Vote for the best verboticism.

'I'll just wait here until you're free.'

DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: roulouken331

Pronunciation: Fair-cat-uh-oyd

Sentence: The man's girlfriend was a Phercataoiddaemon; she was constantly demanding he pay attention to her at all hours of the day.

Etymology: Pher- To bear Cata- down oid- like daemon- demon


COOL! - roulouken331, 2011-11-03: 14:42:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: trail/grate

Sentence: Cindy would trailgrate her friends so closely that they often collided. They took to wearing inner tubes to define their personal space.

Etymology: trail (follow closely) + grate (get on one's nerves) + tail gate


Very good!! - Mustang, 2008-04-12: 00:13:00

Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:34:00


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Created by: sydneychapman

Pronunciation: in-sayn-client-ism

Sentence: the man at work couldn't talk on the phone due to the insaneclientism of the woman.

Etymology: insaneclientism- when a client will do anything it takes to get help they need

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: trespasiv

Sentence: John has a problem. His boss, Mr. Wygam has become a psychic leach. He will hover around John's desk in a trespassive manner until he can interrupt whatever John is working on. Much like a mosquito buzzing in your ear, he is almost impossible to ignore. The encroachment is usually followed by a WYGAM ("when you get a minute") and then some nonsense that will cause grief for everybody in the office.

Etymology: trespass (enter the owner's land or property without permission) + passive (without active response or resistance)


mrskellyscl A psychic leach -- love it! - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-19: 06:43:00

I'll have to add WYGAM to my texting - wayoffcenter, 2009-05-19: 09:18:00

WYGAM is here to stay, thanks! And I like the idea of psycholeechists (psyCHOLeechists) :P - dochanne, 2009-05-20: 23:36:00


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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: PEST iv a gress iv

Sentence: She stared into his eyes, lay sideways over his keyboard, pestivaggresively, in an effort to get a quick answer.

Etymology: From pest and aggressive - a variation of passive aggresssive. The inflicted feel aggressively pestered by those who persistently invade personal space to get attention.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pest a syd

Sentence: Marilyn became a pestaside to Mortimer as he tried to do his work. She was jealous of his phone and computer.

Etymology: Pesticide (a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects)& Aside (on side)

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Created by: valevans

Pronunciation: all-tra-turb-e-an

Sentence: At Stewbrine High School Janie was known as an ultraturbian because of her constant annoyances. Whenever her best friend texted during a sleepover Janie would begin to yell and throw things at her to get her attention.

Etymology: ultra-beyond, exceedingly, turb-to disturb

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Created by: mariangela


Sentence: "Who do you think you are, awenshaking me like that? Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency for me. Go wait your turn!"

Etymology: inspired by shock & awe campaign.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kling er long er

Sentence: It was obvious to all that Lena liked Leon and became a clingerlonger to him at work. She would not leave his side and this annoyed him no end. He decided to learn another language to express his real feelings to her, as he was too scared to astatres them in English. So he spoke Klingon to the Clingerlonger, as leaving him alone seemed an alien concept to her.

Etymology: Clinger (someone who resists separation) & Linger (remain present) & Longer (a person with a strong desire for something;more time)

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: loom-en-CROW-chide (loomencroachider)

Sentence: She looked like a waif as she tapped on the door- Flashing those gams and the smile that she wore… The library opens – it’s open to all. But she pestered the patrons- the long, short and tall. Now we regret having let her inside- Cause all that she does is LOOMENCROACHIDE!

Etymology: LOOM+ENCROACH+chIDE=LOOMENCROACHIDE....LOOM: to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions, to take shape as an impending occurrence; origin unknown Date: circa 1541 .....ENCROACH: to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the rights of another,to advance beyond the usual or proper limits; Middle English encrochen to get, seize, from Anglo-French encrocher, from en- + croc, croche hook [1528].....CHIDE: intransitive verb To reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner; Middle English, from Old English cīdan to quarrel, chide, from cīd strife.


amazing rhyming sentence! - DrWebster111, 2009-05-19: 22:06:00


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Created by: ethancarlyon

Pronunciation: erk-a-nis-um

Sentence: This crazy lady needs to stop irking me!

Etymology: irkanism- to overly annoy or cling to.

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Created by: carliejansen

Pronunciation: in-va-bus

Sentence: I was just trying to finish my project due for school the next day when my sister came in and invabused me.

