Vote for the best verboticism.

'Honey, I was lost at the mall...'

DEFINITION: v., To find a lost item immediately after purchasing a replacement. n., An item which is lost and cannot not be found unless a replacement is purchased.

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Created by: FreakoSpeako


Sentence: I repeek a lost shoe.


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: surch part eee kel

Sentence: Perdita looked high and low for it. Again. How could a tv remote control disappear into the vapours. Here we go again, ripping the couch apart to look for it, but this time without luck. All her guests were arriving for the Olympics party she had organized and so she deputized them to help in the hunt. The show was starting shortly, so she had to make a quick run (her own personal best record speed to Walmart) for a replacement. Sure enough, she arrived with the searchpartycle just as someone found it in the giant bowl of popcorn. Oh well, if she lost it again, she now had a replacement, as long as she didn't forget where she put that. No wonder they called it a remote was never near her when she wanted it!

Etymology: Search Party (a party of people to search for someone/something) & Particle (a tiny piece of anything)

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: Rep-loh-keyt-ed

Sentence: I replocated my old chess set, in the closet under the stairs, after I bought a new one.

Etymology: Replace: Origin 1585–95; RE- + PLACE Located: Latin locāre

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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) dŭm-ās'-ět'; (intr. v.) dŭm-ās'-ět

Sentence: Harlan's original pair of glasses proved to be a dumbasset after he noticed them on his night stand while he was wearing the new pair he had purchased for $400.

Etymology: dumb = (Conspicuously unintelligent)+ asset = (An item that is owned)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: pare-en-dipp-uh-tee

Sentence: Feeling relief at finding his comfortable old coat he thought had been lost forever, Randal counted his blessings at the pairendipity of now having a brand new coat along with the old, comfortable one.

Etymology: Blend of pair and 'serendipity' (good fortune; luck)


great word and sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-25: 09:13:00

Terrific - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-26: 18:18:00


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Created by: administraitor

Pronunciation: acc-youm-you-lose

Sentence: catherine had a whole drawerful of sunglasses, due to her tendency to accumulose her eyeware.

Etymology: accumulate + lose

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: voo/doo/pli/keyt

Sentence: The evil spirits always conspire to voodooplicate the item I just purchased to replace the one I just lost and once again because of this mysterious voodooplication I seem to have two of everything I own.

Etymology: voodoo + duplicate

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Created by: Artomun

Pronunciation: post-RIT-uh-gain

Sentence: n: I lost my new phone; it's probably a postrihtagane... v: I end up postrihtaganing everything I buy...

Etymology: Prefix 'post' meaning 'after'; 'riht' derived from Old English 'rihtan' meaning 'to replace'; 'agane' derived from Old English 'ágan' meaning 'to obtain'. Combined as 'postrihtagane' to mean 'after-replace-obtain'.

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Created by: Kevcom

Pronunciation: kwaw-zee-shaw-pro-deuce

Sentence: Mr. Viola quasishoproduced the camera quick-release hat that he had lost then found shortly after returning from BestBuy.

Etymology: quasi (similar) + shop (to buy) + produce (to have)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: suk ses sor

Sentence: When George's wife, Gina, had disappeared on a flight to Australia 7 years ago, he had spent ages looking for her and grieving. When he was finally convinced she had perished in the plane crash, along with the other passengers, he started to move on with his life. He collected on her life insurance and fell in love with the pretty insurance lady, Alice. At their marriage ceremony, when the audience was asked who objected to their wedding, imagine his surprise when Gina turned up! Turns out she had spent those 7 years on an uncharted island. How was he going to explain he had spent most of the insurance money on his wedding to her sucksessor!

Etymology: Sucks (slang:something which makes you unhappy or which disappoints) & Successor (a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone)


Very funny. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-26: 18:27:00


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Created by: yellowbird

Pronunciation: per-koop

Sentence: I purcouped my cell phone, so now I have two.

Etymology: purchase + recoup

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sur-uh-meyt

Sentence: When Darren showed up at the party with a surromate, he explained that his wife was lost at sea. Her side of the story is that she once accidentlly docked her canoe at the wrong pier.

Etymology: surrogate (a substitute) + mate (husband or wife; spouse)

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Created by: looseball

Pronunciation: got-two-man

Sentence: So you found it,to bad your a gottwoman now.



slapsunagelpalupanormenclucion - looseball, 2007-10-30: 11:20:00


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Created by: nimtar




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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: cost-and-found

Sentence: Marlene tripped home in her brand new red stilettos only to be thrust into consternation when she costandfound her crimson footwear under the doorstep.

Etymology: lost and found + confound


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:25:00


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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Switch-back-track

Sentence: Harvey was reaching under the loveseat to retrieve his wayward M&Ms when he felt something thin and plastic, which turned out to be the iPod Nano he lost during the Steelers game last week and couldn't live without, and then had to rush down to Best Buy and switchbacktrack a new one with the leftover balance on his gift card his folks sent last Christmas, while Nancy glanced over at his bag of M&Ms and asked with mild indifference, "are you eating those, or what?"

