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DEFINITION: v., To shed one's skin in an effort to appear younger or healthier. n. The little bits peeling skin caused by overexposure to direct sunlight.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fay sloft
Sentence: Joan Rivers regularly gets her doctor to faceslought her countenance in order to chase the fountain of youth. Between peels, lifts, tucks, Botox,chemicals, dermabrasions,lasers and liposuction, not much of the original Joan is still around. Being a comedienne, she is toying with a name change, too. Since she has shed more skin than any snake, she likes the sound of Joan Slithers. And why is she going to a plastic surgeon? Wouldn't a real one be better?
Etymology: Facelift (plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised) & Slough (any outer covering that can be shed or cast off;necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass;cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers)
Created by: InuYasha11
Pronunciation: Derm-tend
Sentence: Rebecca didn't put on sunscreen, resulting in her face to dermtend.
Etymology: derm-face tend-stretch
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: der-mah-BLITE-iss
Sentence: What Marjorie inended to be an enhanced appearance thru extra sun lamp treatments turned instead, into a major case of dermablighits with large patches of facial skin either peeling or taking on odd shades of various colors.
Etymology: Blend of 'derma' (n. layer of skin) and 'blight' (n. a deteriorated condition) play on the word 'dermatitis' (n. Inflammation of the skin, usually itchy, with redness, swelling, and blistering)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: san-ex-oo-VEE-ate
Sentence: It started for Bob when he melded the Dylan classic, "Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now" with the Beach Boy's, "Sun, Sun, Sun." And for him it became his mantra for a more solubrious life. He believed that hours of sunbaking helped him to sanexuviate and rejuvexuviate, and was a sure way to a more youthful and healthier look.
Etymology: Sanexuviate: A blend of "san": health & "exuviate": to shed the skin. Rejuvexuviate: regaining of youthfulnees through shedding of the skin. Solubrious: A blend of "sol" :sun & salubrious"favorable to health.
love your sentences - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-17: 11:22:00
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: friz-ull-epp-ee-chay-ff
Sentence: Dude, your frizzlepichafe's showing.
Etymology: Frizzle, (frazzle, fry) + epidermis, (outermost layer of the skin) + chafe, (rub, abrade) = frizzlepichafe
Ha, ha, ha! Sounds like an Italian dirty word. - hyperborean, 2012-10-19: 20:42:00
Created by: Freepiehere
Pronunciation: Mag-Ni-Male
Sentence: The Oregon Trail quest my family set out on has become a complete MAGNIMALE ever since dad caught dysentery.
Etymology: Magni-Great Mal(e)-bad
Created by: hellohime
Pronunciation: Goldmembering - Goldmemb'ring
Sentence: From all the shedded skin on the floor, I could tell that, my girlfriend had been goldmembering for most of the night.
Etymology: Goldmembering - From the movie Goldmember where the character played as portrayed Mike Myers, had a predilection for peeling his own skin, saving it in a box and possibly eating it.
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: ex-treem-fall-ee-ate
Sentence: The extremefoliator at the spa recommended that Jill should extremefoliate her skin monthly to retain that just boiled look.
Etymology: extreme + exfoliate
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: secks a peeeeel
Sentence: The unfortunate thing was that while the sexapeel method made his bits look younger, they also made them so painful as to preclude anyone from touching them, which sort of defeated the purpose.
Etymology: peel, sex appeal
Good one! It made me laugh! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-17: 09:59:00
good one Galway - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-17: 11:11:00
All is not sex that apeels! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-17: 18:31:00
Created by: 719985
Pronunciation: anti-vet-er-OS
Sentence: Ever since I got my antiveterous procedure, I've had so many hot men asking for my number!
Etymology: Anti - not + veter - old + -ous - having the character of
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: soh-lay-skin
Sentence: It was difficult to get optimal soleilskinning done during the winter months so she would schedule several trips to the Caribbean to make up for it.
Etymology: soleil (sun en francais)+ skin
Created by: 718114
Pronunciation: mal-e-corp-ly-sis
Sentence: After being in the sun for too long, the girl had a bad case of malecorplysis.
Etymology: Male- bad Corp- body lysis- loosening, seperation
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: skin-so-sloft
Sentence: Everyone thought Marcy had a bad case of dandruff. No one suspected the white stuff on her shirt was SkinSoSloughed.
Etymology: Product by Avon, slough
very funny!! I laughed out loud when I read this one - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-17: 11:09:00
Glad ya got a chuckle Jabber! - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-17: 16:11:00
Created by: tizher
Sentence: No matter how hard she tried, she could not hide her sunscales in the shadows.
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: der-muh-peel-ng
Sentence: People said Rhonda was a flake but she said she had "dermappeal".
Etymology: derma (skin) + appeal
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: re/gen/er/dy/sis
Sentence: To maintain a youthful look in the 21st century, my anti-aging consultant and health specialist, recommends regenerdysis twice a year.
Etymology: regenerate + ecdysis (The shedding of an outer integument or layer of skin)
Created by: enatefox
Pronunciation: skin-sere
Sentence: The sincere doctor skinseared my face with a belt sander.
