Vote for the best verboticism.

'Yes, I have started working out at lunch. How did you know? '

DEFINITION: n., A person who exudes confidence and a strong offensive odor. v., To be blithely yet resolutely unaware of one's own odors.

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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: sten-CHUTZ-pa

Sentence: Bob was a bit of a nidork, blithely unaware of the effect his dyspongnosis had on others. Often he would loudly exclaim: "Here I am again, fragrant as a rose." Frequently office conversations were punctuated by puffs of perfume as this self-assured stenchutzpa sauntered by. Even the suggestion that he should take up "Pong Shui" was meet with the usual response of "no sweat." But when he resolutely declared that he didn't come down in the last shower his fellow workers could take no more.

Etymology: Stench & chutzpa; boldness, brashness, gall, effrontery, Nidork (nidor & dork); Dyspongnosis: condition of bad smell; Pong shui (shoo away the pong)


Anuddergudun! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-02: 08:58:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: oh/der/dey/shuhs

Sentence: Her odordacious boss shows up for work every day direct from the gym and doesn't change his workout clothes all day. This odordaciousness exudes not only a strong business sense, but an employee nonsense.

Etymology: ODORDACIOUS - from ODOR (an agreeable, or disagreeable scent, fragrance, or smell) + AUDACIOUS (extremely bold, or daring; recklessly brave; fearless; uninhibited)


reeks havoc - Nosila, 2008-09-02: 10:44:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: flāgrəns

Sentence: Tim has decided to take a stand against the chemicals used in personal grooming products. His flagrance can make a statement for him before he enters a room.

Etymology: flagrant (conspicuously or obviously offensive) + fragrance (a pleasant, sweet smell)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: in/senz/i/tiv

Sentence: Chris was completely incensetive to his reek due to a crushing blow in a high school rugby game that knocked out his sense of smell.

Etymology: incense (aroma) + insensitive


At least Chris wouldn't be able to smell those fetid formulas trainers stick under one's nose when knocked senseless during a match! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:40:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Ol-facta-salt

Sentence: The hideous odors emanating from Horace following his workouts amounted to an olfactassault on his co-workers

Etymology: Olfactory + assault

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: oh/der/dey/shuhs

Sentence: Her odordacious boss shows up for work every day direct from the gym and doesn't change his workout clothes all day. This odordaciousness exudes not only a strong business sense, but an employee nonsense.

Etymology: odor + audacious (extremely bold, or daring)

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: bee-oh-day-shuss

Sentence: as he walked in the room with a stinky swagger, it was clear just how b.o.dacious he had become

Etymology: b.o. [body odour], bodacious


petaj b.o.dourful word - petaj, 2007-10-02: 08:24:00

Creative and clever! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-02: 08:59:00

A good and clever word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:04:00

A good and clever word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:04:00


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Created by: wordslikevenom

Pronunciation: smug-smog

Sentence: It was 5:29PM and close to clocking out time as Milly reached into her desk draw and grabbed the plastic carrier bag from inside, flapping it into the air. The bag ballooned open as she rushed to place it over her head, wrapping it tightly around her neck. Bang on 5:30PM, like clockwork, Lenny raised his arms to the back of his head, lent back into his chair and took a big sniff of his shirt armpit. Milly could hear him taking in the air but despite the plastic protection the smugsmog very nearly knocked Jenny out cold. "Ah", he said, "You couldn't buy that in a bottle, eh?"

Etymology: Smug - too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know. Smog - air pollution

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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: oh-der-bliv-id-ent


Etymology: odor + oblivious + confident


odorable word... - Nosila, 2010-02-01: 18:03:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ree-kog-nih-shun

Sentence: He was strong in body, mind, and odor - yes, his reekognition could use a little work.

Etymology: reek, recognition

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: reek/in/car/nay/ted

Sentence: Ever since the seance, Chris was convinced his great great great grandfather who had been a hunter and trapper had been reekincarnated in his body. His friends readily agreed that could explain what was the matter whiff him.

