Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who engages themselves in several different communication channels at the same time, without paying attention to any of them v. To constantly switch your focus between cellphone calls, text messages, emails, and anything else that beeps.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: POL e com OT ic
Sentence: Twenty minutes into their ride to the airport, when Loudon had not been able to complete a sentence in his conversation with Blanche due to her efforts to juggle two phone conversations and an IM session, while also listening to her Garman voice nav system, he realized she was a polycommotic.
Etymology: greek, "polys," many, + communicate +otic, as in hypnotic, neurotic and psycotic
I hope they didn't make her shut off her phone on the plane. Going cold turkey like that could be hazardous for everyone. Good word! - yellowbird, 2008-02-28: 12:07:00
Poly sure needs a lot more than a cracker to talk now! Unique and clever blending of some very choice words! Exceptional! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:43:00
Created by: squarishtriangle
Pronunciation: aitch-tea-tea-pea-ess
Sentence: She finally came to admitting her addiction and convinced herself to see a therapist about her long suffering from the modern day pandemic HTTPS, online of course.
Etymology: Acronym for Hyper Text, Type and Phone Syndrome
Created by: busterman
Pronunciation: Task/a/tron
Sentence: Louise, not noticing that she has become a taskatron, left her new lottery winnings at the liquor store counter. She was on line, booking her flight to Dubai, listening to Lynne Cheney's novels and texting her wife.
Etymology: Multi-tasking in the twenty first century.
Created by: cmonkey24
Pronunciation: twit-ter-task-er
Sentence: Janie was such the twittertasker that some speculated she could update her facebook with the txt message she sent in response to the tweet from her from BFF in a matter of seconds.
Etymology: Twitter- The popular micro-status site. Multitasker- A person capable of performing multiple actions and maintaining various priorities at the exact same moment.
Created by: bigveg
Pronunciation: am-bi-tex-trous
Sentence: Although her ambitextrous abilities afforded her more time for her make up, she regretted telling her father about the underwear she had bought for his valentine's day treat.
Etymology: ambidextrous, text (message)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: skan dye lus
Sentence: Her behaviour was scandialous, scanning every dial within sight, texting with both hands while steering with her chest.
Etymology: scandalous, scan, dial.
Great dialect! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:32:00
very funny galway - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 12:43:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: mac/a/rome/ee
Sentence: Being the proud owner of a MacBook, an ipod and an iphone her brain became so confused that she stuck a feather in her cap and became a Macaroami!!
Etymology: mac + roam + macaroni
Delightful! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:41:00
I like it! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:30:00
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: dro-ni-cate-or
Sentence: Jessie was the biggest dronicator. She had 6 cell phones, 10 screen names on 4 different instant messengers, and 5 myspace and facebook accounts. She never had a free minute to talk to someone face-to-face.
Etymology: drone + communicator
Intriguing angle! Leaves a big impression! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:48:00
Created by: XMbIPb
Pronunciation: /po-li-kras-tə-nāt-or/
Sentence: Unlike their kinfolk - PROcrastinators (i.e. those who do nothing all day), POLYcrastinators can do many nothings all at once, which makes them look extremely busy and productive.
Etymology: POLY – (fr. Greek) many; CRASTINUS – (fr. Lat) tomorrow, next day, future
Created by: happywhenitrains
Pronunciation: Text-Foyn-Mayl
Etymology: Text+Phone+Mail, in "txt" style
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: e-lec-tron-ic dis-trac-tion dis-or-der
Sentence: Kimberly didn't have time to explain to everyone the particulars of her Electronic Distraction Disorder (EDD) because she was too busy updating her face space tweet sheet.
Etymology: electronic + distraction + disorder. Play on Attention Deficit Disorder.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: Like the dance - cha cha cha
Sentence: Loquacia's stint on "Dancing with the Stars" was shortlived. She was fully kitted up with Blackberry, iPhone, walkie talkie, and netbook for every rehearsal. Instead of practising the paso doble and the foxtrot, she kept doing the chatchatchat.
