Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To generously allow others to precede you in hopes that they will identify, reduce, and perhaps be eliminated by, the potential hazards. n. A gesture of courtesy which is really the lead-in to a trap.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Pit-fewl
Sentence: Before tasting the coffee, I pitfooled my wife by offering her a sip to make sure it wasn't too hot to drink. It turned out it was.
Etymology: Pitfall (a danger) + fool (a gullible or dumb person; to trick such a person)
you sound like a pitfool terr(i)or - galwaywegian, 2007-06-26: 06:20:00
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: s-ah-k-ruh-s-ee-d
Sentence: Frank, although he knew that by allowing Rodney to try to get the cheese he was cruely sacriceding him beacause Rodney would be taken out by the trap, allowed Rodney to try to get the cheese first and to his delight Rodney was captured by the trap before he could take a bite of the cheese. Therefore Frank had all the cheese for himself.
Etymology: sacrifice+precede
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: shiv-trick-all-ree
Sentence: She fell for his chivtrickalry yet again. The meal he prepared for her was his best yet save for the rat poison aftertaste to the steak. Then she slowly passed out.
Etymology: chivalry (courteous behaviour, generous) + trick (as in trap, snare, lure)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kur te snair
Sentence: Mojo the Mouse had learned how to avoid the mousetrap. When he saw the tasty cheese awaiting him, he always did a courtesnare, by letting his pal, Rodney spring the trap and leave him the tasty morsel. This way, Mojo wan't one of those mice, who thrice get a splice in a vise and heed no advice!
Etymology: Courtesy (a courteous or respectful or considerate remark or act) & Snare (entrap)
Created by: jesster
Pronunciation: Snar + sis + sis + tic
Sentence: I saw the Jehovah's Witnesses lurking in the lobby, and quickly formed a snarcissistic plan. I stepped back and held the door open for a pleasant looking woman approaching from behind me. Perhaps the smile I returned was a bit too broad, as the odd look she gave me was replaced by an expression of horror and betrayal as they closed in on her waving copies of The Watchtower.
Etymology: Snare (to trap or entangle) + narcissist (one who is consumed by self interest)
Really funny sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-26: 13:52:00
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: ak wi az end
Sentence: "The early bird gets the worm," Julius declared as he held the reward aloft, "but the second rat gets the cheese!" His trite old expression gleaned a wave of bitter tacit agreeent, his team's acquiescension the solemn reminder that here, humanity ceased to be a virtue. Retail work kills souls.
Etymology: acquiesce + ascend
Created by: fabdiva
Pronunciation: yoo-go-furst
Sentence: Mavis was a clever lamb indeed. Day after day she avoided the slaughter by stunning the crowd with her impeccable manners. Ewegofurst was the last thing they heard...
Etymology: Ewe - a female sheep. Go - to move from one place or point to another. First - coming before all others.
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: proh-toh-cull
Sentence: In today's competitive office environment it is important to follow the correct protocull (i.e. find some other sucker to tell the boss the bad news) in order to survive.
Etymology: protocol for culling
1 Across: For zapping cyber viruses, perhaps (9). Good word I say! - scrabbelicious, 2009-07-29: 15:30:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: pre-vent-pal
Sentence: Gladys picked Norman to be her preventpal for the day, the potato salad that Mitch made looked a tad radioactive.
Etymology: prevent + pal

wordmeister - 2006-11-28: 11:24:00
Hey Chris, I like playing this game with you, becuase I always get to go shafteryou.
very clever words so far
chris - 2006-11-28: 11:43:00 a matter of protocull, I shall allow you to go first tomorrow.....
wordmeister - 2006-11-28: 11:49:00
No, no, no... Please, you go first.
jrogan - 2006-11-28: 18:00:00
Guineatrick is funny
thank you, jrogan.
jedijawa - 2007-03-06: 13:03:00
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-26: 11:12:00
Hey James, can we vote for the old words? I voted, but didn't get a point. The word, however, got 3 points.
Hi Purple, Yes you should be able to vote for the old words. I will check the logic to make sure it scores properly. ~ James