Etymology: reek + reincarnated

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Created by: ajnemajrje

Pronunciation: Pronounced exactly as you woudl arrogant but with the a hand gesture of waving a smell away

Sentence: That John sure is airogant

Etymology: replace the arr in the word arrogant with AIR

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: uh-bliv-ee-oh-der-ig-nuh-rey-muhs

Sentence: Ken thought he looked really buff today, buff enough to waltz around the office in his sweaty work-out rags, his stained wife-beater and tight biking shorts which left nothing to the imagination. When he sat down at his desk, he noticed a sticky note on his computer screen that read, "you are an obliviodorignoramus!"

Etymology: oblivious + odor + ignoramus

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Created by: kearstin

Pronunciation: stink-mon-grrr

Sentence: Dale is such a stinkmonger, he dances from office to office bragging about his wild night while stale redbull+vodka leaks out from under his stained shirt.

Etymology: stink+monger = a revision on the fish monger once famous for peddling fish.

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Created by: frenchprof




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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: a/noy/sum

Sentence: After his divorce, Brian was back on the market and ready to let everyone in the office know it. Not that they had any doubt, as you could smell his Drakkar Noir from several offices away. No one was brave enough to confront Brian and his annoysome grooming habits, for fear that he would lapse back into his self-pitying wallow.

Etymology: Combination of annoy and noisome: offensively malodorous


metrohumanx Wow. You pull no punches. I like it, astorey! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:17:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: CON-fi-stench

Sentence: Co-workers' eyes watered. Dogs ran away. Nothing seemed to deter Wesley from one-man effort to show the world that people don't need to shower more than once a week. His confistench was overwelming. Even though he claimed that he was being "green", Wesley's friends were finding him less than eco-friendly.

Etymology: confidence: the state of feeling certain about the truth of something + Stench: a strong and very unpleasant smell

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: mal-oh-dor-BLIV-yis

Sentence: Leonard perceived himself to be a real hunk and thoroughly irresistible to women but he was actually malodorblivious, totally unaware of the putrid odor he exuded due to his poor hygiene habits and the only heads that were turned were those who turned away to avoid the unpleasantness of his aroma.

Etymology: Blend of 'malodorous' (having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad) and 'oblivious' (unmindful; unconscious; unaware)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kon fa sens

Sentence: Adam Reek was no ordinary salesman. Every lunch he went for a run and came back to stink up the whole office. He was so delusional he thought that the ladies in the office were envious of his confiscents and mistook their attention for attraction. The receptionist, Rose Aroma, particularly objected to his stench, as it permeated the entire office and she was afraid people might think it emanated from her. She complained, but the boss reminded her that Adam somehow sold more than anyone else in the office (obviously by phone and Internet)and was a valued employee of distinktion. Yes, thought Rose, rank has it's privileges.

Etymology: Confidence (freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities) & Scents (smell, stench, aroma,odor,olfactory senses)


karenanne "Rank" has its privileges! Ha! - karenanne, 2010-02-02: 17:20:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bee o b livee us

Sentence: Marco Territorio always worked out at lunch time and came back, on time, daily without having had a shower. He was beeoblivious (B.O.-blivious more like) to the pong he left for his co-workers. They had many names for him: The Aroma from Roma;Smell Gibson;Pong de Leon;Rudy Stench;Acridability Gap;Malodour in the Middle; Scratch & Sniff;and Ghengis Garbage Khan. He could reek havoc on afternoon meetings and caused scentsations among the Ranks. Instinked made people avoid him and the Olfactory was elated when he took vacation. So it was whiff pungent irony that he was snuffed out by the Cosa Nose-tra. I smell a rat...