Etymology: probably mongolian
Created by: smstone0413
Pronunciation: Gr-and-tend
Sentence: The woman proceeded to grandtend the skin on her face.
Etymology: Grand- Great Tend- To stretch
Created by: delanybug
Pronunciation: vet-er-o-corp-less
Sentence: The veterocorpless lady is thinner and petite each time I see her in the nursing home when I come to visit.
Etymology: old body smaller of
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sləfəl
Sentence: If beauty is skin deep, Liz is up to her eyeballs in gorgeous. As she sluffles along through life, she does her best to make to a good first impression but often leaves a bigger impression when she departs. Unfortunately when she gets nervous, she sheds skin much faster than normal. She would have landed the job as the spokeslizard for Geico if she hadn*t shed 3 layers and interviewed looking pink.
Etymology: sluff (slough): shed + shuffle: walk by dragging one*s feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground
Created by: danibriggs
Pronunciation: ben-A-durm-a-cure-ul
Sentence: My mother thinks by getting a benedermacural she will look twenty years younger and find a new boyfriend. She is so wrong.
Etymology: bene- good derma-skin cur-care
Created by: juliadeboard
Pronunciation: ex-ten-durm
Sentence: After a sunny day at the beach, Christie spent hours extenderming her burnt skin even though she knew that it would leave scars.
Etymology: ex- out completely ten(u)- stretched, thin derm- skin
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: dih + skin + te + gray + shun
Sentence: Through the new process of Diskintegration (tm) you can shed years off your face, or least several layers of skin!
Etymology: disintegration + skin
Created by: ashrogers1734
Pronunciation: der-ma-tent-less
Sentence: I will dermatentless my face tonight so I can look younger in the morning!
Etymology: derma - skin tent - stretched less - without
Created by: Sarai17spk
Pronunciation: mal-an-im
Sentence: i have a malanim about today.
Etymology: mal- bad anim- mind, feeling, life
Created by: japfilsk8er
Pronunciation: dip-o-sun-tic
Sentence: process for beauty
Created by: suchipatel
Pronunciation: Cor-puh-rect
Sentence: The "classy" woman led a secret life of fake tans and corporecting.
Etymology: Corpor: Body Rect: Straighten, right To straighten (fix) the body.
Created by: SethelMerman
Pronunciation: Dur-muh-dorn
Sentence: To ready herself for her 15 year class reunion, Sunny went through a rigorous dermadorn to get back her youthful glow.
Etymology: From (derma: skin) + (adorn: v to decorate or add beauty to)
Created by: younger
Pronunciation: CAL-iks-fole-e-a-shun
Sentence: California's residents often opt for a "natural" spa treatment over the expensive salon variety. Spending a little time in Cali's smog-filtered sunlight makes for a cheap and effective calixfoliation session.
Etymology: California + Exfoliation
Created by: bwesterlind
Pronunciation: Molt-If-ick-ate
Sentence: V: He looks much younger after he began to moultificate N: The sunburn from yesterday caused his moultificate.
Etymology: Moult- Root of to shed skin -icate- the process of
Created by: frenchprof
Pronunciation: not unlike slutting but with slough and slut and ing
Sentence: Going sloutting again today?
Etymology: American English of tanning salons, slang. Comes from "slukt": "snaked of melingnoma"
Created by: arandomperson97
Pronunciation: Mult-i-ten-u-tem-per
Sentence: person 1: my skin is peeling right off me! person 2: You have Multitenutemper then, go to the shade!
Etymology: multi- many tenu-stretched, thin (skin) temper-due season
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: FLESH uh buhls
Sentence: What Rover liked best when Jennifer tanned was the smoke flavored fleshables she left in the bed.
Etymology: Inspired by the product "Flushables." (flesh) + (-ables: suffix)
Created by: Jenna
Pronunciation: huhsk-e-durm
Sentence: My mother went to the Spa for a HUSKIDERM, as she felt it give her a new glow. Two days after being burnt to a crisp by the sun, Sally was leaving bits of HUSKIDERM everywhere.
Etymology: Husk-Epidermis
Created by: n3cr0m33p5
Pronunciation: der-ma-molt-in-o-sis
Sentence: Looks like Jessica had a session of dermamoltinosis over her vacation.
Etymology: derma - skin ; molt - to shed ; noun form (dermites) the little peeling bits
Created by: phonematode
Pronunciation: mohl-ti-play-cay-shun
Sentence: She attempted to mollify her inner youth worshipper by addressing her times table through moltiplacation.
Etymology: molt (to shed) + placate (to calm, appease), + sounds like multiplication; n. moltiplaques = the flakey bits, from plaque (a flat plate, slab, disk, or patch)
Be careful when you look for the good of days of your youth through moltiplication, cos you might just find algebra! Love the word and enjoyed the bizarreness of the sentence. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-17: 20:25:00
Created by: leomar
Pronunciation: es-kin-nah-nga
Sentence: skinnanga came from the language of bisaya, but the frirst 2 sylables came from english language, which means SKIN, and nah-nga (nanga) means CARELESS or tinanga (teh-nah-nga)
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: v: ex-FOOL-ishd n: ex-FOOL-ee-shed
Sentence: v.: Terri exfoolished with a cucumber herb peel that left her smelling like a salad dressing. n: Rodney's exfoolished from his sunburn was neatly stacked in piles sorted by size because of his rampant OCD.