Etymology: In-in, into, upon, on, at, among

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Created by: tituba

Pronunciation: talk-block

Sentence: she was talkblocking him when he was trying to work

Etymology: talkblock- to interupt when somebody is doing something important and have all the attention on you.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: ask-n-vay-der

Sentence: Alice was such an askinvader to anyone that didn't give her their full attention.

Etymology: Ask - To question and Invade - someone who enters by force in order to conquer.

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Created by: ErikLarson

Pronunciation: Annoy-o-holic

Sentence: This girl that's next to me is an annoyaholic.

Etymology: Annoy- wont leave me alone aholic- addicted

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Created by: ThomasCannaday

Pronunciation: Con-mole-est-meant

Sentence: The woman was violently Conmelesting the man attempting to do his work, for which he became very upset.

Etymology: Con- Together Molest- Annoy/Troublesome Ment- Result of

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: huv-er-tend

Sentence: Interaction between members of the Johnson household was sparse. Spencer, who was 6 years old, usually would be off playing with his toys or running around outside with his friends, but whenever his mother or father reached for the phone, like a sixth sense, he would somehow migrate to the area and begin to hovertend until his parents would get fed up and yell at him to leave. Janet tried to get her husband to pay attention to her by hovertending in front of the football game on TV topless while he moved from side to side to see better. Even Noodles the cat would get into the act. Noodles would usually hide or be out of the way of anyone, unless it wanted food. In that case, if would plop down right in front of the TV set or on top of the newspaper while you were reading it until you fed it.

Etymology: hover, to keep lingering about; wait near at hand + tend, To apply one's attention

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: mouse/ke/stere

Sentence: Our new IT manager is a mousekesteer and constantly hovers over anyone trying to figure out any computer problem.

Etymology: mouse + steer + mouseketeer

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: space+invade

Sentence: I had to spaceinvade him to get his attention again.

Etymology: space+invade

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: huving/burd

Sentence: A hovingbird hovers constantly about you flapping it's wings and poking you.

Etymology: hover + hummingbird


petaj Sounds pretty but annoying. A perPETual pest. - petaj, 2008-04-12: 02:12:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: foh-kuh-skwid

Sentence: Denise is the office focusquid. She can slip quietly into your space and slowly wrap her tentacles around you until you have no choice but to be totally focusquid on her.

Etymology: focus (center of attention) + squid (any of several ten-armed cephalopods)

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Created by: lindseyhamrick

Pronunciation: super-tru-dia

Sentence: My friend always has a problem with supertrudia. She can never leave someone alone.

Etymology: super- above, over trud- to push

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Created by: Maclovin

Pronunciation: turb-lat-crat

Sentence: she is such a big turnlatcrat, i wish she could go away and be a turblatcrat to someone else.

Etymology: turb-disturb lat-to bear crat-one who advocates or practuced rule by


vote 4 me :) - Maclovin, 2011-11-03: 15:02:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: smuthr-luvr

Sentence: Andrea was an annoying smotherlover, believing that by dominating the time and attention of others she was giving them her affection, not realizing she was being extremely annoying.

Etymology: Blend of smother and lover


It's also what you call someone who loves the Smothers Brothers! Good Word - Nosila, 2009-05-19: 18:11:00


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Created by: beardo

Pronunciation: Endo-topuh-maniac

Sentence: My wife's side of the family are all endotopamaniac.

Etymology: Endo- Within top- Place -maniac- one having a madness or passion for

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Created by: lauram22

Pronunciation: sept-end

Sentence: My sister ceptended me from my homework. She was constantly trying to distract me.

Etymology: cept-take tend-attention

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Created by: balku4

Pronunciation: roo-se-raod

Sentence: dont be ruserude

Etymology: rude

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Created by: shellyb2009

Pronunciation: de/mand/in/ist/tic/cal

Sentence: This lady's spirit is to demandinistical for me to ignor her. I wish she would just leave me be.


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Created by: Jessalynne

Pronunciation: ah-tent-a-haulic

Sentence: My best friend is an attentacholic, she craves attention and needs someone to notice her 24/7.

Etymology: noun-a person that requires an undivided attention 2. person that is addicted to attention

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: flā'grən-tĭm'ĭ-dāt'

Sentence: Blake was really getting into the Big-Twelve semifinals, but Mauri flagrantimidated him until he caved. They spent the rest of the evening watching her "Gilmore Girls, Season 3" DVD's.

