Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: bananabender
Pronunciation: tranz-sil-vayn
Sentence: Clark (who changed his name by deed poll) was so desperate to live out his hero's adventures that he was found stowing away on Challenger in a bid "to reach his unreachable star". He has a well-developed altar ego.
Etymology: Transilvane: (Superman) a fictional small artificial planet with horror movie character inhabitants. Vain: conceited. In vain: without effect or avail; to no purpose
Created by: yellowbird
Pronunciation: day-ja-loo
Sentence: Unfortunately, when Sandra read The Metamorphosis to her rodent friend, he experienced such a strong feeling of dejalieu that he turned into a large roach and had to be smashed immediately.
Etymology: deja vu (a familiar feeling) + in lieu of (in place of, or instead of)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: shamēlyən
Sentence: Joey is a shameleon. When he goes to a movie or play, he often leaves with the feeling that he is somehow connected to the hero and can do much of what was depicted. He has to be very careful choosing what he goes to see. Bond movies? Trouble! Dukes of Hazard? Wrecked his car! His pet gecko may be in trouble if he goes to see **How to train your dragon**.
Etymology: sham (a thing that is not what it is purported to be) + chameleon (a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change color)
sHAMELESS - Nosila, 2010-04-16: 23:19:00
Created by: kmartinmt
Pronunciation: de-lusiv-escape
Sentence: "Tommy imagined himself in every heroic movie, and was later diagnosed with Delusivescape."
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: demēfrôd
Sentence: Wesley loves movies, especially those that depict heroes with supernatural powers. This is because they remind him of himself. When people see him racing down the sidewalk on his Segway, wearing his scarlet cape, all they see is a demifraud.
Etymology: demigod (a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity) + fraud (a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities)
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: osten/tay/shush
Sentence: There is an austentatious group that hangs out in the park wearing period clothing.
Etymology: ostentatious + jane austen
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fan tas mee
Sentence: When Wendy read books, she automatically related to the main character so strongly, that the fiction became a fantasme for her.
Etymology: Fantasy (imagination unrestricted by reality) & Me (first person singular;I)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: myth-all-a-bout-me
Sentence: Sue loved to read stories of mythallaboutme. In her mind she became the heroine, the ingenue, who had to endure horrible 3 headed beasts and one-eyed giants. They had such wonderful, easy lives and really nice hair. These beautiful women never had to deal with real horrible beasts like Larry, the guy in marketing and her sister who always complained about her boyfriend. She just knew that if she waited long enough some handsome son of a god would come and take her off to a far away land where food was prepared by the chef gods and you didn't ever have to wash the dishes.
Etymology: myth: a fictional story of supernatural beings or heroes that serve to explain the natural world, psychology or customs of a socety + mythology: a body of myths associated with an event, person or institution + all + about + me
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: I ams Bond
Sentence: It was only after he had screeched off in his astin martin that the guests realised that he was an IamesBond. Then all the strange martini demands, leering looks at female guests and the fact he was wearing a tuxedo to a bbq fell into place.
Etymology: James Bond (fictional character) + I + am + bond (to connect with)
i thought the word was Lamesbond for a moment... which works too :) - libertybelle, 2008-11-17: 09:28:00
Very clever - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-18: 03:12:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: karry/ka/chur
Sentence: He had become such a carreycature that you could never be sure if you would encounter the Cable Guy, Bruce Almighty or Ace Ventura.
Etymology: caricature + carrey (as in Jim Carrey)
Like the way your creation incorporates what a cartoon of a charcter such people do become! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-24: 09:30:00
thanks silvery - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-24: 12:04:00
Very clever! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 16:23:00
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: R'ego-late
Sentence: Kimberly could regolate with many literary heroes. "I know this book is about me" she would say. Zinnia overheard her say this and asked: "What book is that?" Kimberly's answer: Twilight. Zinnia was not surprised, as Kimberly had previously regonized herself in the writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Judy Blume and Moses.