Etymology: cha cha cha - an up tempo dance step + chat (communicate)
Created by: ddove60
Pronunciation: dij-i-ak
Sentence: "Did you see that digiac?" my wife exclaimed as I dodged the car that abruptly switched into my lane, "Trying to drive with two cell phones, and wearing an iPod?"
Etymology: digital + maniac
Dig-it-all! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:21:00
Elegant in its compactness. Nice job. - stache, 2008-02-28: 10:39:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: trans mishun im poss abbel
Sentence: Tilly Fone was a transmissionimpossible. She/he was also a transvestite transcendentalist. When Tilly was transmissionimpossibling the many messages from his/her transient existence in his/her translucent TransAm transportation, his/her concentration became transparent. As a result, what transpired was a transfer of car insurance information, which was a result of a transonic traffic transaction. The other driver was a transplanted, transnational transvestite, who transmitted his/her transitory interest in Tilly. They translated this interest into true love and took a transoceanic cruise and then a transcontinental train to Transylvania, where they transmogrified themselves into transfigured Transmutants, who treated themselves to nightly transfusions from the local transfixed trolls. This is a transcript of this true story of what transpired from Tilly's text messages.
Etymology: transmission (act of sending a message by transmitting a signal) & Mission Impossible (Your mission, should you decide to accept it...)
Here's a bit of fan mail for your transmissionimpossible show! In-trans-ingly Entrancing! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:46:00
"T" for "T"- errific sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:38:00
A truly transformational transcription! - Tigger, 2008-02-28: 23:13:00
Cheers...I'm glad this tiny tale transcended your traditional truths! - Nosila, 2008-03-02: 21:54:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: com + you + ni + cadder
Sentence: Marcel's cell phone was the latest gadget in his Communicadder's toolkit. It joined a blackberry, a pager, a bunch of semaphore flags, a morse code tapper, megaphone, transistor radio, portable tv and laptop.
Etymology: communiator + ADD (attention deficit disorder)
Well done. I tried to weave ADD into one of more proposed words - never got to first base. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-02: 20:04:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mul - tee - task - kuh - boom
Sentence: Harriet was talking on her cell phone and applying her makeup using the rear view mirror and only realized she had tried to back out of the garage without opening the door when she heard the horrendous crash of the door spintering.
Etymology: multi task + kaboom
Packs a lot of oomph! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 10:07:00
Created by: JoFos
Pronunciation: Constant - comms - a- tentive
someone's attention is constantly taken by communication tools - JoFos, 2008-02-28: 15:08:00
Created by: apolloedge
Pronunciation: thum bling
Sentence: Rhonda was so tired from working her gadgets all day that by five o'clock she was thumbling so badly that she broke up with her boss, fired her mother, and ordered Chinese all at the same time.
Etymology: thumb: attached to your hand + bling: as in fumbling and stumbling
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: mac/a/rome/ee
Sentence: Being the proud owner of a MacBook, an ipod and an iphone her brain became so confused that she stuck a feather in her cap and became a Macaroami!!
Etymology: mac + roam + macaroni
A dandy doodle, Yankee :-) - emdeejay, 2008-12-12: 11:34:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Oh Bliv-E-Oh
Sentence: Cellsie Techoholic was so obliveeoh to the obstacles in front of her!
Etymology: Oblivious ~ Play on word and Oh! ~ To not be aware of or concerned about what is happening around or in front of yourself.
Created by: timlumber1
Pronunciation: tay-ber-dat-loy-o-poo-poo
Sentence: Her brain was thinking three different ways at once like a ancient taberdatloyopupu,in a underground cavern
Etymology: There is no etymology, the word is a complicated metamorphal!
STEP RIGHT UP LADIES AND GENTELMAN AND VOTE FOR ME! - timlumber1, 2008-12-14: 00:47:00
Created by: jajsr
Pronunciation: Pet-tech-e-span
Sentence: Cyndi was in a pickle. Her kids called her cell phone so she could pick them up from school; her mom called about visiting later that evening; her husband texted her saying he'd be home late; and her boss e-mailed her about the business trip next week. Overwhelmed by all of the ringing and beeps from her phones, Cyndi forgot to pick up her kids. When she showed up to pick up her kids two hours late, she apologized to her kids and blamed her tardiness due to her pettechispan.