Etymology: BO (Body Odor; uncleaned, not sanitary or healthful area;not cleaned nor kept up) & oblivious (totally unaware of what happens and unmindful of others)


metrohumanx You are a creative phenomenon....but we knew that already, didn't we? - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:21:00

hooterbug Love it! - hooterbug, 2008-09-02: 14:38:00


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Created by: kerryb

Pronunciation: pom pous stank

Sentence: That dude was a pompoustanking bore who made me nautious physically and emotionally.

Etymology: pompous-narcissistically over confident Stank-Stink or offensive smelling

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: mal - OH - dor - oh - BLIV - yis

Sentence: Though Hector thought of himself as an irresistible Adonis he was in fact a malodoroblivious troll and the only heads he turned were those who were attempting to escape the offensive emanations that always accompanied him.

Etymology: Blend of 'malodorous' (having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad) and 'oblivious' (unmindful; unconscious; unaware)


metrohumanx Succint and sarcastic- nice combo! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:19:00


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Created by: ericsimmons39

Pronunciation: Pun-jeh-jolly

Sentence: When Steve came back from the gym, with a big smile on his face and lots of self confidence, we knew he was just punjejolly.

Etymology: Pungent + Jolly

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈfɪləˌstɪŋk/

Sentence: The culture in the U.S. is such that we've become quite sensitive to body odors, so it takes a true philistink to blissfully remain odorous in the face of wrinkled noses, backpedaling, and flat-out insults.

Etymology: From philistine (a person who is lacking in or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc.) + stink (a strong, offensive smell)


I'm not actually sure how many people are familiar with the word "philistine," and it's just not as funny if you have to look up the definition. - ErWenn, 2007-10-02: 01:40:00

petaj I got it straight off. Good one. - petaj, 2007-10-02: 08:29:00

great word ErWenn - it conveys the appropriate attitude as well - gets my vote - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-02: 12:48:00

There's a strong sense about it. Sentence so true. Excellent - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:45:00


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Created by: Hiiamahuskey

Pronunciation: Con-stink-i-dous

Sentence: Bill hadn't showered after working out, and he was so confident! I guess you could call it constinkidous.

Etymology: Con(fident)+Stnk+dous (suffix)

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: man-fyüm

Sentence: Lori detected an overwhelming blend of her husband Ron's manfume and her dog Spiffy's sweat on the newly re apholstered sofa cushion. Damn their morning jogs! DAMN THEM!!!!!

Etymology: Man + Perfume


metrohumanx Hahahaha! Thank you for this one. It sonds strangely Japanese for some reason. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:22:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /fungk-on-shuss/

Sentence: Carlos thought of himself as the office 'Romeo,' stopping to try to speak to all the young ladies who worked there. Unfortunately, he was completely funkonscious — totally unaware of his strong body odor, not to mention his bad breath. None of his conversations lasted very long, but he was blissfully ignorant of why.

Etymology: Funk - a strong smell; stench (from dial. French, funkière "smoke") + Unconscious - without awareness, sensation, or cognition (from Latin, un- "not" & conscius "knowing, aware")

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: IG-nore-eek

Sentence: Larry was ignoreek of the dumbfunk pouring out of his clothing.

Etymology: Ignorant + reek. dumbfunk = an odor of which you are blissfully unaware.


very good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:06:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Stink-a-tude

Sentence: Sam Skuzzbucket has such a stinkaytude about him that everybody avoided being near him!

Etymology: Stink- Ay- Tude- Short for Attitude-

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nohz-zee-ey-ting

Sentence: Harry doesn't believe in deodorant. He says that people should smell like people. People around him tend to disagree. Unless he has just come from a shower, his mere presence can be noseating.

Etymology: nose (the organ of smell) + nauseating (causing sickness of the stomach)

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: smelf/ass/ured

Sentence: To be smellfassured requires confidence and a strong manly smell.

Etymology: smell + self-assured


metrohumanx Funny ! We want to read more.... - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:26:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: in-cog-ni-sent

Sentence: Jeff seemed totally incogniscent of how odorous he was. He believed that the girls thought he was adorable; unfortunately, he was only odorable.