Etymology: Relate (to identify with) + Ego (selfish voice inside your head)
Created by: avklive
Sentence: Reading about strong people impresses me strongly - I'm such a readceptor!
Etymology: reader + perception
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: heer-oh-fil-ee-eyt
Sentence: Roger has a hard time reading fiction. All too often he will heroffiliate with a character and end up either hurting or making a fool of himself when he attempts to do something he has no clue how to do. Just last week he ran his star cruiser into a tree when he switched it to autopilot.
Etymology: hero (a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities) + affiliate (to attach or unite on terms of fellowship; associate)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: tranz-MOE-gull-fry (transmogulfried;transmogulfriar)
Sentence: Cosmo was a very likeable chap-superintelligent and kind to small furry things. I knew him briefly in junior high school, before he disappeared into the sordid subculture of the sixties. No more was heard from him until surfaced one day at Eva's Soup Kitchen. In the intervening decades, Cosmo had TRANSMOGULFRIED to a significant degree. He regaled everyone with his stories about his fortune, made and lost, as a Sheep Wrangler in New Zealand. A few minutes later, he explained his life with the Cargo Cults of the South Pacific. He had been a rocket sled test pilot, a dental floss tycoon, and he could reel off a list of movies he had starred in under various names. Cosmo had TRANSMOGULFRIED his brain, but he was sure to inherit Ted Turner's vast fortune after he liberated Inner Mongolia and become an Ascended Master. Cosmo was a close personal friend of Doctor Terwilliger, whose thousand piano students would one day perform the ultimate piano recital. Cosmo perfected perpetual motion and the motor-operated pushover, but was cheated out of the royalties. He refused to accept money or tobacco, even if it wasn't damp. However, there was ONE favor he asked...please refer to him by his rightful name: Alexander Vasilievich Ungern Von Sternberg.
Etymology: TRANSmogrify+MOGUL+FRY=TRANSMOGULFRY...TRANSMOGRIFY:to change or alter one's perceptions or lifestyle,greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect, often to the detriment of one's sanity;origin unknown.....MOGUL: A person wielding great power, however imaginary- a tycoon or magnate;Persian Mughul, from Mongolian mongγol Mongol.....FRY: To abuse one's brain to the point of delusion through accidental or intentional ingestion of psychotropic substances, particularly SOMA-the divine mushroom of immortality.... Or an industrial accident or other traumatic event.
Nice paintings here: - metrohumanx, 2008-11-17: 03:42:00
great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-17: 12:59:00
Cosmo sounds like The Great Pretender or Catch Me If You Can... - Nosila, 2008-11-17: 20:46:00
Good one. - Mustang, 2008-11-17: 22:47:00
I like this one because it is one of the few verbs. - hyperborean, 2008-11-17: 23:00:00
Yep, good one - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-18: 03:09:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: fik-to-MEY-nee-ak
Sentence: Obsessed by Disney characters, but a frazzled fictomaniac, Bob's "plutolatry" convinced him of his true identity.
Etymology: Blend of Fiction & mania
So right on the definition. Good one! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-24: 09:31:00
love plutolatry - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-24: 12:05:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /skit-suh-fren-ik/
Sentence: Every time Julian watches the movie Star Wars, especially the jedi fight scenes, he becomes a total skitsophrenic — he thinks he's Luke Skywalker, and he jumps up and starts fighting off illusionary enemies with his imaginary lightsaber. He's such an autobiografool!
Etymology: skit - a short literary or theatrical piece, or sketch (from Old Norse, skjuta "to shoot") + schizophrenic - term used to describe a person with multiple personality disorder (from Greek, skhizein "to split" & phrenic "of the mind")
Good word tigger!! Love the word use and blendage! :) - Dougalistic, 2008-01-24: 04:30:00
Great creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-24: 09:34:00
Great word, but don't let Julian watch "Sybil" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 16:10:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: lit-er-act-or
Sentence: As the literactor, of every heroine, of every book, she read, she was a real escape artist.
Etymology: Combo of literature and actor. Did she litter her mind with too much imagination?