Etymology: Mixture of "Pet" from Petty: Having secondary rank or importance; "Tech" from Technology - relating to different electronic media; and "Span" - relating to having a small attention span.
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: ser/frow/jet
Sentence: An emancipated german lady who can surf the web and talk on the phone at the same time is called a surfraugette.
Etymology: surf + frau + suffragette
Fun creation! Terrific! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:57:00
love it. - galwaywegian, 2008-02-28: 14:42:00
Man, that's a good one. Wish you'd posted it earlier so I coulda voted for it. - stache, 2008-02-28: 23:55:00
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: com pugg ler
Sentence: It was an overwhelming day when Silvia sat down on the subway platform floor to catch up on her work. Passerbys were so impressed watching her type on her computer, text, and talk on the phone all at the same time that they began tossing money into her computer case. She quit her day job when she realized she could make more money as a subway compuggler. She certainly made more than the mime and the juggler at the other end of the platform.
Etymology: comp from computer+ uggler from juggler
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈiˌdʒʌgḷ/ /EE-Juhg-l/
Sentence: He was an inveterate faultitasker, and he used e-juggle at three portable electronic devices while carrying on polylogues with four different friends. Unfortunately, he can't do this anymore, so he now uses seven devices and has zero friends. In the end, he figured it's all the same, right?
Etymology: from e(lectronic) + juggle
See for the origin of "faultitask". - ErWenn, 2008-02-28: 09:28:00
Three great high-tech creates! You hit the juggler vein with this one! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 10:02:00
Jugglers and desultors - must be a circus in town! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:41:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: twickst-mess-age
Sentence: The full scope of Darlene's twixtmessaging problems was revealed when she arrived home to find her husband had taken their son to the vet to get neutered, but thankfully their new Dachshund was on time for soccer practice.
Etymology: twixt - Middle English word meaning "between", message - communicated information
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 12:40:00
Dog gone funny! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 13:03:00
Your sentences always make me laugh out loud. Great submission! - Tigger, 2008-02-28: 23:18:00
Created by: nickmarziani
Pronunciation: sell-yule-ars (as in arson)
Etymology: Cellular + arse
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kəmyoōnəkaptiv
Sentence: Mary feels like a communicaptive. She has a Blackberry that she needs for work and a cell that she carries for personal calls, texts & e-mails. If one isn*t beeping at her the other is. Yesterday she finally flipped out and duct taped the two devices together so they could talk to each other while she went skipping down the street like a little girl without a care in the world.
Etymology: communication (the imparting or exchanging of information or news) + captive (a person who has been taken prisoner)
communicaptivating word! - Nosila, 2010-05-11: 23:46:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: in/cell/i/gent
Sentence: It takes a sophisticated and incelligent person today to command and control a Blackberry which is a able to act as a computer, phone, emailer, texter, gamer, GPSer, car starter, baby listening device, hair brush, electric shaver, nail filer and make-up mirror all in one and all at the same time while you're driving to work and eating breakfast.
Truly great create for it incorporates the essence of the brain power involved. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-12: 12:17:00
I like it. - Mustang, 2008-12-13: 01:33:00
Very good. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-13: 16:18:00
Created by: freiflug
Pronunciation: /ˈflɪ.po-ənt/
Sentence: "My students exhibit a great deal of flippoyance during my lectures." "If Yuki wasn't so flippoyant, I would enjoy spending time with her a lot more."
Etymology: flippant: lacking respect or seriousness, showing levity; pert flamboyant: showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: pol-ee-jah-nik
Sentence: Sue, being polyjawnic, was last seen multichatting on her keyboard and cell phone when the fire alarm went off.
