fact! They no longer had to fit themselves out at the consigment stores. Instead, they could now afford to array themselves in the best designer goods around. It became their habit to spend a fortune and wear the very latest haute couture. Dior, Givenchy, Lagerfeld, Christian De La Croix, Hermes, Herrara, Oscar De La Renta, Galiano, Chanel, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Prada and Worth, but to name a few, became their new best friends. They appeared in trendy magazines as connoisseurs of everything "au courant". In the latest issue of Vogue, Eddie wore: a Nehru jacket, bell bottoms, a shark tooth necklace, a beret and Cuban heel boots and Martha was adorned in: white go-go boots, a tie-dye tee-shirt, a knitted cloche hat, plastic jewellery and a poodle skirt. Now, Victoria (Posh) Beckham and Vera Wang were racing to copy their new, innovative styles, to sell to Mr & Mrs North America...what utter fashunation with Eddie & Martha's classic panache!
Etymology: fashion ( the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior) & shun (avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of expel from a community or group) & fascination (the capacity to attract intense interest or a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual) & nation (organized body of people)
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: geht-uhp
Sentence: He thought his ghettup gave him street cred and made him look tuff, but wearing his jeans so low that the waist band sat below his butt, and the crotch hung down to his knees caused him to walk like Marilyn Monroe in a tight skirt.
Etymology: alternative spelling of getup (a style or arrangemet of dress, esp. an elaborate or unusual one) + ghetto (a part of a city, esp. a slum area, occupied by a minority group)
another best word for the day should be another winner, and a nice brief sentence, not an anthology - DrWebster111, 2009-05-31: 12:16:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: dres - herts
Sentence: Carl was required to wear dresshurts to his board meetings. The collars scratched his neck; the cuffs abraded his wrists and his midsection felt girdled.
Etymology: dress, dress shirts, hurts
Good buttoned it down and collared it well! - Nosila, 2009-05-27: 09:24:00
Created by: Moosehead
Pronunciation: style-lashed
Sentence: Look at the dude with the black rubber shirt, it looks like he's about to die from heat! He got totally stylashed.
Etymology: Style -wearing fashionable clothes. Lashed -whipped or beaten.
Created by: milorush
Pronunciation: (n.) fāsh'ĭz'əm, (adj.) fāsh'ĭst
Sentence: Rudolf walked away from a lucrative career in public relations because of his aversion to the dress code fashism of suit-and-tie thuggery.
Etymology: fash[ion] + [fasc]ism
Created by: Jamagra
Pronunciation: a/par'/el
Sentence: On a beautiful spring morning Jamagra could not decide what to wear to work. She always found this standing-in- front-of-the-closet part of the day disdressing and attiresome. After going through all of her apperil once again, Jamagra decided to skip the chafing and agcessorizing for one day. She phoned her excuses to the office ("illness and fatigue" because she was sick and tired of working) then went out to the garden. After donning her (non)tortureshell sunglasses, Jamagra pinched back some blooms and bound the peas to their trellis. "Much better than pinchy shoes and binding skirts," thought Jamagra.
Etymology: apparel (clothing) + peril (something that may cause injury; grave risk) "agcessorizing" - agonizing + accessorizing
Great word! Even lovlier sentence. Think I'll call in sick tomorrow and get the peas planted! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 10:42:00
I agree with purple - can't wait to get into the garden - wonderful sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-08: 12:30:00
Rudolph the Red-Toes Pain-Fear! (uh, that was bad, sorry.) - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 19:34:00
Peas on Earth, Jamagra! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:38:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: noōsəns
Sentence: Alan is happy with his raise. He has worked hard for it and feels he deserves it. What he doesn't love was the fact that he is now expected to play the corporate dress-up game. He hates ties. At best they are a nuisance, at worse a noosence.
Etymology: noose(a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or trap animals) + nuisance (a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: trans/vest/tu/tite
Sentence: Leslie gave up his dream of being a transvestite when he had to wear a tight vest and became instead a transvestootight.