Etymology: Switch: change or swap + Switchback: an unexpected change of direction + Backtrack: to cover territory already traveled.


cute - Nosila, 2008-09-25: 20:17:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: buy-one-find-one




BOFO, instead of BOGO? - Nosila, 2010-02-24: 22:06:00


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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: kar-muh-gah-chuh

Sentence: Their boss was so nasty and mean to everyone in the office that they were gleeful when he came back from lunch with a new iPhone, just as Lost & Found made a karmagotcha call to tell him they'd found the one he'd lost.

Etymology: karma (fate; destiny resulting from one's actions) + gotcha (caught you)

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: post es pi aloss

Sentence: Johnny was assaulted by a postespialoss and when his wife (didn't he knock her out, haul her to nowhere and put her in a locked chest six feet under the ground?) found him proposing to another woman.

Etymology: Post (after) & espial (taking notice of something) & loss (act or instance of losing)


interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-25: 13:18:00


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Created by: svnfsvn


Sentence: i experienced whiploss when i found a condom in my wallet


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Spare-en-dipp-itee

Sentence: Admiring the new treasure along side the newly found OLD treasure, Todd thanked sweet sparendipity for his good fortune.

Etymology: Spare (extra) + serendipity

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Created by: NeuroGlyph

Pronunciation: Jyne-hole-oh-gem-do-ho

Sentence: Gynhologymduo! Pididdle has officially been replaced.


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: voo/doo/pli/keyt

Sentence: The spirits always conspire to voodooplicate the item I just purchased to replace the one I just lost. Because of this voodooplication, I seem to have two of everything I own.

Etymology: VOODOO - verb - from VOODOO (to act upon with magic; magical) + DUPLICATE (to make an exact copy of)

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Created by: fourgirls

Pronunciation: turn up

Sentence: Craig's second trip to the market for a rutabaga was not needed as the first did turnup. What will he do with 2 rutabagas?

Etymology: turnip; turn up

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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: homonym - approximate

Sentence: Although John cared deeply for Veronica, the unexpected news that she not be going Europe for a year was bittersweet. He had he had much in common with her aproxymate, Marilyn, and would miss her company dearly.

Etymology: a + proxy + mate

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Created by: jtwalsh


Sentence: On my way back from work i bought myself some more shoes, these were however surplacements as it transpired that i had in fact left the other ones at home

Etymology: surplus (an excess of what is required) + replacement (an article providing a substitute or equivalent of another)

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Created by: tumblebehr




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: səbsti-twin

Sentence: Ralph loved his leather jacket, but now it was nowhere to be found. He checked with all his friends. He checked at all his usual hangouts. No luck. Slowly he came to realize that, as had happened so many times before, the only way to bring it out of hiding was to go ahead and purchase its substitwin. It only works if it is an exact copy of the lost item and if the store involved has a "no-return" policy. Otherwise it remains in the alternative universe where "the other sock" goes.

Etymology: substitute (a person or thing acting or serving in place of another) + twin (one of two children or animals born at the same birth)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: voo/doo/pli/keyt Sentence: The evil spirits always conspire to voodooplicate the item I just purchased to replace the one I just lost and once again because of this mysterious voodooplication I seem to have two of everything I own. Etymology: voodoo

Sentence: It is always with sinister and evil irony that the spirits always conspire to voodooplicate the item I just purchased to replace the one I just lost and because of this mysterious voodooplication I seem to have two of everything I own.

Etymology: VOODOO - verb - from VOODOO (to act upon with magic; magical) + DUPLICATE (to make an exact copy of)

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Created by: Lidipop

Pronunciation: f-hind-st-eee-toot!

Sentence: to easy my mind from searching obsessively for what i've lost, i'll just have to 'findstitute' my item until it pops up!

Etymology: Find(to encounter/to discover) + substitute(to replace with something that should function the same way)= 'findstitute'

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sub sti byut

Sentence: When Jackie returned after being shipwrecked for a year and assumed lost at sea, she was surprised to find that Jack had found a substibeaut in her best friend, Jill. Turns out he was a Jack of all trades, because he swapped out Jill later and went back to Jackie!

Etymology: Substitute (a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another) & Beautiful (beaut -an outstanding example of its kind)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: səbstidoōd

Sentence: Now that their star has healed, the baseball team needs to figure what to do with his substidude.

Etymology: substitute (a person or thing acting or serving in place of another) + dude (a man; a guy)

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Created by: zavijava


Sentence: I couldn't find my cheese grater until after I'd gone to the mall for a shopstitute.

Etymology: Shop + substitute

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: PUR-chee-klohn

Sentence: Bob ran naked from his bath when he realized that his purchicloned lotto ticket and the original - thought lost, but now being used by Roxie as a bookmark, were the only winners in the "$20m Bonanza Jackpot."

Etymology: PURCH (of purchase):to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy & CLONE: to produce a copy


your word made me think of purchicloincloth - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-25: 13:20:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: dew-pleh-DIP-eh-ty

Sentence: Webster beamed with the duplidipity that had come his way when he got a new pair of house slippers to replace his old 'lost' pair and then found the old ones where they'd fallen behind some boxes in his closet.