Etymology: polyphonic, jaw (slang for idle chat)
Two cheers for multichatting and three cheers for polyjawnic. Both are Jaw-awesome! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:36:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: in-comm-you-nih-ko-man-doh
Sentence: I realized after several minutes of Jack's silence on the telephone that he was being quite the incommunicommando by sending a text message while he was trying to talk to me. The quiet beeping noise followed by the text tone in his phone as well as the notion that he had no idea what we had been talking about gave him away.
Etymology: incommunicado: no communication + commando
Reflects the "without paying attention to any of them" part of the definition so very strongly! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:54:00
Created by: yellowbird
Pronunciation: gaj-ih-tear
Sentence: Susan was an excellent gadgeteer - she parried her voice mail, riposted to a text message, and engaged in a brief discussion with her mother before turning off her phone and thrusting it into the ice bucket alongside the champagne. She then smiled at her husband and said, "Darling, where were we?"
Etymology: gadget + musketeer
One for all ... ! Exceptional! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:17:00
Ooh. I like this word. Reminds me of the Rocketeer. - ErWenn, 2008-02-28: 09:30:00
Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:32:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: trans mish shun aree
Sentence: Julie was incapabale of going anywhere without being plugged in electronically to the rest of the universe. She was a true tranmissionary, spreading the word of multitasking communications to the rest of the world. The only problem was that Julia's real fix was not in reaching others to chat, but simply training her fingers to fly over keys as fast as she could. But it in your home, not in your car! Hang up and drive!
Etymology: Transmission (the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted;an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted;communication by means of transmitted signals) & Missionary (someone sent on a mission, especially a religious or charitable mission
I loved the "missionary" part. Makes me think of a prior definition from two weeks ago (see: "coitentious") :-) - XMbIPb, 2010-05-11: 18:44:00
Created by: orcasellen
Sentence: I was too techstracted to get any work done.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mull-tee-task-ADD-uld
Sentence: Louise typically spends most of her waking hours trying to keep up with her favorite soap operas, texting with friends, participating in chat rooms, playing text twist and free cell and has become totally multitaskaddled, befuddled, confused and not actually completing or comprehending any of those tasks.
Etymology: Blend of 'multitask' (perform more than one task at the same time) and 'addled' (mentally confused; muddled)
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: churf
Sentence: Switcheroo Sam was doing a net surf on his lap top, with his Ipod in his left ear, and his cell phone to his right ear, text messaging on the cell phone he borrowed from his sister, with one eye on his tv, while he used his toe to switch channels on his CB radio, as his police scanner hummed in the background. He was a grand master of the churf!
Etymology: CH for Channeling, u for you, and urf for surf = CHURF ... meaning CHANNELING YOUrself while YOU SURF among your electronic devices. Does churfing make a person a churf serf (slave to their electronic devices), too?
Good one - Mustang, 2008-12-13: 01:32:00
Need a short word: you provided a top one. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-13: 16:17:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: in - cum - ing - tax - t
Sentence: The butterflies in my stomach are caused by the buzz fluttering of all my communication devices. You might say I'im a bit over incomingtaxt.
Etymology: Incoming: arriving Taxed: strained
nice one silvery - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 13:20:00
The taxman is sure to have his finger in the pie! Very clever and funny creation. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:35:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: hi - per - eel - eck - triv - itee
Sentence: Jesse is a literal whirlwind of hyperelectrivity. I cannot spend much time with her or I start to feel like I am "short-circuiting". She constantly switches between her Blackberry, I-Pod, Portable DVD player and Laptop, not really effectively watching anything, producing anything or even having a conversation. She is the ADD queen of electronics and should be on meds for EDD....
Etymology: This word is a combination of hyperactivity (Constant and excessive movement and motor activity) and electronic (Relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities).
Splendid word. Great last line. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-12: 12:10:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: twit-er-feyst
Sentence: Email, tweets, texts, phone calls - it's all too much for Barbara to handle. You can tell she has zoned out because she is completely twitterfaced. Right now she is so flummoxed that she is pushing buttons on her celly trying to respond to the beeping of the delivery truck that is about to back up into her car.