Etymology: 'flag,' to mark for attention; 'rant,' to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; 'timid,' lacking self-confidence, shy; 'Ate,' an ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness or recklessness that produces crime and the divine punishment that follows it; also, past tense of 'eat.'

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Created by: samikhalid

Pronunciation: her-as-ex

Sentence: she hassasexed me during work.

Etymology: harrasex- annoying someone for certain reasons

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ill - LOYT - ehr - uht

Sentence: Marjorie was an illoiterate who was beyond obnoxious with her insistence on having the attention of whomever she wanted to engage in conversation.

Etymology: Blend of ill or 'objectionable', and loiter. A play on the word illiterate as well.


very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:18:00

Good word, Mustang. I really hate illoiterates who cannot read! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:44:00

great blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:48:00


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Created by: mwgloe21


Sentence: Jane was a philpopper, wanting people to constantly talk to and be near her.

Etymology: phil-love pop-people

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Created by: copernicus


Sentence: The introsuperdependent woman clung to the man in the hopes of attracting his attention from the computer monior.


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: foe-cus-err-per

Sentence: half way through my phone call my work cooleague focusurped me.

Etymology: focus, usurper

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Created by: ttime77

Pronunciation: CLAM-OH-TERB-I-TUSS

Sentence: The woman was very vulnerable and addicted to her spouse thus being diagnosed with clamoturbitis. She was being very needy whenever he was busy.

Etymology: Clam=To cry out. Turb=To disturb -itis=disease or sickness

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: At - ent - ee - vay - tor

Sentence: That woman is such an attentivator, someone ought to tell her!!!

Etymology: Attentivator - STOP!! Look at me Im here, cant you see me??


Good word TJayzz, but it's not clear from your Etymology how you came up with this word. - Tigger, 2008-04-12: 11:34:00


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Created by: KJHowerter

Pronunciation: Huh-Ver-Cop-Ter

Sentence: "Cindy stop being such a hovercopter! I seriously can't focus with you clogging up my airspace."

Etymology: Hover: n. to remain suspended over a place or object Copter: n. see "helicopter"

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Created by: scarletzinc

Pronunciation: In-tuh-r-way-ed

Sentence: Sarah was busy attending a phone call while her cousin constantly kept intervading her.

Etymology: Interrupt-Inter Invade-Vade

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: eg-goh-SKEE-toh

Sentence: Roxie was so disruptive in the office that her workmates presented her with the "Egosqito" award for her egocentric habit of demanding their total attention by buzzing about, hovering around, and driving them crazy like a self-obssessed mosquito. At her looming Bob, at times, even recited a poem called "Mosquito", which he had written in his youth. It went like this: "Malicious mien, Buzzing, whining, biting: Summer's toxic arrow." She was, of course, not very amused!

Etymology: EGO: "i" (cognate with OE ic, I) The "i" or self of any person & MOSQUITO: any of numerous two-winged insects of the family Culicidae, the females of which suck the blood of animals and humans, some species transmitting certain diseases, as malaria and yellow fever. And, in the last couple of decades, new varieties of the diseases (in Australia) such as Murray River Encephalitis, Ross River Fever,. etc.


very apt - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:11:00

Good one, about a buzzword! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:46:00


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Created by: catgrin

Pronunciation: vahy-ruh-lurk

Sentence: When asked why they need locks on their doors, the majority of teenagers will claim it is to prevent parents and siblings from viralurking while they study diligently. Soaring enrollment in MMORPGs and abysmal high school median grades seem to counter this argument.

Etymology: viral + lurk

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Created by: Haydon

Pronunciation: Corp us press

Sentence: She corpuspressed her friend to death.

Etymology: Corpus- body press- to press against

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tary or ist

Sentence: Jim was a very busy man. He worked hard at work and when he came home, he did some more work from home. He was usually plugged into his laptop, his cell phone and his Blackberry. But today he worked even harder than usual. He was driven and focussed on results. The only fly in his corporate ointment was his wife, Marcia. She was being a particularly annoying, demanding tarryorist today. She lingered around waiting for him to get off his phone and pouted, lollygagged, lingered, loitered and tried to distract him. She whined and pulled on his clothes and tried every trick up her sleeve to get him to stop working today. The harder he tried to ignore her, the even harder she tried to get his attention. He knew it must seem childish to an onlooker for him to keep pretending he was indispensible to his job and for her to keep acting so overbearing. But he had his reasons...two of them. Yes, his in-laws-from-hell were due to arrive at any moment for their monthly 2 week visit from out of town. He was just trying to put off Marcia's acts of tarryorism for as long as humanly possible. In the battle of wills, he was about to become a prisoner of war, without the benefits of the terms of the Geneva Convention.