Etymology: Blend of 'serendipity' (n. the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for)and 'duplicate' (adj. being the same as another)

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Created by: KenM2

Pronunciation: alls-find-erz

Sentence: Remember honey when I bought that new GPS because the other one came up missing...well I found the old one in my bike's baggage holder! Whoduthunk it? Perhaps I have Alzfinder's disease.

Etymology: Alzheimers+Finders

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ree/place/men/tal/tele/path/ee

Sentence: I find that a surefire way to find a lost item is to use repalecementaltelepathy. Without fail, as soon as the replacement is in your hand, the location of the lost item will instantly be apparent.

Etymology: replacement + mental telepathy (paranormal communication)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: səbstidoōd

Sentence: It wasn*t until she acquired a substidude that Wendy*s boyfriend started paying her much attention. Neither was all that bright. What she was left with was redumbdancy.

Etymology: substitute (a person or thing acting or serving in place of another) + dude (a man; a guy)


cute - Nosila, 2010-02-24: 22:07:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: rep-li-lo-cate

Sentence: The only way I can find my missing things is to replilocate them. I just buy something just like them, and they come out of hiding just to mock me.

Etymology: replicate: reproduce or repeat + locate: to find

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Cos-t-en-fownd

Sentence: Henry had searched for his very expensive watch for weeks, eventualy he decided to buy a replacement as he never knew what time of day it was. He went to the jewellers and picked one out that was similar to the one he had lost, satisfied with his purchase(apart from the price) he got back into his car to go home and promptly dropped his keys under the seat as he reached down to retrieve them he felt something else lurking there and could not believe it when he pulled out his original watch, and realised he had certainly suffered the costanfound syndrome.

Etymology: Cost(The price of something) + Found(to come upon unexpectedly after searching) = Costanfound


good word! - Nosila, 2008-09-25: 20:15:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: re-dit-oh-skuhv-er

Sentence: After purchasing 20 puppies he realized that this redittoscovering was futile, he knew little Pooky was gone for good and he would never find him.

Etymology: rediscover + ditto

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: ahy-DEN-ti-fahynd

Sentence: It was eurekarma for Bob when he realized that his purchicloned lotto ticket and the identifind - thought lost, but now being used by Roxie as a bookmark, were the only winners in the "$20m Bonanza Jackpot."

Etymology: "Identifind": blend of indenti(cal) & find. "Eurekarma": Blend of "eureka" & good "karma." "Purchiclone" vb. to purchase an identical item or thing.


MrDave2176 I really like purchiclone! - MrDave2176, 2007-10-29: 09:19:00

lucky Bob - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:48:00

Agreed MrDave - 'perchiclone' gets my vote. - Tigger, 2007-11-06: 17:30:00


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Created by: pete452




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: miss plays

Sentence: When Toby's girlfriend,Rowena, disappeared, he knew he would be lonely, so he had a reason to missplace her, with Zelda. When Rowena did get back, she was shocked to find herself usurped. Who knew a 4 hour trip to the mall would have such dire consequences?

Etymology: Miss (young woman;be without) & Misplace (to lose temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place)

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /sʌrɪgeɪn/

Sentence: :- "Baby, baby... Don't get mad, this is just a surregain, it always works! I know it can sound incredible, but if I didn't surregain it I would have never got you back! You would had been lost forever... I was desperate..."

Etymology: SURREGAIN. From Surrogate (One that takes the place of another; a substitute) + Regain (To recover possession of; get back again)

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Created by: thebaron




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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: DOOP-el-gang-er / spare-en-DIP-it-ee

Sentence: Yasmine owned four dupelgangers of "Queen's Greatest Hits." Two had been returned by boyfriends who had taken her copies, one had been found in an old backpack and one was a cassette that mysteriously appeared in her car one afternoon. Her sparendipity for that particular item was unparalleled

Etymology: dupe (dupicate) + Doppelganger (an exact duplicate of a person) / spare + (ser)endipity (unexpected discovery)


MrDave2176 Tip to Mustang for thinking like a true genious! I Spotted yours after I wrote this. - MrDave2176, 2007-10-29: 09:17:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:48:00

Great word and interesting etymology! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-29: 20:06:00


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Created by: Justpeachyy

Pronunciation: l er p

Sentence: My universal remote is one LURP that just really irks me.

Etymology: L Lost* U unless* R replacement* is P purchased

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Created by: QuantumMechanic

Pronunciation: ree perch scuh ver

Sentence: I couldn't find my earphones unti I repurchscovered them in the couch cushions, and now I have two.

Etymology: Repurchase (buy again) + discover (find, locate)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: res/ti/tu/i/shun

Sentence: After getting a third and final notice that her tuition, which she was sure she'd paid, was due she sent off another cheque only to learn that it had been cashed twice - what restituition

Etymology: restitution + tuition

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Created by: idavecook


Sentence: I had just bought a replacement for my lost love, then I found it, serendipishitty after all.


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: dyoop-loh-cayt

Sentence: as soon as i returned from the store i duplocated my ipod

Etymology: duplicate, dupe, locate


petaj That's hard to beat - petaj, 2007-10-29: 04:33:00

Ditto! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-29: 20:07:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James'

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-24: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James