Etymology: Twitter (Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service) + Facebook (a social networking service) + faced (adjective describing a person who is severely intoxicated)
Created by: Laurenza
Pronunciation: Twi-diot
Sentence: Look at that twitiot driving into the telephone pole!
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /MIS-uh-loo-nee/
Sentence: Sporting two regular cell phones, a Blackberry, a PDA and an iPhone, Tammy carried more miscellaneous gizmos than Inspector Gadget, but when they all started beeping and ringing at once, while she was driving, trying to program her GPS navigator and tune her satellite radio at the same time, she turned into a complete miscelloony, ran over two curbs, and nearly had a nervous breakdown.
Etymology: Miscellany - a miscellaneous collection of items (from Latin, miscellānea) [also, mis- prefix meaning "incorrectly" & cell as in "cell phone"] + Loony - foolish or crazy (slang for lunatic; insanity influenced by the lunar cycle; from Latin, luna "moon")
Another good word. - ErWenn, 2008-02-28: 09:30:00
Perhaps we need to give her a padded cell! Marvelous! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:40:00
Very clever! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:33:00
Created by: freestyle
Pronunciation: Noun: multispacer
Sentence: "I can't believe Gary spends every day multispacing with his laptop, cell phone, video game console and web tv setup." -- "Yeah, he generally can't even tell you any specific thing he's done in the last week!" -- "He's such a multispacer!"
Etymology: multitasking - spacing out
Fits the definition spectacularly! Truly great creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:52:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sy ber noy
Sentence: Cynthia was a cybernought...she was so connected on so many devices that she really never knew who or what she was speaking to or about...too much of a good thing is obviously very bad for you!
Etymology: Cyber (computer network & cybernaut (someone who surfs the computer networks, like an astor naut or an argonaut) & Nought (nothing;Nil)
Created by: picabomama
Pronunciation: multi/task/hole
Sentence: It never failed that as soon as Kelly and her husband Aaron got into the car he would pull out his cell phone and start dialing. While he was waiting for it to connect he would spin the dial on his iPod to show off his latest musical finds, never actually letting any of the songs play farther than the chorus. All of this was made more annoying by the fact that while at home the multitaskhole couldn't seem to fold laundry and watch TV at the same time.
Etymology: multi-tasker + a%&hole I believe that is self-explanatory.
Cute! - ErWenn, 2008-02-28: 09:31:00
Exceptionally good and exceptionally funny! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:51:00
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: Phone hectic
Sentence: Jan was so enamoured of electronic communication she had mastered the art of talking on one phone, txting on another whilst reading her email and driving a car. Unfortunately this had rendered both her quality of speech and attention span rather short. She had become phonectic
Etymology: Phone: voice communication tool. Hectic: too fast, too soon. Phonetic: say it like it is
AAAAh, the age of one can spell, without spellcheck; no one can formulate a sentence without grammarcheck and no one can add or substract without built in calculator...pretty soon all our cerebral functions will be replaced by machinery...HG Wells was waaaaay ahead of his time! - Nosila, 2008-12-13: 00:08:00
Created by: doseydotes
Pronunciation: ˈməl-tˈī-ˈpäd-ə-ˈfre-nē-ˌak
Sentence: Martha is such a multipodophreniac that she's begun driving with her knees so she can operate three electronic devices at one time.
Etymology: Multi, from Latin, multus - meaning much, many; ipod, from Apple, ipodia - meaning overpriced teen impulse purchase; schizophrenia, New Latin, meaning totally freakin' crazy; and maniac, Late Latin, from maniacal - a driver more reckless than I am.
A very humerous etymology, I must say. - stache, 2008-02-28: 11:27:00
Chuckles and kudos for your intriguing creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:38:00
nice - galwaywegian, 2008-02-28: 14:48:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:31:00
Created by: youngerway
Pronunciation: rəʊbɒblɪpə(r)
Sentence: Beth is definitely a roboblipper. She's always pressing buttons not knowin what tha hell she's doing. She tries to switch channels with her blackberry at least twice a day.