Etymology: tarry (be near or hang about or wait around) & terrorist ( formidable person who uses terror inspiring methods or coercion to get what they want)


Clever blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 03:02:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tar ree er ist

Sentence: "Oh, no!" thought Bernie, "it's Tina the Tarryerist again". She'd stand just inside his door waiting for him almost the moment his phone rang. No matter how long his call, she'd wave to him, mouth words at him, carry on and generally make a nuisance of herself. He'd called her out on this behavior before, but she ignored his wishes and kept on torturing him like this. When he was not on the phone, she was always elsewhere in the building. It was hard to get too mad at her though, since she was only 2 years old...

Etymology: Tarry (loiter, linger) & Terrorist (characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon)

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Created by: Mwahaha

Pronunciation: per-rapt-a-gr-egg-u-lous

Sentence: Steven was so desperate to be apart of the Sara's group that he peraptagreguloused their party that night and wouldn't leave Sara alone.

Etymology: per-wrongly+rapt-to seize+greg-the flock/herd+ulous-tending to

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: im-pose-err

Sentence: Charlene signed up for the imposeurisation workshop because she was tired of not getting the attention she needed. This class was sure to change that. The facilitator had guaranteed that after the workshop she would be able to focus anyone's attention through some sure-fire posturing.

Etymology: impose (to be an inconvenience, especially if done in a physical sense) + poseur (One who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others) + pose (physical arrangement of the body)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Pry-vah-dic-tay-tore

Sentence: Rudenosey kept on being a pryvahdictator until Al finally snapped at her tugging and bugging and got off the phone!

Etymology: Pry-To look or inquire closely, curiously, or impertinently: was always prying into the affairs of others. Pryvah:(slang)For one who pries into someones privacy until they get their full attention. Dictator: An absolute ruler,A tyrant; a despot,a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner. Pryvahdictator:A play on words of pry and privacy, A person that prys into your private conversations,private life while rudely commands your attention.

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: diss-track-tih-cop-tur

Sentence: Making its flybys, Sean the distracticopter, saw me on youtube and he just had to recommend the latest cat video.

Etymology: distraction+helicopter

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Created by: stephboo43

Pronunciation: hell-e-vade-per-son-e-wurk

Sentence: my wife won't leave me alone! She just keeps hovering over me, and is distracting me from work!

Etymology: heli-to hover vade-to invade person-a person work-work

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Created by: sammyclark

Pronunciation: in-vaydah-buhbhu-el

Sentence: I was working on my homeowrk and she invadaubbled my space!



vote for meee ay - sammyclark, 2011-11-03: 15:05:00


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Created by: TommyV

Pronunciation: Per Rev En Ent

Sentence: He's being very perrevenent tonight (Adj.) He's a perrevenent. (Noun)

Etymology: Per - thoroughly, completely Re - again, back Ven - to come Ent - ing

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Created by: queenjane75

Pronunciation: hab-itch-chew-ul

Sentence: Betty didn't know what"patience" or "personal space" meant. She was an office habitchual, who hides behind filing cabinets, under desks, and once in the men's room in order to get attention and her usually crabby point across.

Etymology: habitual+bitch


I think I know her!! lol Good word. - Mustang, 2008-04-12: 00:15:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: em - bare - har - ass

Sentence: Mariah chose the worst times to embarrharass Charlie for attention. The last time she did this, he was on the phone with a prospective customer trying to close a sale. When Charlie was in these situations, Mariah knew that he was "trapped" and had to acknowledge her, even if it was in a negative way.

Etymology: embarrass (cause to feel self-conscious,to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely; to disconcert), harass (annoy continually or chronically)


Mariah is a tension getter! - Nosila, 2009-05-19: 18:12:00

Good one. - Mustang, 2009-05-20: 00:32:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /veks-STOR-shun-ist/

Sentence: Tonya was something of a noodge when she wanted something. She would employ various tactics to gain Karl's attention, hanging on him or blowing in his ear to distract or harass him, and he sometimes thought of her as a vextortionist. She'd often use those techniques during a great football game, or whenever he was working on something important. This weekend, he was trying to finish his taxes, and for some reason this put Tonya 'in the mood' for some quality-time, and she wanted him in the bedroom... NOW!