Created by: purpleman
Pronunciation: dream/a/tion
Sentence: its like day dreaming
Etymology: dream+ation
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈplɒt.dʒæk/ /plot-jack/
Sentence: My ex plotjacked my favorite song, and now I can't hear it without imagining that it's about her.
Etymology: plot + hijack (as in "skyjack" or "carjack")
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: MOR-fig-ment
Sentence: Sally is a daydreamer and when reading or viewing works of fiction will often morphigment, will experience realistic hallucinations wherein she becomes one of the characters in the story
Etymology: Blend of 'morph' (to change the form or character of - transform) and 'figment' (a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: spy dent if fyez
Sentence: Under the clever disguise of a humble sales associate at Home Depot, Sean Moore spydentifies better with his hero, James Bond. Ever vigilant, his imagination in overdrive, he sees KGB agents lurking in Paints...why do they really need fourteen gallons of red paint? Personally Sean prefers his paint shaken, not stirred. That shifty foreign character over in Electrical, is he really buying a new doorbell or parts to build a dirty bomb? And that glamorous femme fatale in Tools...she probably has gotten her marksman accreditation with nail guns and power tools. Sean would like to nail her. And when he goes into the Outdoors Dept., he likes to practise his fencing moves. Touche! Sean stays in top form until the day he will get the call to serve his country and save the the meantime, someone needs mousetraps in aisle 3!
Etymology: Spy (a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors;a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people;secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage) & Identifies ( recognizes as being; establishes the identity of someone or something;considers (oneself) as similar to somebody else)
Some idiot always needs mousetraps. Cute word. - artr, 2010-04-14: 12:17:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dex/tur/tear/us
Sentence: Mike become so dexterterous that he ritualistically cut up and packaged all his groceries.
Etymology: dexterous + Dexter (TV series)
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: lit-er-NOT-ee
Sentence: Margeau fancied herself as part of the literati, and tried joining book clubs she found through Mensa Yahoo Groups (which, in a remarkably un-genius-like approach, were open for anyone to join). She belied her intelligence, though, when she would lapse into the first person when describing the plot of, say, Anna Karenina. "I was in such despair that throwing myself under the train seemed like my only option," she would intone passionately, only to see all her book club comrades come alive with the realization that she was a liternoti rather than a literati.
Etymology: Literati(literary intelligentsia) changed to incorporate "not"
A Liternoti bad word! - Nosila, 2008-11-17: 20:41:00
Created by: zebrahdh
Pronunciation: bi-og-ruh-foon
Sentence: That stupid orphan boy has been wearing those glasses ever since he read the Harry Potter books, and I heard that he is such a biographoon, he's even considering getting a lightning bolt tattooed on his forehead.
Etymology: Biography combined with buffoon.
Clever combo! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-24: 09:32:00
Thanks - zebrahdh, 2008-01-24: 21:21:00
I think it the same boy, having killed his mother and father, threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan! But after all an autobiography is a popular form of fiction in which the writer is always the hero! Interesting word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-25: 03:40:00
Created by: loxhobabl
Pronunciation: by-o-blee-o-file
Sentence: You know she's a biobliophile if she clicks her heels together when she's homesick.
Etymology: biography + bibliophile
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Maw key m ow s
Sentence: He rushed to the rescue of everyone in the office like the hero of movies, cartoons, and tv shows. He was a regular dynamo always trying to save the day. He was a real MockyMouse!
Etymology: Play on the word mock (to imitate disparagingly) and the cartoon hero Mighty Mouse
Created by: wackyscience
Pronunciation: Pret-creetu-sell-fing
Sentence: My best friend Aaron started jumping about like a kangaroo today. He never stopped. It's probably because of that show on Australia we watched yesterday. He never seems to be able to stop himself from Pretcreatuselfing. You never know when he might pretcreatuself himself as Steve Jobs, and start spewing Apples from his mouth.
Etymology: Pret(Pretend; fantasy or a myth) + Creatu(Creature; character) + Self(Assuming one's own self).