Etymology: incognizant: to lack knowledge of or to be unaware or conscious of + scent: distinctive odor

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: hi-rank-ing

Sentence: Harvey's highranking led him to believe that his acquaintances were totally in awe of his stature, when in fact they were just rendered speechless by his aughastliness (august + ghastly) that lingered unpleasantly on the olfactory nerve.

Etymology: high (on the nose) + rank (stinky) + high-ranking (a VIP)

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: un smelf KAHN shus

Sentence: Harry was an unsmelfconscious kind of guy. B.O., bad breath, farting, it didn't matter - he said, "Love me, love my smells. That's what makes me a manly man!" A very lonely man too, as it turned out.

Etymology: unselfconscious + smell

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: ab scent mind ed

Sentence: Nobody doubted the sweat Jim was putting into his new health kick. Indeed, they could smell it from one end of the office to the other. He was an abscentminded sole

Etymology: absentminded, punned as scent. I've forgotten precisely what it means


petaj I love what you've done with this... um oh, never mind. - petaj, 2010-02-02: 07:13:00


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Created by: LoftyDreamer


Sentence: Here comes that gagalot! Hand me the Febreze!


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Created by: josje

Pronunciation: stinky binky

Sentence: you are not tinky winky but stinky winky

Etymology: teletubbys and smell

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: oh/der/dey/shuhs

Sentence: Her odordacious boss shows up for work every day direct from the gym and doesn't change his workout clothes all day. This odordaciousness exudes not only a strong business sense, but an employee nonsense.

Etymology: odor + audacious


Good blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:14:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Un-smel-er

Sentence: Ralph was known as an unsmeller when it came to his reeking body odor after working out.

Etymology: Un-Smeller- To undo, as in to "unsmell" or so he thinks.

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Created by: logarithm

Pronunciation: faul-faek-shEn


Etymology: Foul - offensively malodorous. Olfaction - the faculty of smell

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: pong fidd ent

Sentence: His pongfidence was craptivating.

Etymology: confident, pong


pongilicious! - Nosila, 2010-02-01: 18:01:00


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Created by: mchristof

Pronunciation: far-tiv-ee-us

Sentence: You know, at some point you have to ask: is it me? Am I being fartivious?

Etymology: Fart - to expel internal gas through the anus. Oblivious - Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.

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Created by: ScrabbledEgg

Pronunciation: self-suh-FISH-SENT

Sentence: When he boldly asked her out, she found him to be completely self-sufishscent. Being aromatose (comatose + aroma), he just assumed her eyes were watering from joy, which made him all the more insulfurable. (insufferable + sulfur)

Etymology: self-sufficient + fish + scent


I had kippers for breakfast so this word hits home. Great word and funny sentence! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-02: 09:03:00

Aromatose- great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:18:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: SWET-brag

Sentence: Always after a good, insudated workout, Bob's sweatbrag left a bad smell throughout the office.

Etymology: Conflation of SWEAT: to perspire & BRAG: brisk; full of spirits; flaunt.


simple but right on - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-02: 05:59:00

on the money! - galwaywegian, 2008-09-02: 07:11:00

metrohumanx Sweatbrag gulag onrag ratbag.... - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:24:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: al few mayl

Sentence: Al the alphewmale walked past the empty reception area to his office.

Etymology: alpha male phew!


great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-02: 13:55:00


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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: spree-kuh

Sentence: Why is it that spreeks are always men who wear sleeveless t-shirts? They always smell of B.O. or patchouli essential oil. Sometimes, with a master spreek, it's a stenchful mixture of the two.

Etymology: 'S' from smell + 'P' from perspire + reek = spreek

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Created by: BSqueeze4

Pronunciation: U-stink-quit-us

Sentence: His ustinkquitous stench filled the room, emanating from his ten-year-old sneakers.