Etymology: Vex - to irritate; annoy; provoke (from Latin, vexare "to attack, harass, trouble") + Extortionist - one who obtains something from another by coercion or intimidation (from Latin, extorquere "wrench out, wrest away", from ex-"out" & -torquere "to twist")


Cool, I got to use the word "noodge" in a sentence. - Tigger, 2008-04-11: 04:03:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:19:00

We all know some Tonyas...ignoring them is very Harding! Good word! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:42:00

Love the word. It's great when you can use a pet word. At the moment my favourites are "Skyscrimble": To go off at a tangent; to fly into space. to make a wild flight from an untenable intellectual position. #2 Tardle: a tangle, anything that blocks or retards. I thinks it refers to vegetation, " tardle of trees" - but a tardle of words; tardle of traffic also sounds good to me. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:45:00

You aim high, Bob. I just like a lot of Yiddish words — they're often fun to use, and to say, (e.g. schmuck, chutzpah, kvetch). - Tigger, 2008-04-12: 11:51:00


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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: per-snoi

Sentence: Would you please, Helen, for Heaven's sake, please stop trying to persnoy me to death? Your neediness and attention getting is getting in the way of my enjoying life!

Etymology: per, from perservere; annoy


Interesting word. Don't know why, but your word brings to mind the controversial book, by Philip Roth, later made into film, "Portnoy's Complaint!" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 03:00:00


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Created by: Lauren19

Pronunciation: SHOLD-UR-KREEP-ING

Sentence: The girl behind me was shouldercreeping while i was doing my work.

Etymology: Shoulder- body limb Creeping- to peer over someone

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: me/zurp

Sentence: Self centred Betty always mesurps who ever she can, whenever she can, even when they are busily engaged in important activities. She is a career mesurper.

Etymology: me (because it's always about me, look at me, listen to me, me, me, me, me) + usurp (encroach, butt in, take over, commandeer)


Met many like her, unfortunately! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:47:00

Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:32:00


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Created by: jboileau97

Pronunciation: Cling-Er./

Sentence: that "woman" is a clinger.

Etymology: To Cling

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Created by: moontopia

Pronunciation: om-ni-on-nur-os

Sentence: The crazy mother omnianneurosed the poor child who was trying to do his homework on the labtop.

Etymology: omni-all an-on neur-nerve

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: fo-cus-your-pest

Sentence: Les was caught in a support queue when the focusurpest showed up. After wading through the phone menu and being forced to listen to 15 minutes of scratchy Vivaldi, he finally heard a barely understandable voice on the line when she appeared saying, "Daddy, something happened." The crunching hard drive would have to wait for another day. He had to save Fluffy NOW.

Etymology: focus: attention, concentration + usurp: to seize and hold + pest: an annoying person or thing


very funny! - splendiction, 2009-05-19: 22:25:00


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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: im/pare/uh/twit

Sentence: On the office behavior continuum, Jocelyn's behavior surpassed "high maintenance cling-on" and settled somewhere around "imperatwit".

Etymology: imperative + twit (v: to taunt or tease; n: a fool)


I bet she has a high giggley voice too - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:13:00

Sounds good to me. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:51:00


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Created by: 751294

Pronunciation: rept-pop

Sentence: She wouldn't stop reptpopping me.

Etymology: rept- creep pop- people

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Created by: taylorhuewe

Pronunciation: Attent a phobia

Sentence: The girl had attentaphobia when she couldnt get her friends attention.

Etymology: phobia- fear

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Created by: bdraffen0002

Pronunciation: /ˈsməvər/

Sentence: He smovered over me all day while I was trying to author silly definitions.

Etymology: Smother:Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘stifling smoke’): from the base of Old English smorian ‘suffocate.’ and Hover: late Middle English: from archaic hove ‘hover, linger,’ of unknown origin.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: foistād

Sentence: When her boss is ready to implement what she deems an ill-advised policy, Joan administers foistaid. She will plant herself in the exec’s office until her views are heard.

Etymology: foist (impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on) + aid (a person or thing that is a source of help or assistance)


Foist she's a jolly good fellow... - Nosila, 2010-06-17: 23:43:00


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Created by: Pmac46

Pronunciation: Dis-con-sen-tray-tor

Sentence: The woman was being quite the disconcentrator when she was trying to get Jemal to pay attention to her while he was doing work.

