Vote for the best verboticism.

'Yes, I have started working out at lunch. How did you know? '

DEFINITION: n., A person who exudes confidence and a strong offensive odor. v., To be blithely yet resolutely unaware of one's own odors.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈfɪləˌstɪŋk/

Sentence: The culture in the U.S. is such that we've become quite sensitive to body odors, so it takes a true philistink to blissfully remain odorous in the face of wrinkled noses, backpedaling, and flat-out insults.

Etymology: From philistine (a person who is lacking in or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc.) + stink (a strong, offensive smell)


I'm not actually sure how many people are familiar with the word "philistine," and it's just not as funny if you have to look up the definition. - ErWenn, 2007-10-02: 01:40:00

petaj I got it straight off. Good one. - petaj, 2007-10-02: 08:29:00

great word ErWenn - it conveys the appropriate attitude as well - gets my vote - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-02: 12:48:00

There's a strong sense about it. Sentence so true. Excellent - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:45:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: flāgrəns

Sentence: Tim has decided to take a stand against the chemicals used in personal grooming products. His flagrance can make a statement for him before he enters a room.

Etymology: flagrant (conspicuously or obviously offensive) + fragrance (a pleasant, sweet smell)

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Stin-ka-plom

Sentence: Dave had so much stinkaplomb that he was totally unaware that deodorant was an essential part of everday grooming. He thought that the reason all the females he met stayed as far away from him as possible was that they were too shy to approach such a magnificent male specimen such as himself.

Etymology: Stink( to have a strong unpleasant odour) + Aplomb(self confidence,calm assurance) = Stinkaplomb


good smelly one - Nosila, 2008-09-02: 10:43:00

metrohumanx Stinkaplomb is brilliant. I wish i had more votes to sprinkle around.... - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 11:50:00


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Created by: kerryb

Pronunciation: pom pous stank

Sentence: That dude was a pompoustanking bore who made me nautious physically and emotionally.

Etymology: pompous-narcissistically over confident Stank-Stink or offensive smelling

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: oh/der/dey/shuhs

Sentence: Her odordacious boss shows up for work every day direct from the gym and doesn't change his workout clothes all day. This odordaciousness exudes not only a strong business sense, but an employee nonsense.

Etymology: ODORDACIOUS - from ODOR (an agreeable, or disagreeable scent, fragrance, or smell) + AUDACIOUS (extremely bold, or daring; recklessly brave; fearless; uninhibited)


reeks havoc - Nosila, 2008-09-02: 10:44:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bee o b livee us

Sentence: Marco Territorio always worked out at lunch time and came back, on time, daily without having had a shower. He was beeoblivious (B.O.-blivious more like) to the pong he left for his co-workers. They had many names for him: The Aroma from Roma;Smell Gibson;Pong de Leon;Rudy Stench;Acridability Gap;Malodour in the Middle; Scratch & Sniff;and Ghengis Garbage Khan. He could reek havoc on afternoon meetings and caused scentsations among the Ranks. Instinked made people avoid him and the Olfactory was elated when he took vacation. So it was whiff pungent irony that he was snuffed out by the Cosa Nose-tra. I smell a rat...

Etymology: BO (Body Odor; uncleaned, not sanitary or healthful area;not cleaned nor kept up) & oblivious (totally unaware of what happens and unmindful of others)


metrohumanx You are a creative phenomenon....but we knew that already, didn't we? - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:21:00

hooterbug Love it! - hooterbug, 2008-09-02: 14:38:00


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Created by: lalaland





hey this is the creater. sorry i did not put the other stuff needed. ill give it to you here. Pronunciation: Yo-po-duh Sentence: He was very yopoded. Etymology: The word is from spain. It started off meaning to smell unruling. In 1944 the meaning was altered and changed to be unaware of one's odors. - lalaland, 2010-02-01: 16:26:00


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Created by: mchristof

Pronunciation: far-tiv-ee-us

Sentence: You know, at some point you have to ask: is it me? Am I being fartivious?

Etymology: Fart - to expel internal gas through the anus. Oblivious - Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.

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Created by: Hiiamahuskey

Pronunciation: Con-stink-i-dous

Sentence: Bill hadn't showered after working out, and he was so confident! I guess you could call it constinkidous.

Etymology: Con(fident)+Stnk+dous (suffix)

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: uh-bliv-ee-oh-der-ig-nuh-rey-muhs

Sentence: Ken thought he looked really buff today, buff enough to waltz around the office in his sweaty work-out rags, his stained wife-beater and tight biking shorts which left nothing to the imagination. When he sat down at his desk, he noticed a sticky note on his computer screen that read, "you are an obliviodorignoramus!"

Etymology: oblivious + odor + ignoramus

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-02: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by IneffableDawn. Thank you IneffableDawn! ~ James

lumina - 2008-09-04: 00:51:00
Oooooo...I get so excited when I win! I'd like to thank...of course parents...for without them I wouldn't be here...the academy of agent...oh wait, I don't have one...(music starts to play me out)OH! There's that music!!! Um...and...Well, I guess this means...You LIKE me...You really, really LIKE me!

lumina - 2008-09-04: 07:27:00
Hey...hours ago it said "I" won. ? Oops...never mind... *blush*

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-01: 00:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB. ~ James