Etymology: Ubiquitous and stink

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dis stink shun

Sentence: Des had an air of distinkshun about him.His Dad had started the manufacturing plant and gave it to Des. He reeked of old money and the stench of entitlement. He knew he would be a great catch and acted like he was a scentsation and coming up roses. In fact, he was coming up noses and his lack of personal hygiene coupled with his lunchtime run made others fume. His abundant money did not make him scentsible...he just made the olfactory smell!

Etymology: Distinction (high status importance owing to marked superiority;a distinguishing quality) & Stink (reek, bad smell) & Shun (avoid, censure)

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: poop/yoo/lare/ity

Sentence: Norman thought it was a good thing when the boss told him he could join the crew on their rooftop lunch area. It had a great view, fresh air, and all the hot ladies seemed to be up there about noon. He had no idea it had nothing to do with his personality, but instead, everything to do with his poopularity. Everyone was convinced he not only ran in the park across the street daily, but that he also rolled around on the grass like dogs do when they find a scent they want to wear.

Etymology: poop (P.U.) popularity


nice, in a not nice way - galwaywegian, 2008-09-02: 07:12:00

metrohumanx Love your voLUMINous wit! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 16:41:00


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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: ee go rank

Sentence: Larry's egorank was a growing problem wafting around the office. His colleagues would make a stink when he approached the water cooler, which they developed a sense for his proximity to, and surreptitiously say, "quick, scatter, here comes Larry with his pridefunk".

Etymology: EGO: self-conceit, pride, self-love + RANK:, offensive, foul, ripe, malodorous

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dis stinkt

Sentence: When Rodney returned from his lunch run each noon, Hazel found him to be distinkt,not distinct. He absolutely reeked of overconfidence and exuded a stench of airogance.

Etymology: Distinct ( recognizable; marked) & Stink (smell badly and offensively)

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Created by: lalaland





hey this is the creater. sorry i did not put the other stuff needed. ill give it to you here. Pronunciation: Yo-po-duh Sentence: He was very yopoded. Etymology: The word is from spain. It started off meaning to smell unruling. In 1944 the meaning was altered and changed to be unaware of one's odors. - lalaland, 2010-02-01: 16:26:00


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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: /cam-un-bear-able/

Sentence: Mr. Cowpat-Stinkbombolini stank like a underground gym whine seller, that made him totally camunbearable to anyone with a working rhino saw us and then smelled us.

Etymology: A delicious combination of stinky camembert and unbearable to make camunbearable.


metrohumanx Overcome by vapours! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:06:00

funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-04: 12:38:00


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Created by: tizher


Sentence: Because Roger was always upfunky in the afternoon his colleagues used the stairs.

Etymology: "Up" from close up and from (on a)high "funky" - not smelling quite right.

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Created by: Batavier

Pronunciation: Smell-fident

Sentence: Jim was a smellfident guy. You could smell him from miles away, but he was very self-assured

Etymology: Smell + Confident

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: sten + chee + kee

Sentence: He's so damned stencheeky that he keeps getting the girls, as long as they don't have to be in an elevator with him.

Etymology: stench + cheeky

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Created by: sunliya

Pronunciation: \'rät-shät\

Sentence: Jeff thinks he's hot stuff when he comes back to the office, glistening after a lunch break spent at the gym, but he's a total rotshot! He reeks! Emily might be the best in yoga class, but she shouldn't have given up deodorant -- she's rotshotting up the joint.

Etymology: Rot: To putrify, often producing a foul smell. Hotshot: One who flaunts his skills.

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Created by: Scrumpy

Pronunciation: slob-iv-ee-oh-der-us

Sentence: Ken was so slobliviodorous that he thought the women who were holding their breath and squinting when near him were just holding in a sigh and winking at him with both eyes. He never did understand that the airsickness bags strategically placed around the office were there because of him.