Created by: idavecook
Sentence: That bitch is really a true Papervain, she actually thinks she's the skinny bitch!
Etymology: Pages and Vanity
Misogynistacular. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:40:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: prohl-tag-oh-nizt
Sentence: Despite his convictions that he could easily clean the Augean stables, woo the heart of Estella, or lead the Joad family to the fruitful valleys of California, James was just your average proletagonist working the day shift at Kinko's.
Etymology: prole - short for proletariat, the working class, protagonist (- pro) - the primary character of a piece of fiction
Alas, poor James. :) - yellowbird, 2008-01-24: 15:18:00
James is probably not your average prole, if he's working at Kinko's! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 16:11:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: Hol/ly/lus/ion/al
Sentence: With each new blockbuster movie, Jimmy becomes Hollylusional taking on all the characteristics of one of the main characters.
Etymology: Hollywood + delusional
Perhaps it's time he was prescribed "blockbusters!" Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 16:21:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: pre-tend-go-nyst
Sentence: Trina is such a pretendgonist that after she read Romeo and Juliet she believed she was one of the main characters so deeply that she began making funeral arrangements and walking around in mourning for her dear departed Romeo; she snapped out of it when I reminded her that if she is Juliet, then she died too.
Etymology: pretend- to make believe + protagonist - main character in a story
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-17: 12:56:00
Brilliantly literate. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-19: 20:14:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tranz - MOG - ruh - fan - see
Sentence: While reading fantasy stories Mary Beth would often transmogrifancy and actually come to believe she was the heroine in the story.
Etymology: Transmogrify + fancy (fantasize)
Anyone that takes a root word from Calvin and Hobbes has my automatic vote. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:35:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: In-the-man-er-joe-ns
Sentence: Tony was such a great fan of action movies he would often daydream about taking the lead part. Lately he had watched so many he had convinced himself that he truly was inthemannerjones and even went out and bought a hat and a whip!!
Etymology: See Indiana Jones(Action/adventure film)
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-17: 12:57:00
Created by: Dougalistic
Pronunciation: Chorse-er-thigh
Sentence: Im reading this book called "The Lost Life of a mis-understood husband" and im convinced it's all about me.' Mate, seriously get out more, you don't need to chaucerfy yourself over it. It's probably your mind!
Etymology: Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343 – October 25, 1400) was an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat nicknamed the father of english literature. fy - as in 'mystify' or words with fy at the end.
maybe chaucerfry would work too - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-24: 13:04:00
Yes, he does need to get out more: otherwise he might turn a "whiter shade of pale!" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 15:50:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ott to by og rafee
Sentence: Jimmy could identify with James Bond in all the books and movies. With his dashing good looks and suave,debonair comportment and je ne sais quoi, he could relate to James Bond, Agent 007, "License to Kill". He thought Ian Fleming had written an Oughttobiography for Jimmy when he wrote his books, as the similarities were very evident, if one had a "GoldenEye" for details. When he went for his annual physical, it was "Dr.No"; When he bought vodka (for his martinis, shaken, not stirred) it was "From Russia With Love"; when he got engaged it was "Diamonds are Forever"; when he got married, it was "Goldfinger"; when he got his hair done, it was "Live and Let Dye"; If he couldn't get an appointment, he could "Dye Another Day", because "Tomorrow Never Dyes"; when he bowled, it was "ThunderBall"; when he went hunting, it was "A View to a Kill"; when he played tennis with the Queen, it was "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"; when he went to the optometrist, it was "For Your Eyes Only"; when he enlisted in NASA's space gardening program, he became "Moonraker" and when he ate seafood, instead of kalamari, he ordered "Octopussy". Yes, Jimmy shared a bond with James Bond, he could scare "The Living Daylights" out of anyone who tried to steal his Aston Martin. When he got bored, he would head to "Casino Royale." He enjoyed a"Quantum of Solace" when he was caught speeding chasing "The Spy Who Loved Me" and after Blofeld's men, he was clocked at 95 mph by the "Man With The Golden Gun". There was some "Quantum of Solace" in the fact, he had to find a new pad,with all the best of Q's gadgetry. Although Jimmy was a citizen of this world,he thought "The World Is Not Enough"!