Etymology: transvestite + vest too tight
Love it! - Nosila, 2008-04-09: 19:50:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: parra-dox-sol
Sentence: Pamela swished her skirt around pouting prettily at the passing officers while she twirled her paradoxsol overhead. Designed to make her look like a sophisticated young lady, it was made of a beautiful imported lace. Unfortunately, the lace afforded little protection to her fair face and within 10 minutes of the midday sun her cheeks were red and the skin had started peeling off her nose.
Etymology: parasol (fashion accessory which protects against the sun) + paradox (contradiction) + radox (commercial mineral salt preparation added to a bath for easing muscle pain)
great word - bookowl, 2008-04-09: 16:08:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: ver-sow-chee
Sentence: she decided to go through her wardrobe and throw away anything remotely Versouchie
Etymology: versace, ouchie
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-08: 11:58:00
Created by: Softbagel14
Etymology: fash- as in fashion -um as in 'um, why on earth are they wearing that?'
Created by: Kennecticut
Pronunciation: bowla con strictor; bolo or bola is correct
Sentence: During his presentation to the Texas Bolo Tie Corp on how to squeeze out another drop of profits. His bola tie works it`s way tighter and tighter like a true boloconstrictor they have been manufacturing until his face is beet red and is near wheezing, demonstrating the major force behind the companies falling profits and presenters
funny - bookowl, 2008-04-09: 16:07:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: plad fad
Sentence: After the moviE, "Braveheart" came out, Mary's Scottish boss wore only kilts and tartans and encouraged those who wished to seek his favour to do the same. This plaidfad was a problem to Mary and others, who found it hard to find enough plaid gear to wear to work. One poor soul finally flipped out and was fired for refusing to dress the part. He returned the next day in tartans, wild hair and blue paint on his face yelling "Frrrreedom!" In one of life's ironies, Mr. Burns, the manager was let go himself the next week, when one of his female staffers complained to head office that she did not like the tilt of his kilt when he came near her!
Etymology: Plaid (Tartan;crisscross design on a fabric) & Fad (craze, trend;current interest followed with exaggerated zeal)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kross toomd
Sentence: Ned & Nancy lived together and worked in the same office. Ned worked for Ida and Nancy worked for Bruce. Every month there were new contests and events designed to increase employee morale and engage the workers. Today was "Dress Like The Boss" Day, so Nancy had crosstumed herself in a suit and tie and Ned had gotten himself crosstumed in a diaphanous bridesmaid dress, the colour of bubblegum, complete with accessories. Off they went to work, only to be greeted by their snickering, jeering co-workers wearing bandannas, torn jeans, sleeveless shirts, carrying guitars and microphones. Yes, it was actually "Dress like The Boss Day" alright...Bruce Springstein, that is!
Etymology: Cross (as in cross-dressing, where someone of one gender wears the clothing typically associated with the other gender) & Costumed (dressed in clothing characteristic of a period, country, or class)
Do you suppose someone was being a little costumacious? - Mustang, 2009-05-27: 07:48:00
I really enjoyed your story! Perfect for the cartoon! - hyperborean, 2009-05-28: 21:06:00
EXCELLENT WORD, but it didn't need the book, it's called a "sentence" - DrWebster111, 2009-05-31: 12:12:00
Ah, DrW...sentences really only matter in prison!!! - Nosila, 2009-06-01: 00:41:00
Created by: moonquakes
Pronunciation: ab-sess-o-ree
Sentence: As Joel saw it, Karen's tie was no less offensive to his senses than the bloody pustule he once bravely bore on his 11 year-old wrist for a whole month after his 5th grade 'girlfriend' broke up with him by stabbing him with a pencil -- it was, in other words, an abscessory.
damn, I spelled it wrong. I meant 'abscessory.' - moonquakes, 2010-06-14: 23:18:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: garb+agenda
Sentence: Why do you wear that garbagenda instead of something comfortable?
Etymology: garb+agenda
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hurrt koo chooor
Sentence: Her obsession with hurtcouture ended tragically when she took her own life by jumping from her jimmy choo stilettoes,
Etymology: haut couture hurt
Poor Sole! - Nosila, 2010-06-17: 23:45:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Fah - shun - NOT - see
Sentence: Evan fancied himself a dashing figure in his retro attire but he was a fashionotsee who didnt realize that his peers were actually sneering and not smiling at his appearance.