Etymology: slob + oblivious + odorous


A real mouthful - or should I say noseful! Like the word; good sentence,too. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:17:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: igg no rank

Sentence: he was so ignorank, he mistook the receptionist's shortness of breath for interest. Otherwise he wouldn't have leant over her desk at the precious time she lost her lunch.

Etymology: ignorant, rank


Ha! Great word and sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-02: 04:35:00

petaj Maybe if she had ignited a match, his ignoble odour might not have precipitated her nausea - petaj, 2007-10-02: 08:28:00

Excellent! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-02: 08:53:00

funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-02: 12:48:00

Excellent and a great sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:05:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Stin-ka-plom

Sentence: Dave had so much stinkaplomb that he was totally unaware that deodorant was an essential part of everday grooming. He thought that the reason all the females he met stayed as far away from him as possible was that they were too shy to approach such a magnificent male specimen such as himself.

Etymology: Stink( to have a strong unpleasant odour) + Aplomb(self confidence,calm assurance) = Stinkaplomb


good smelly one - Nosila, 2008-09-02: 10:43:00

metrohumanx Stinkaplomb is brilliant. I wish i had more votes to sprinkle around.... - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 11:50:00


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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: OB-lih-vile

Sentence: Victor was a real OBLIVILE. Although he worked in an old factory, he never missed a chance to pass up a shower. Constantly surrounded by a pungent mephitis, most folks assumed a dead ungulate was buried nearby. At the company picnic, Victor was reekinatus- even when we sat downwince of him. His stencharoma began to repugnegrate on us all, and when Shirley adressed him as "BacteriOllie", Victor was fetadamant...claiming the deadly vapours were not his to control. Aloof, unswayed and unwashed, Victor the OBLIVILE will always retain a top ranking in the annals of aromagression.

Etymology: OBLIVious+vILE=OBLIVILE (n) OBLIVIOUS:lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness especially of one's shortcomings or odours.....VILE: disgustingly or utterly bad;physically repulsive-Middle English, from Anglo-French vil, from Latin vilis.


Oblivile oblada life goes on bra Lala how the life goes on - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-02: 13:54:00

metrohumanx Victor was also known as the "Bromodro-BRO" - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:17:00


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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: bore-pong-er

Sentence: In her daily visits to the gym, Feclicia found nothing harder than to be polite in the presence of a boreponger. These ones, so dull in their enthusiasm for themselves and all they were doing to improve their lives...these ones who left such a foul stench in the midst of their comings and goings, left her no recourse, but to turn up the treadmill and walk faster. On the upside, she was reaching her weight loss goals ahead of time.

Etymology: from bore, an uninspiring person + pong, a stench Rhymes with "whoremonger" so it has that tone of low-life, twisted values, etc


metrohumanx Scathingly realistic. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:05:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ignərsent

Sentence: Harold tries to act all ignorscent about his poor hygiene. He has yet to use up the bar of soap he unwrapped last May. At this rate his toothbrush should remain pristine well into the next decade. Secretly, he is just as happy when people recoil in his presence. It means he doesn*t have to deal with them or all those pesky human emotions. He just slinks off to work on his computers. His computers don*t mind his stench at all.

Etymology: ignorant (lacking knowledge or awareness in general) + ignore (refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally) + scent (a distinctive smell)

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Created by: khiller32




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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-02: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by IneffableDawn. Thank you IneffableDawn! ~ James

lumina - 2008-09-04: 00:51:00
Oooooo...I get so excited when I win! I'd like to thank...of course parents...for without them I wouldn't be here...the academy of agent...oh wait, I don't have one...(music starts to play me out)OH! There's that music!!! Um...and...Well, I guess this means...You LIKE me...You really, really LIKE me!

lumina - 2008-09-04: 07:27:00
Hey...hours ago it said "I" won. ? Oops...never mind... *blush*

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-01: 00:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB. ~ James