Etymology: robot (person who works without thinking) + blip
Sometimes we all fall to roboblipping ... this will keep me chuckling every time I do it. Funtastic word. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-12: 12:14:00
clever blend - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-13: 16:19:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: E-suhl-tawr-ee. Most likely, in line with current practice, written: "E-sultory".
Sentence: Bob, e-mok with cybricious e-nergy, skipped from E-bay to text messaging. But, unaware, with an i-pod in his e-ar, and in his own e-vironment, he stepped on the tele’s remote control, breaking it into tiny pieces. Consolatory, Roxie told him, “Don’t worry, with a few drops of e-poxy and e-verthing would be e-kay. But he e-gnored her, continuing on his esultory ways. Finally, e-xasperated with his electronic reverie, Roxie e-rupted, telling him that he needed to conduct his life with greater cybriety.
Etymology: Blend of "E" for electronic,as in E-mail, E-bay;(D)esultory: L. de + saltire(to leap)passing from one thing to another, without order, logical sequence; aimlessly. CYBRIETY:cyber & sobriety.CYBRICIOUS:cyber & capricious.
Sounds like Bob needs to be E-loose-sedated or E-mancipated from his life of E's! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:25:00
A.A. Milne was way ahead of his time with E-eyore - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 12:39:00
Your e-laborate e-ssay is e-xcellent! E for e-ffort! - Nosila, 2008-02-28: 20:43:00
i love cybriety - petaj, 2008-02-29: 04:46:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gajədikshən
Sentence: Jill’s gadgeddiction worried even her the other morning when she woke and found her iPad, iPod and iPhone having a conversation without her. It didn’t upset her quite so much that it happened but that she was left out.
Etymology: gadget (a small mechanical device or tool) + addiction (physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: in/cell/i/gent
Sentence: It takes a sophisticated and incelligent person today to command and control a Blackberry which is a able to act as a computer, phone, emailer, texter, gamer, GPSer, car starter, baby listening device, hair brush, electric shaver, nail filer and make-up mirror all in one and all at the same time while you're driving to work and eating breakfast.
Etymology: cell + intelligent
Beeped all my bells! Ex'cell'ent! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:14:00
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Giz mot ick
Sentence: Jason tried in vain to untangle his handsfree cord before remembering he had the cordless earpiece in his pocket, swerving to miss a cyclist and cursing as the phone slipped from it's position between his shoulder and his ear. "Hang on!" he yelled at the phone as his beeper went off in his lap and he simultaneously read it and pulled the earpiece awkwardly from his pocket. "Dammit!" he exclaimed as his work mobile went off and he grabbed it automatically, fearing an emergency. He had to swerve again to narrowly miss a motorcycle and dropped the work mobile, scrabbling until he caught it mid-slide on it's way to the floor. "Jason here." he said, but it was Janeen on the other mobile wanting him to pick up bread. His beeper went of again and as he picked it up he heard his secretary's voice from the work mobile laughing. "Jason stop it! Just pick up your work phone and stop being gizmotic!" He complied just as he realised that light had actually been red.
Etymology: Gizmo - smallish technological tools frequently of dubious utility. Chaotic - descriptive of the chaos engendered by trying to answer, read or attend to multiple gizmos simultaneously.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mis trak shun
Sentence: The new distracted driving laws were meant for people like Avis. She was always in a state of misstraction while driving, texting, phoning and e-mailing at the same time...usually while applying makeup and drinking coffee. Her car was full of dents...a body shop's delight.
Etymology: Miss (fail to reach or get to) & Distraction ( the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something;an obstacle to attention;an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: blak bery all
Sentence: Shauna never went anywhere without her Blackberry, her cellphones and her laptop. We were never sure why she thought she was so important that she had to be in constant contact with everyone she ever met. Face to face discussions with her were rare,and not without her needing to respond to every beep, text or call. She called it multi-tasking, we called it blackburial. Her only connection with other humans was through these electronic gadgets. She would lock herself away for hours on end in her office and click and text people. One day she was asked (on Blackberry) why she kept so many devices going at once. Without a hint of irony, she said it was because she loved dealing with people!