Etymology: Ought to (should, had better, need to) & Autobiography (a biography (life story) of yourself)
As a lad in the sixties, I was pemanently warped by I Spy, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Secret Agent Man, The Saint, The Prisoner, etc etc etc... - metrohumanx, 2008-11-17: 03:34:00
didn't realise you had a james bond story when i came up with my word - petaj, 2008-11-17: 04:37:00
Piercing humour, give us some Moore cos I'm feeling lazenby and singing like a connery. - petaj, 2008-11-17: 04:46:00
There's a lot of Bonding going on here, Walther PPK! One of the best lines from the movies was in Moonraker, when James (Roger Moore)and Lois Chiles are making love in zero gravity on a shuttle on their way back to Earth. M asks what is he doing?(because he can see them on the monitor) and Q answers, "I think he's attempting re-entry!" - Nosila, 2008-11-17: 20:36:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: hoe/lee/lew/shun/al
Sentence: With each new blockbuster movie, Jimmy becomes Hollylusional taking on all the characteristics of one of the main characters.
Etymology: Hollywood + delusional
I think I know Jimmy. - Mustang, 2008-11-17: 22:49:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: met-uh-MOR-fig-ment
Sentence: Gladys was an inveterate daydreamer and when reading or viewing works of fiction would often metamorfigment and have realistic hallucinations wherein she became one of the characters in the story.
Etymology: Blend of 'metamorphosis' (conversion, transformation) and 'figment' (a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion)
Great word - TJayzz, 2008-11-17: 12:15:00
Created by: Uzbazur
Pronunciation: OOZBAHZOOR
Sentence: Uzbazur Ashwaurz
Etymology: Black Drum
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fikt shaun kon ner ee
Sentence: On weekends, meek and mild tax accountant Fred Lipshitz became the fictseanconnery of his dreams. His alter-ego,Agent 007, James Bond, drove an Aston Martin, drank vodka martinis (shaken, not stirred) and spent his time ensuring meglomaniacs did not take over the free world...he was licensed to kill. His Goldfinger, Thunderball and Diamonds are Forever were a gift From Russia With Love. When at last they came for him, he was heard shouting, "Dr; No! You Only Live Twice! Never Say Never Again."
Etymology: Fiction (a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact) & Sean Connery (Scottish Actor who portrayed James Bond, ultracool British Spy, in 7 movies between 1062 & 1983)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: transfôrmənātər
Sentence: Billy has no personality of his own. He is a transforminator. Whatever "super" character is presented in a movie, TV show or video game he becomes. When he saw Star Wars he was convinced that the force was with him. He re-named the family sheepdog Chewie. When the Matrix was released it was a long trench coat and shades. There was a lot of snarling and grunting emanating from Billy's room when the Hulk was in the theater. His mother doesn't know what to expect if they make a live-action version of Wonder Woman as rumored.
Etymology: Transformer (Transformers is a 2007 live-action film adaptation of the Transformers toy franchise) + Terminator (The Terminator is a 1984 science fiction/action film directed and co-written by James Cameron. It features Arnold Schwarzenegger
nice combo - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-17: 12:56:00
VERY thorough mocking. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-19: 20:15:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: fik-to-MEY-nee-ak
Sentence: Obsessed by Disney characters, and an imaginaut, whose mythobolism made him a frazzled fictomaniac, Bob's "plutolatry" finally convinced him of his true identity.
Etymology: Blend of Fiction & mania
Wow. That sentence packs a punch! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-19: 20:20:00
Verbotomy - 2008-01-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-01-25: 11:30:00
Everyone got me-deep into this definition!
metrohumanx - 2008-11-17: 03:35:00
As a veteran daydreamer, I can tell you that hallucinations ARE real. The good ones, anyway.
Verbotomy - 2010-04-14: 00:24:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James