Etymology: Blend of fashion and not see (or
I always thought the word fashion came from fascism! Good one, Mustang! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:32:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /oht-koo-tor-cher/
Sentence: Irene had spent half of her last paycheck on a pair of Manolo slingbacks, and she took satisfaction in knowing that she was wearing the most fashionable shoes of anyone at the party. Unfortunately, the new, stiff leather had raised and torn open blisters on her ankles and squished her toes, so that now she was barely able to walk. This miserable hautecoutorture she was experiencing must just be part of the price of high-fashion. On top of that, her dress pinched under her arms and dug painfully into her bladder whenever she sat down. Her dress was a Versouchie.
Etymology: Haute-couture - high fashion (French, haute "high" & couture "sewing") Torture - to afflict with severe pain (from Latin, torquere "to twist, turn, or wring")
Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 09:25:00
Great word. - Mustang, 2008-04-08: 16:57:00
She probably also wear Prodda and Calvin DeKlein! Good word, Tigger! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:35:00
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: fad-dis-com-fit-ure
Sentence: Jill's sheek thigh boots caused her fadiscomfiture. Her feet became deformed, and she has open lesions on her toes. But hey, it's the coolest trend, and she looks marvelous!
Etymology: fad, as in fasion/discomfiture, as in injury
At least she'sm keeping afoot of the trends! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:36:00
At least she'sm keeping afoot of the trends! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:36:00
Created by: beera
Pronunciation: my-tie-your-corset
Sentence: An early morning John said to his wife that 'Honey!lets dress up mytieurcorset and go to work as we our getting late!'.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: krap per el
Sentence: Henry resented the dress code at his work. Mainly because he hated having to wear a tie. He called it crapparel and was always pushing for casual Fridays, without much luck. Finally one day, he snapped. He marched into the boss' office and removed his tie and that of the boss. The boss was taken aback, especially when Henry ranted that wearing a tie did not make him a better executive and not wearing one would not make him a worse one. He continued that the tie made everyman look uptight and not relaxed and was only good for catching his lunch spillings on it (or as he called it Tie Food). The boss turned red, banged his desk and smiled. He agreed and declared that the office would now be a tie-free zone everyday. After work they went out for a My-Tie.
Etymology: Crap (obscene terms for feces;obscene words for unacceptable behavior) & Apparel (clothing in general;attire)
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: oht-fass-ahd-ism
Sentence: Pat and Gene worked for a upstart tech company that prided itself on acceptance and forward thinking. Casual Fridays seemed so passé that the wearing of jeans seemed quite the conservative costume. Thursdays became Thong Thursdays, Wednesdays became a true Hump Day where employees wore teddies or other intimate gear under their "Librarian" clothes. Titular Tuesdays dress code was provacative, however it was Mix-It-Up Monday's Hautefacadism that took the cake. Employees would often switch clothes or come already clothed in genderbending attire. To help along acceptance, the company planned a workshop on How to Tie a Tie, Walking in Pumps or Stilletos, and How To Accesserize.
Etymology: haute, French High from haute couture + facade, French façade false face + sadism, deriving pleasure from others' pain
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: emb/hell/ish/ment
Sentence: Six inch stylettos are an embhellishment that hurts the spine and causes muscle cramps in the legs but come in very handy as a weapon.
Etymology: embellishment + hellish
Ha! So do steel-toes. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 09:27:00
Bela, Bela! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-09: 20:56:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: biznoōs
Sentence: When the company Jim worked for was sold, he hoped that the old dress code might be eased. His greatest hope was that he might be able to shed the hated biznoose.
Etymology: biz (a business, typically one connected with entertainment) + noose (a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or trap animals)

Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James
stache - 2008-04-08: 18:32:00
clam hammock. heh, heh.
purpleartichokes - 2008-04-08: 19:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James
DrWebster111 - 2009-05-31: 12:10:00
PennonFurl - 2018-06-14: 05:05:00