Etymology: Dis-apart + Concentrate-to bring or draw to a common center + or-one who does

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Created by: sjacksonnnn4


Sentence: Aye this girl has a mad case of constihoveritis!

Etymology: consti- continuous, hover, itis- disease

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: igzaspərwāt

Sentence: To say that Julie is needy is a gross understatement. She can exasperwait like nobody we know. She starts by lingering in your doorway, then loitering in your office. If you can ignore this behavior you may well have her sitting on your desk clearing her throat. She starts most conversations with, ”I’m sorry, were you busy?”.

Etymology: exasperate (irritate intensely; infuriate) + wait (stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens)

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Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris

Pronunciation: Hi-Per-A-Ten-Crow-Ch

Sentence: Viifae leaned onto Mutae's shoulder in snuggle-fashion, though Mutae continued his business as best he could. She Continued to rub against him in a very hyperattencroaching manner, urging him to complete his task until he had disband his charge due to her eventually seating herself directly in his lap.

Etymology: Hyper-excessive + Attention-to focus upon + Encroach-invade + Roach-pest that gets in everywhere.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: orb-nit

Sentence: I tried to verbotomize, but Mark was being an orbnit, so I couldn't think of a decent word.

Etymology: orbit, nit (the egg of a parasitic insect)


great blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:11:00

Nice and neat. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:33:00


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Created by: SpringSteel


Sentence: The man had a closedistraction with the president


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Bray-s/zen-vay-dah

Sentence: Jason felt his frown tightening as he tried desperately to ignore the woman tugging at his arm and looking over his shoulder while he was on the phone. He had always known his colleague to be a hoverdraft but this was getting ridiculous, he was almost falling off his chair. Dammit, now he'd have to pay attention to the bracenvader, and that was what he always tried to avoid. She was, however, starting to look somewhat manic - what fresh melodramantics would she come up with now?

Etymology: Brazen - impudent, rude or audacious; Brace - (informal) to solicit; Brace - support or preparedness, as in to 'brace oneself' against the invasion of personal space and the demands Bracenvaders make on you; Invader - one who invades or enters where they are not allowed, wanted or welcome; SpaceInvader - from the early computer game with invading hordes of aliens, also being someone who invades your personal space habitually and engenders discomfort and social awkwardness by doing so. Also hoverdraft (hover + draft) and melodramantics (melodrama + antics)


Admirable! - splendiction, 2009-05-19: 22:26:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: Hov er neer kee ler

Sentence: Mervin Keeler was a respected accountant and chief executive in the firm of actuaries, Keeler Over and Howe. He was a very busy man. His new assistant, Juwanna, was becoming a royal pain to him. She demanded his attention 24/7 and got it into her head that they were an item. Because she had become a Hovernearkeeler, all the staff would hum the Hava Nagila song when she was pestering him. It was becoming embarrassing to Mervin, who was already happily wed to the senior boss' daughter. The doodling on his assistant's notepad suggestively summed his feelings...she had daydreamingly written over and over "Juwanna Keeler...Juwanna Keeler...Juwanna Keeler". And Mervin thought he did!

Etymology: Hover (linger, lurk near someone/thing); Near Keeler (by someone named Keeler) and rhymes with:Hava Nagila (translates from Hebrew as "Let's Rejoice";traditional song to dance the Hora, traditional Israeli dance; the most famous Israeli folk song, danced at weddings and Bar Mitvahs! Everybody sing: Hava nagila, hava nagila Hava nagila venis'mecha Repeat Hava neranena, hava neranena Hava neranena venis'mecha Uru, uru achim!)


Eggzellunt! - Mustang, 2009-05-19: 05:41:00


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Created by: EBalser

Pronunciation: bee-hover-ing

Sentence: The girl was behoving the busy working man and he could not concentrate.

Etymology: be-all around hover-To remain floating, suspended, or fluttering in the air ing-making it a verb

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 00:40:00
My verboticism have been updated? Hmm. I think this calls for a grammarauder.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 08:01:00
Hey stache, thanks for your gentle grammaraudity. I has fixed the offending word. And by the way, if you notice any other stupid errors -- I mean miscommunications -- let me know and I will fix them. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 17:45:00
you'se welcome.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-19: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-06-17: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James