Etymology: blackberry (communication device, which apparently is very addictive) & burial (being covered in something)
Pure class :-) - emdeejay, 2008-12-12: 23:42:00
Very interesting word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-13: 16:17:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: HURTS--hop
Sentence: Roxie often drifted into gormless gizmazement, hertzhopping endlessly from emailing to a silent radio reverie.
Etymology: Blend of HERTZ: from the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second; it is abbreviated Hz. It is commonly used to specify the frequency of radio waves, and also the clock frequencies in digital computers. His experiments with these electromagnetic waves led to the development of the wireless telegraph and the radio. In the fantastic voyage: From electricity to electronics Heinrich Hertz among others helped in ... micro- electronics, particularly its impact on the computer industry. ... & HOP: to jump from place to place or from thing to thing.
Excellent word, great sentence, based on an exceptional etymology. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-12: 12:13:00
It hurts to hertzhop that much! - Nosila, 2008-12-12: 16:20:00
Created by: leegro
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈte-lə-ˈde-fə-sət-dis-ˈȯr-dər\
Sentence: Sue was so afflicted with atteledeficitdisorder that she failed to notice that she had stupidly run all the words together in the E-mail she was composing ... while also talking on her cell phone, responding to an instant message, checking her pager, etc.
Etymology: From "attention deficit disorder" and ... wait, what was I doing?
It's very catchy! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 13:05:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mul-teh-task-SKAT-ehr-brane
Sentence: Muriel is an absolute mutltitascatterbrain, constantly engaged in texting her friends, monitoring her email, updating her blog page, doing her makeup, talking on the phone and watching soaps thru the day and remembering little of what she'd seen, heard or said.
Etymology: Blend of multitask and scatterbrain
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ēdēət
Sentence: Rudy is addicted to his electronic toys. If he wasn't texting someone, he was checking his e-mail, browsing the internet or blogging. He might even be found creating a nonsense word for some silly online game. Despite all these connections Rudy is an ediot. He has no idea what is going on in the real world. Obama elected? He didn't even know there was an election until several days after the fact.
Etymology: e (electronic) + idiot (a stupid person)
Perfect word, artr! - Nosila, 2008-12-12: 16:15:00
Created by: LoftyDreamer
Pronunciation: Sing it!
Sentence: ...even though the sound of it is really quite atrocious...Congolia couldn't break herself of the supercellatextemailacallmenowadocious habit of checking her iPhone every two minutes.
Etymology: Loosely based on "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins.
fun to sing!! - libertybelle, 2008-12-15: 12:21:00
Created by: CanadianAndyCapp
Pronunciation: Tek-no-com-or-on
Sentence: With the increased use of texting and short-form message systems, the proper forms of writing and spelling are becoming extinct and creating a generation of technocomorons
Etymology: Techno- Derived from technological developments. / Com- Short form of communications / Moron - the younger generation
You are quite write! (Yet, I can't help wondering if some good might come of it ... perhaps it will be an evolution that will unite the many-tongued people of this planet with more and more communication ... leading to less revolution ... and more peace. It certainly has opened windows and doors to a lot of people and places in this world. I'm amazed how prevalent English is as a second language ... and texting the preferred choice as it spreads world-wide. But like you, I'm saddened by the great demise of our proper forms. But if it opens doors and windows all over the world that help lead to better understanding and peace, it will be easier to adjust, in more ways than one. Again, very astute observation ... quite write! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:33:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by magillo. Thank you magillo. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-28: 10:05:00
Fun definition! It's and inboxed knock out!
silveryaspen - 2008-02-28: 10:11:00
That should be ... an ... not and ... in my comment above! This is what happens when my fingertips think they can override my brain!
Verbotomy - 2010-05-11: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by magillo. Thank you magillo. ~ James
Genkareink - 2019-05-13: 06:53:00
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Svetikreink - 2019-05-13: 06:55:00;u=63829