Etymology: Exfoliate (to remove a layer of dead skin) + foolish + Shed
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: durma/bearn/shun
Sentence: The new medical procedure dermabairnsion ensures skin as smooth as a baby's bottom.
Etymology: dermabrasion + bairn (baby)
Derma & bairn: great word element blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-17: 18:25:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: kew-tick-al
Sentence: Melanie went for a cuteicure. She wanted to get that fresh appeeling look of a cuteickle that her teenage daughter naturally had.
Etymology: cuticle + cute + ick
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: skin-vig-or-ayt
Sentence: getting rid of my outer layer left me feeling skinvigorated
Etymology: skin, invigorate
Created by: nicolebolavage
Pronunciation: ten-u-derm-al
Sentence: She got a tenudermal in order to appear younger.
Etymology: tenu-stretch derm-skin mal-bad
Created by: leeannhamers
Pronunciation: m-br-elle
Etymology: embaressment - pell
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: re/gen/er/dy/sis
Sentence: To maintain a youthful look in the 21st century, my anti-aging consultant and health specialist, recommends regenerdysis twice a year.
Etymology: regenerate + ecdysis (The shedding of an outer integument, or layer of skin)
Created by: AcesOfHearts
Pronunciation: Ten-u-an-um
Sentence: She began to tenuanim her skin as she came back in from the hot sun from the beach outside.
Etymology: Tenu-Stretch Anim-Life
Created by: muchiny
Sentence: Upon a long walk through the beach, she started feeling the phengodermabrasion all over the exposed skin.
Etymology: Phengo- from Greek for light, sunlight, daylight, splendor, luster derma- from Greek for skin abrasion- superficial damage to skin
phengonomenal! - Nosila, 2010-01-25: 15:15:00
Created by: ysledd
Pronunciation: Heli-mal-skin-ian
Sentence: Because he didn't wear sunblock, he became a helimalskinian with blisters and dead skin covering his face.
Etymology: Heli: sun mal: bad skin ian: one connected with
Created by: EvelynS
Pronunciation: cur-vehter-derhm
Sentence: Ever since I went to the beach without sunscreen I've started to curveterderm my face.
Etymology: Cur-cure+veter-old+derm-skin
Created by: lulu78d
Pronunciation: mal-tend
Sentence: The older woman had to maltend the skin on her pale face.
Etymology: mal- bad tend- to stretch
Created by: ericsimmons39
Pronunciation: Score-peh-durm-ulls
Sentence: When i woke up in the morning after the long day at the beach, my pillow was laden with scorpidermals and Puerto Rican businessmen.
Etymology: Scorched + Epidermis
Created by: kelseyslack
Pronunciation: slof-ve-ter-derm-a
Sentence: i am suffering from sloughveterderma and it is really painful and i am embarrassed by it.
Etymology: slough-to cast away veter-old derm-skin
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: der mok ra see
Sentence: Chris sunbathed too hard and always ended up burning and shedding away her skin. She felt this dermockracy made her appear more youthful by having the sun exfoliate for her. Instead she was becoming melabnormal.
Etymology: Derma (skin) & Mock (fool, copy, imitate) and WordPlay on Democracy (the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ex-fol-ee-aged
Sentence: Instead of looking younger, Lucy's skin was so exfoliaged that she eventually started to look like an antique piece of leather, demonstrating the many years of sun-worshiping in her back yard.
Etymology: exfoliate: to remove layers of bark or skin;peel + foliage: leaves on plants and trees + aged: being of advanced age
Created by: YourEnglishPal
Pronunciation: CAP-IT-DER-MAL
Sentence: She was afflicted with an unfortunate capitdermal.
Etymology: Capit-Head Der-skin Mal-Bad
Created by: joshb316
Pronunciation: corp-o-mil-der-m
Sentence: Because of his corpomalderm, Jorge went in for an appointment, and found out he had skin cancer.
Etymology: Corp:Body Mal:Bad Derm:Skin
Created by: scaredboy617
Pronunciation: Fur-vuh-less
Sentence: The soup is very fervolus.
Etymology: Boily
Created by: ScrabbledEgg
Pronunciation: iks-foe-lee-ayt
Sentence: She realized her attempt to icksfoliate prior to her high school reunion went awry when her old crush noticed that the shaved parmesan on her fettucine was in fact her own icksfoliation.
Etymology: exfoliate + ick!
Created by: SnatchRaffle
Pronunciation: Dur mah more foe sis
Sentence: Shelly is so beautiful now that her dermamorphosis has finished. She looks 20 years younger.
Etymology: Derma: skin Morph: to change

Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176, and inspired by the fact that I got a little sunburn yesterday -- even though it's September. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James
rikboyee - 2007-09-17: 04:01:00
its a new one!! oh happy day!!!!
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James